Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
Nickel, copper, and cobalt resources in undiscovered Ni-Cu deposits associated with Palaeoproterozoic synorogenic intrusions and Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic komatiitic volcanic rocks have been estimated down to the depth of one kilometre in the bedrock of Finland using the three-part quantitative assessment method. Grade-tonnage models were constructed for Finnish synorogenic intrusive deposits and komatiitic deposits using data from known Fennoscandian deposits. Twenty-six permissive tracts were delineated for synorogenic intrusive deposits, 30 for komatiitic deposits, and 15 for Talvivaaratype Ni-Zn-Cu-Co deposits.
Австралийские протерозойские месторождения железо-оксид-медь-золотых м-й: обзор с новыми металлогеническими и геологоразведочными данными из района Клонкарри, Северо-Западный Квинсленд.
Enigmatic hydrothermal vein/breccia/replacement Cu-Au deposits with magnetite and/or hematite are well-represented in Australian 1850 Ma to 1500 Ma terrains and associated with different-aged synorogenic intrusions in the Tennant Creek Block (ca. 1850 Ma); the Gawler-Curnamona region (1640 Ma to 1590 Ma); and the Cloncurry district (Mount Isa Eastern Fold Belt, 1540 Ma to 1500 Ma with a possible earlier event at ca. 1600 Ma). No deposits are known to be coeval with various 1780 Ma to 1610 Ma anorogenic intrusions. Deposits are hosted by many different rock-types with varying metamorphic grade including granites and various supracrustal rocks. Depth of mineralization varied from many kilometers in semiductile crust (e.g., Cloncurry deposits) to very shallow (e.g., Olympic Dam).
Copper and gold mineralization in the Maher-Abad deposit, eastern Iran, is closely related to the multiple emplacement episodes of Upper Eocene granodiorite porphyries within andesitic volcaniclastic and coeval quartz monzonite stocks. The magmatic hydrothermal fluids thereafter hydrofracturing provided appropriate conduits, formed a stockwork of quartz and quartz–sulfide veinlets within the porphyritic host rocks which were extensively altered into potassic, propylitic, phyllic, and argillic assemblages.
The Masjed Daghi mineralization is located 30 km southeast of Jolfa city at the bank of Araxes River, northwest Iran. This area is situated in the AlborzAzarbaijan structural zone of Iran. The most widespread rocks in the mineralization area are andesite and trachyandesite, while there are rock units of latite tuff, andesitic agglomerate, and hornblende porphyry basalt in eastern hills and Eocene flysch in the southern part of the area. Several intrusive bodies are present in the study area, from which the dominant intrusive rock hosting the mineralization is diorite porphyry.
Since publication of the previous volume in the "Hydrothermal Iron Oxide Copper-Gold and Related Deposits: A Global Perspective" series in 2002, there have been significant advances in the understanding of iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG) deposits, as well as a number of new discoveries. This two volume set includes 26 new papers, with over 100 colour plans and individual images, reporting, reviewing and discussing the current appreciation of the occurrence of this style of mineralisation, what constitutes IOCG-type ores, and new insights into established deposits and their geological setting.
Гидротермальные изменения, выявленные с помощью люминесценции и химического состава апатита: потенциальный минерал-индикатор для изучения скрытых порфирово-медных месторождений
Apatite is a common resistate mineral occurring in a range of host rocks and ore-related hydrothermal alteration assemblages. Apatite in several porphyry copper deposits in British Columbia has a unique set of physical and compositional characteristics that can be used to evaluate the chemical conditions of magmas that formed the causative intrusions or associated hydrothermal alteration.
The geology, tectonics and stratigraphy of the Monchegorsk region (Kola Peninsula, Russia) is briefly described in the guidebook. The geological structure, ore localization and mineralogy of Cu-Ni-PGE and Cr occurrences in the major layered intrusions (Monchepluton, Imandra lopolith, Monchetundra intrusion) are presented in more detail.
The Cadia Ridgeway deposit is one of a group of porphyry-style deposits discovered since 1992 by Newcrest geologists at Cadia 20 kms south of Orange in the central tablelands of New South Wales, Australia. The Ridgeway deposit lies 500m below the surface, 3 kms north-west of the Cadia Hill open cut mine, and was discovered in November 1996. It is notably rich in Au with an inferred and indicated resource of 44 Mt at 2.6 g/t Au and 0.82% Cu, and is under development as an underground mining operation. <...>