Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
Copper is most commonly present in the earth’s crust as coppereironesulfide and copper sulfide minerals, such as chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) and chalcocite (Cu2S). The concentration of these minerals in an ore body is low. Typical copper ores contain from 0.5% Cu (open pit mines, Fig. 1.1) to 1 or 2% Cu (underground mines). Pure copper metal is mostly produced from these ores by concentration, smelting, and refining (Fig. 1.2). Copper also occurs to a lesser extent in oxidized minerals (carbonates, oxides, hydroxy-silicates, sulfates). Copper metal is usually produced from these minerals by leaching, solvent extraction, and electrowinning (Fig. 1.3). These processes are also used to treat chalcocite (Cu2S). A third major source of copper is scrap copper and copper alloys. Production of copper from recycled used objects is 10 or 15% of mine production. In addition, there is considerable re-melting/re-refining of scrap generated during fabrication and manufacture. Total copper production in 2010 (mined and from end-of-use scrap) was ~20 million tonnes. <...>
This book describes extraction of nickel, cobalt and platinum-group metals. The starting point is ore-in-place and the finishing point is high-purity metals and chemicals. We have combined the description of these metals in one book because they very often occur together, are extracted together and have similar properties. The objectives of the book are to:
(a) describe how these metals occur and are extracted; (b) explain why these extraction processes have been chosen; (c) indicate how the processes can be operated most efficiently, with minimal impact on the environment; and, (d) suggest future improvements.
To produce materials from mine to market it is necessary to overcome obstacles that include the force of gravity, the strength of molecular bonds, and technological inefficiencies. These challenges are met by the application of energy to accomplish the work that includes the direct use of electricity, fossil fuel, and manual labor. The tables and analyses presented in this study contain estimates of electricity consumption for the mining and processing of ores, concentrates, intermediate products, and industrial and refined metallic commodities on a kilowatt-hour (kWh) per unit basis, primarily the metric ton (ton) or troy ounce. Data contained in tables pertaining to specific currently operating facilities are static, as the amount of electricity consumed to process or produce a unit of material changes over time for a great number of reasons. Estimates were developed from diverse sources that included feasibility studies, company-produced annual and sustainability reports, conference proceedings, discussions with government and industry experts, journal articles, reference texts, and studies by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Suggestions for additions and corrections are welcome by the author. <...>
Техническія лабораторіи имѣютъ огромное значеніе въ дѣлѣ инженернаго обученія. По этому вопросу не можетъ быть двухъ мнѣній. Благодаря лабораторнымъ занятіямъ, учащійся пріобрѣтаетъ въ школѣ первые элементы профессіональной практики, легче и глубже усваиваетъ сущность изучаемыхъ предметовъ и, наконецъ, пріобрѣтаетъ знаніе методовъ и пріемовъ научныхъ изслѣдованій различныхъ процессовъ, дѣйствія машинъ, отдѣльныхъ механизмовъ и т. д. Послѣднее особенно важно. Это, именно, та часть научной подготовки инженера, которая можетъ быть достигнута только въ школѣ и которая требуется отъ него въ настоящее время болѣе, чѣмъ когда-либо прежде. <...>
This paper presents a brief overview of some IRGIREDMET advances in gold hydrometallurgy. Original impulse-percolation technology and equipment for intensive cyanidation of gravity concentrates have been developed and introduced into industrial practice by IRGIREDMET since 1980s (RF Patents N1593250). The process is based on leaching using special hydrodynamic and reagent conditions providing high dissolution rate for coarse gold particles. Gold and silver are precipitated from pregnant solution by cementation or electrowinning. There was also proposed an improved cementation method using zinc in a contact with electrically conductive material.
Рассмотрен широкий круг вопросов, касающихся особенностей физикохимии элементарного акта флотации мелких частиц, кинетики микрофлотационного процесса, теоретических основ оптимизации технологии флотационной водоочистки и обогащения полезных ископаемых. Большое внимание уделено технологии микрофлотации, флотационным аппаратам для очистки воды и извлечения ценных минералов высокой степени дисперсности. Показаны области применения флотационной очистки воды в различных отраслях народного хозяйства.
Предназначена для инженеров-технологов станций водоподготовки и обогатительных фабрик, а также научных работников, специализирующихся в области коллоидной химии. Может быть рекомендована студентам и преподавателям вузов соответствующих специальностей
In 1949 a large bastn8site deposit was discovered at Mountain Pass, Cal if. Subsequent development of the deposit made the Uni ted States the worl d's largest source of rare-earth minerals. Since 1965, bastnisi te, a f luocarbonate of the cerium-group metals, REFC03, has replaced monazite as the principal source of rare earths; in 1978 it accounted for more than ha l f of the world production (§_).3 Rare-earth a lloys and compounds are used in petroleum crac.kin.g catalysts, ductile iron and high-strength, lo..,..alloy (HSLA) steel production, high- energy pertn4lnent magnets, color tel evi si on pi cture tubes, glass polishing and decolorizing, and ceramics. <...>
In the past several decades considerable emphasis was placed on investigation of flotation properties of industrial minerals. The interest in process development for beneficiation of various industrial minerals also comes from the growing need to recover economic minerals from lower grade ores. In general terms these ores in which the minerals exist as ores are associated with, complex, silicates do not respond to the concentration methods used to treat higher-grade less complex mineral silicate ores.
Without reagents there would be no flotation, and without flotation the mining industry, as we know it today, would not exist. Reagents in mineral processing are therefore an inseparable part of the flotation process. Many books, articles and patents exist on development of reagents, reagent chemistry and reagent application.
The forms in which metals are found in the crust of the earth and as sea-bed deposits depend on their reactivity with their environment, particularly with oxygen, sulphur, and carbon dioxide. Gold and the platinum metals are found principally in the native or metallic form. Silver, copper, and mercury are found native, as well as in the form of sulphides, carbonates, and chlorides. The more reactive metals are always in compound form, such as the oxides and sulphides of iron and the oxides and silicates of aluminium and beryllium. The naturally occurring compounds are known as minerals, most of which have been given names according to their composition (e.g. galena—lead sulphide, PbS; sphalerite—zinc sulphide, ZnS; cassiterite—tin oxide, Sn02 ).