Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Автор(ы):Annels A.E.
Издание:Chapman & Hall, 1991 г., 448 стр., ISBN: 978-94-011-9716-8
Mineral deposit evaluation. A practical approach / Оценка месторождений полезных ископаемых. Практический подход

Although aspects of mineral deposit evaluation are covered in such texts as McKinstry (1948), Peters (1978), Reedman (1979) and Barnes (1980), no widely available in-depth treatment of the subject has been presented. It is thus the intention of the present book to produce a text which is suitable for both undergraduate and postgraduate students of mining geology and mining engineering and which, at the same time, is of use to those already following a professional career in the mining industry. An attempt has been made to present the material in such a way as to be intelligible to the average geologist, or engineer, who is perhaps daunted by the more mathematical approach to the subject of orereserves found in more specialist books and papers. Although most of the theory in this book is written using metric units, individual case histories are described using the units employed at each mine at the time of writing <...>

Издание:1997 г., 3 стр.
Towards 2000 – The AusIMM mineral resources and ore reserves estimation seminars and the JORC reporting code / На пути к 2000 году – Семинары AusIMM по оценке минеральных ресурсов и запасов руды и кодекс отчетности JORC

The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (The AusIMM) has been one of the principal organisations behind the JORC Code, which has been adopted by the Australian Stock Exchange and the Australian Securities commission as the standard for reporting mineral resources and ore reserves. This is now starting to be recognised as the international standard, with the UK, the USA and Canada all examining some form of the JORC Code for their resource and reserve reporting guidelines. The AusIMM has now further taken the initiative to produce a major volume covering all aspects of world’s best practice in Mineral Resource and Ore Reserves estimation. This prestigious volume will be published in the year 2000. <...>

Автор(ы):Glacken I.M., Snowden D.V.
Издание:AusIMM, 2001 г., 9 стр.
Mineral resource estimation / Оценка минеральных ресурсов

The process of estimating a Mineral Resource can only take place after the estimator is convinced of the soundness of the fundamentals underlying the estimation process. Thus the database of sampling, density, and other quality data for both estimation and geological interpretation must have integrity and robustness (Chapter 2);

Автор(ы):Jacqui Coombes
Издание:Coombes Capability, 2016 г., 373 стр., ISBN: 9780980490831
I'D like to be OK with MIK, UC. A critique of mineral resource estimation techniques / Критический анализ методов оценки минеральных ресурсов, IDW, Ordinary kriging, Multi Indicator Kriging

This is not a recipe book, nor does it provide a clean outline of steps to generate resource models, or derivations of complex theories/mathematics. Instead, this is a book for pragmatists that follows on from “The Art and Science of Resource Estimation” and caters for mining professionals who are looking for that next step in developing their insight so they can critique methods and parameters with competence and confidence, and raise the quality of resource models.

Издание:Snowden Mining Industry Consultants, 2013 г., 115 стр.
Advanced resource estimation / Продвинутая оценка ресурсов

This manual provides a reference for geologists and engineers attending Snowden’s Advanced Resource Estimation course. The purpose of this course is to skill geologists and mining engineers with the tools to carry out advanced resource estimation techniques.

Том 1-2
Редактор(ы):Капутин Ю.Е.
Издание:Эксмо, Москва, 2022 г., 1108 стр., УДК: 622, ISBN: 978-5-04-117436-1
Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation. The AusIMM Guide to Good Practice / Оценка минеральных ресурсов и рудных запасов. Справочник по передовым практическим методам Австралазийского института горного дела и металлургии. Том 1-2

Монография Австралазийского института горного дела и металлургии посвящена описанию и обобщению самого передового опыта в области оценки минеральных ресурсов и рудных запасов. Настоящее издание состоит из 9 глав и 79 статей, написанных известными в мире учеными и практиками, в которых рассматривается широчайший спектр вопросов, касающихся в той или иной степени очень сложной и актуальной для любой горной компании проблемы оценки ресурсов и запасов. В книге можно найти много полезных сведений о новациях, иногда коренным образом отличающихся от российской зарегламентированной действительности в этой сфере. Книга будет полезна специалистам, работающим в геологической и горнодобывающей отраслях, а также аспирантам и студентам горных вузов.

Автор(ы):Апельцин Ф.Р., Лугов С.Ф., Покалов В.Т., Фролов А.А.
Издание:Недра, Москва, 1985 г., 243 стр., УДК: 553.463.462.45.062/.067.041
Локальное прогнозирование плутоногенных месторождений молибдена, вольфрама и олова

Рассмотрены генетические, формационные, структурно-морфологические и промышленные типы плутоногенных месторождений молибдена, вольфрама и олова. Показана роль тектонических структур, литологии, строения материнских плутонов, рудной зональности и других факторов, определяющих условия концентрации и масштабы месторождений. Обоснованы поисково-оценочные критерии, изложены методические приемы количественной оценки оруденения.
Для геологов производственных и научно-исследовательских организаций, занятых прогнозированием, поисками и разведкой рудных месторождений.

Издание:Snowden Mining Industry Consultants, 2009 г., 184 стр.
Resource Estimation / Оценка минеральных ресурсов

This beautifully presented course manual supporting Snowden Mining Industry Consultants renowned course in Resource Estimation represents the culmination of more than 20 years of course refinements, revisions, improvements and further refinements. No doubt the manual will continue to be improved in the future as new information becomes available and new techniques are introduced. After all a course manual must be a dynamic, living document that remains relevant to the mining industry. <...>

Издание:The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2023 г., 312 стр., ISBN: 978-1-922395-14-6
Mineral resource estimation. Conference 2023 / Оценка минеральных ресурсов. Конференция 2023

AI and machine learning

Introducing deep learning and interpreting the patterns – a mineral deposit perspective

D.M. First, I. Sucholutsky, D. Mogilny and F. Yusufali

ML and AI for resource estimation – what could possibly go wrong? Nothing! Everything!

M.J. Nimmo

Best practice

A guide to reporting Mineral Resource exclusive of Mineral Reserve

T. Rowland, H. Arvidson, M. Noppé, M. Mattera, B. Parsons, V. Chamberlain and R. Marinho

Автор(ы):Jacqui Coombes
Издание:Coombes Capability, Perth, 2016 г., 275 стр., ISBN: 9780980490831
A critique of mineral resource estimation techniques / Критика методов оценки минеральных ресурсов

This is not a recipe book, nor does it provide a clean outline of steps to generate resource models, or derivations of complex theories/mathematics. Instead, this is a book for pragmatists that follows on from “The Art and Science of Resource Estimation” and caters for mining professionals who are looking for that next step in developing their insight so they can critique methods and parameters with competence and confidence, and raise the quality of resource models. <...>

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