Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Том 1-2
Редактор(ы):Капутин Ю.Е.
Издание:Эксмо, Москва, 2022 г., 1108 стр., УДК: 622, ISBN: 978-5-04-117436-1
Оценка минеральных ресурсов и рудных запасов. Справочник по передовым практическим методам Австралазийского института горного дела и металлургии. Том 1-2

Монография Австралазийского института горного дела и металлургии посвящена описанию и обобщению самого передового опыта в области оценки минеральных ресурсов и рудных запасов. Настоящее издание состоит из 9 глав и 79 статей, написанных известными в мире учеными и практиками, в которых рассматривается широчайший спектр вопросов, касающихся в той или иной степени очень сложной и актуальной для любой горной компании проблемы оценки ресурсов и запасов. В книге можно найти много полезных сведений о новациях, иногда коренным образом отличающихся от российской зарегламентированной действительности в этой сфере. Книга будет полезна специалистам, работающим в геологической и горнодобывающей отраслях, а также аспирантам и студентам горных вузов.

Автор(ы):Macdonald E.H.
Издание:CRC Press, 2007 г., 663 стр., ISBN: 978-1-84569-175-2
Handbook of gold exploration and evaluation / Руководство по разведке и оценке запасов золота

Gold (Au) is a transition metal between Ag and Rg in the chemical series of the Periodic Table. Its atomic number is 79, and atomic mass 196.96655 (2) g/mol, and has only one stable isotope number 197. The gold isotype 198Au (half-life 2.7 days) is used in some cancer treatments. The metal has been known and prized as an object of beauty and for its unique properties of chemical stability, electrical conductivity, malleability and ductility (trivalent and univalent) since mankind's earliest awakenings. As a standard of value against which to appraise the costs of labour, goods, currency and national economy, it has been the standard of many currencies since the world's first coinage in Lydia between 643 and 630 BC. The name for gold is derived from the historic English word `geolo', for yellow and the chemical symbol for gold Au, from the Latin name for gold `aurum' (glowing dawn). <...>

Издание:2005 г., 67 стр.
Technical report on Mano river resources. gold properties in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea / Технический отчет о ресурсах реки Мано. месторождения золота в Либерии, Сьерра-Леоне и Гвинее

In Liberia, Mano has interests in 3 mineral licences with gold exploration activity. To date most exploration has focused on the 100,000 hectare license known as the Bea Mountain Mineral Development Agreement (BEA-MDA) in western Liberia. Mano has a 100% interest in the BEA-MDA license subject to a 10% free carried interest and a 3% royalty in favour of the Republic of Liberia. The MCA reconnaissance license (1,500,000 hectares) is held under a Mineral Cooperation Agreement (MCA) with the Republic of Liberia.

Автор(ы):Григорьева М.В., Кац А.Я., Махмутов И.Д., Медведев В.А., Регентов С.Н., Хрущова Т.Д.
Редактор(ы):Денисов М.Н., Хрущов Н.А.
Издание:ВИЭМС, Москва, 1981 г., 96 стр., УДК: 533.003.12:00.8
Методические рекомендации по геолого-экономической оценке и обоснованию кондиций для подсчета запасов рудных месторождений

В Методических рекомендациях изложены общие положения, основные принципы, цели, задачи и методы геолого-экономической оценки и обоснования кондиций для подсчета запасов предварительно подетально разведуемых рудных месторождений.

Автор(ы):Montijo R.C., Verley C.G., Vidal M.F.
Издание:2011 г., 47 стр.
NI 43-101 Technical Report. Preliminary Resource Estimate for the El Cajon Borate Deposit Magdalena Basin Project, Sonora, Mexico / Предварительная оценка ресурсов для проекта по разработке месторождения боратов Эль-Кахон в бас. Магдалены, Сонора, Мексика

The Cajon Borate Deposit lies within Bacanora Minerals Ltd’s Magdalena Basin Project area in the state of Sonora, Northern Mexico. The Magdalena project consists of 2 concession blocks covering a total of 15,508 hectares. The concessions are 100% owned by Bacanora’s Mexican subsidiary: Minera Sonora Borax S.A. de C.V., subject to a 3% royalty to a Rio Tinto subsidiary and a 3% gross over-riding royalty to Colin Orr-Ewing. The property is road accessible and located 17 kilometres east of the town of Magdalena de Kino and has excellent access from that centre, either by rail or truck, to local markets for borate or to overseas markets from the port at Guaymas. <...>

