Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
The Cleo gold deposit, 55 km south of Laverton in the Eastern Goldfields Province of Western Australia, is characterised by banded iron-formation (BIF)-hosted ore zones in the gently dipping Sunrise Shear Zone and high-grade vein-hosted ore in the Western Lodes. There is evidence that gold mineralisation in the Western Lodes (which occurred at ca 2655 Ma) post-dates the majority of displacement along the Sunrise Shear Zone, but it remains uncertain if the ore in both structures formed simultaneously or separately.
В монографии представлены современные направления исследований в области переработки упорных золотосодержащих руд и техногенного сырья, результаты изучения физико-химических свойств минеральных комплексов руды месторождения Акбакай, влияния нового модификатора флотации - бутилполиэтиленполиамина - на закрепление бутилового ксантогената на поверхности сульфидных минералов.
In August 1882, the Morgan brothers recognised a mineral deposit, now known as the Mount Morgan Gold-Copper Deposit. The final production figures for the mine were 250 tonnes of gold and 360,000 tonnes of copper from 50 million tonnes of ore, making the average grades 4.99g/t gold and 0.72% copper.
Тектонический контроль, реконструкция и консервация тигелонгнанского месторождения порфиров и эпитермальных отложений меди (Au), Центральный Тибет, Китай
The newly discovered Tiegelongnan Cu (Au) deposit is a giant porphyry deposit overprinted by a high-sulfidation epithermal deposit in the western part of the Bangong–Nujiang metallogenic belt, Duolong district, central Tibet. It is mainly controlled by the tectonic movement of the Bangong–Nujiang Oceanic Plate (post-subduction extension). After the closure of the Bangong–Nujiang Ocean, porphyry intrusions emplaced at around 121 Ma in the Tiegelongnan area, which might be the result of continental crust thickening and the collision of Qiangtang and Lhasa terranes, based on the crustal radiogenic isotopic signature.
Classifications of ore deposits provide essential frameworks for designing exploration strategies, evaluating prospects, and performing resource assessments of selected areas. A rational geological classification of the commonly recognized lode gold deposits is feasible if it is based on the geological settings of the deposits, host rocks, nature of mineralization and geochemical signature.
Volume 2 of the ‘Flotation Reagents Handbook’ is a continuation of Volume 1, and presents fundamental and practical knowledge on flotation of gold, platinum group minerals and the major oxide minerals, as well as rare earths.
Duane Allan Smith has been called many things, but no one can deny he is Colorado’s most prolific historian, surpassing even the late, great LeRoy Hafen. The Trail of Gold and Silver is Smith’s fiftieth book. The University Press of Colorado’s Timberline Books series, which features the best current work on Colorado as well as classic reprints, proudly presents this master historian’s survey of 150 years of Colorado gold and silver mining. <...>
В настоящее время практически истощены запасы легкообогатимого золоторудного сырья. Для сохранения объемов добычи драгоценного металла необходимо вовлекать в переработку новые упорные золоторудные месторождения. Одной из основных причин упорности является присутствие сорбционно-активного углеродистого вещества (УВ), которое способно образовывать металлоорганические соединения в процессе цианирования и существенно снижать извлечение благородного металла.