Издание:2010 г., 223 стр.
Measured, indicated and inferred resource estimation of lithium and potassium at the Cauchari and Olaroz Salar, Jujuy province, Argentina / Результаты измерений, индикации и предполагаемой оценки запасов лития и калия в Каучари и Олароз-Саларе, Аргентина

This report (the “Report”) was prepared for Lithium Americas Corp. (the “Company” or “LAC”) to document the methods and results of a Measured, Indicated and Inferred Resource Estimate on mineral claims held by the Company. The estimate applies to lithium and potassium contained in brine within the basin of the Olaroz and Cauchari Salars, two adjacent salt lakes in the Jujuy Province of northwestern Argentina. <...>

ТематикаПолезные ископаемые
Автор(ы):Annels A.E., Dominy S.C., Noppe M.A.
Издание:Canadian Institute of Mining Metallurgy and Petroleum, 2004 г., 22 стр.
Errors and uncertainty in mineral resource and ore reserve estimation: The importance of getting it right / Ошибки и неопределенность при оценке минеральных ресурсов и запасов руды: важность правильной оценки

Mineral Resources and their subsequent conversion to Ore Reserves are of key importance to mining companies. Their reliable estimation is critical to both the confidence in a feasibility study, and also to the day-to-day operation of a mine. Together with sampling, assaying, geological and other errors introduced during interpretation and estimation, additional errors are likely to be introduced during the application of technical and economic parameters used for conversion of resources to reserves. There is thus a requirement for high-quality interpretation and estimation to be supported by high-quality data.

ТематикаПодсчет запасов
Автор(ы):Dominy S.C.
Издание:Canadian Institute of Mining Metallurgy and Petroleum, 2003 г., 6 стр.
Author’s reply to “Comments on classification and reporting of mineral resources for high-nugget effect gold vein deposits,” by M. Vallée /Ответ автора на “Комментарии к Классификация и отчетность о минеральных ресурсах золото-кварцевых... " М. Валле

There are two main issues stemming from Vallée’s (2002) comments on Dominy et al. (2001b). First, he raises the importance of quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) during resource estimation programs, and second, he indicates that the resolution and understanding of continuity (grade and geological) issues are paramount in the classification of resources. In particular, continuity is critical at the boundary between the Inferred and Indicated Mineral Resource categories.

Автор(ы):Annels A.E., Dominy S.C., Stephenson P.R.
Издание:Canadian Institute of Mining Metallurgy and Petroleum, 2003 г., 19 стр.
Classification and reporting of mineral resources for high-nugget effect gold vein deposits / Классификация и отчетность о минеральных ресурсах золото-кварцевых (жильных) месторождений с значительным влиянием эффекта самородка

The often complex, erratic, and localized nature of gold is a common feature of many vein-style gold deposits. This style of mineralization is often referred to as being nuggety or possessing a high-nugget effect. As a result of these complexities resource estimation is difficult and in general, only Exploration Results can be provided or an Inferred Mineral Resource estimated from surface drilling data alone. Underground development, further drilling, and probably bulk sampling will be required to delineate Indicated and Measured Resources.

Автор(ы):Anderson J.M., Davis C.R., Tavchandjian
Издание:Canadian Institute of Mining Metallurgy and Petroleum, 2003 г., 10 стр.
Quality assurance/Quality control (QA/QC) for resource estimation at Inco Technical Services Limited / Обеспечение качества/контроль за качеством (ОКР) для оценки ресурсов в компании Inco Technical Services Limited

Resource modelling is a complex process involving different specialists with relevant experience using a multi-disciplinary approach and the best available technology and reviews by independent auditors. The reliability of the final resource estimate is highly dependent on the quality control exercised at each stage of the process. At each step in the resource modelling process it is necessary to define the specific objectives, the methodology proposed to achieve those objectives and to establish a set of checks and validation tools to assess the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. Designation of responsibility and authority for meeting these objectives must also be clearly identified. External audits must also be incorporated to review and validate the implementation of new procedures.

Resource modelling is the basis for any economic appraisal of a mining project and includes a number of steps from data acquisition and validation to resource reporting, classification, and risk analysis

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