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Редактор(ы):Cartwright J.A., Davies R.J., Lappin M., Stewart S.A., Underhill J.R.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 2004 г., 349 стр., ISBN: 1-86239-151-3
3D Seismic Technology: Application to the Exploration of Sedimentary Basins / Технология 3D сейсморазведки: применение для исследования осадочных бассейнов

Three-dimensional (3D) seismic data have had a substantial impact on the successful exploration and production of  hydrocarbons. Although most commonly acquired by the oil and gas exploration industry, these data are starting to be used as  a research tool in other Earth sciences disciplines. However despite some innovative new directions of academic  investigation, most of the examples of how 3D seismic data have increased our understanding of the structure and stratigraphy  of sedimentary basins come from the industry that acquired these data.

Редактор(ы):Твалчеридзе Г.А.
Издание:Мецниереба, Тбилиси, 1983 г., 133 стр.
4-е региональное петрографическое совещание по Кавказу, Крыму и Карпатам. Тезисы докладов. 10-15 октября 1983 г.

В настоящем сборнике содержатся тезисы докладов 1У регионального петрографического совещания по изучению магматических и метаморфических образований и по совершенствованию их изучения при крупномасштабном геологическом картировании.

Редактор(ы):Арутюнян Г.М., Вартанян А.С., Вартапетян Б.С., Габриелян А.А.
Издание:Армгосиздат, Ереван, 1961 г., 168 стр.
40 лет геологической службы Армянской ССР

Исполнилось 40 лет со дня установления Советской власти в Армении. 29 ноября 1920 г. трудовой армянский народ с помощью великого русского народа взял власть в свои руки. Над древней армянской землей взвилось победное знамя Октября.

Выпуск 1
Издание:Геокарт, Москва, 2005 г., 388 стр., УДК: 553.065, ISBN: 8-89118-396-X
400 миллионов лет геологической истории южной части Восточной Европы

Рассмотрена история развития южной части Восточной Европы - от юга Восточно-Европейской платформы до ее складчатого обрамления в Кавказско-Турецкой области - в интервале от девона до современного этапа. Детально исследованы вопросы палеогеографии, палеотектоники, магматизма и палеогеодинамики. Для кайнозойской истории Кавказско-Черноморского региона предложены численные геодинамические модели.

Для специалистов в области региональной геологии, геологов-съемщиков и поисковиков, студентов и преподавателей вузов

Выпуск 92
Издание:Economic geology, 1997 г., 22 стр.
40Ar/39Ar Dating and Mineral Paragenesis for Carlin-Type Gold Deposits along the Getchell Trend, Nevada: Evidence for Cretaceous and Tertiary Gold Mineralization

The orebodies at the Getchell and Twin Creeks mines were studied through mineral paragenesis, geologic relationships, and 40Ar/39Ar dating. Mineral paragenetic relationships are based on observations made during the logging of 18,000 m of drill cuttings and core and crosscutting relationships recognized in the field and Main pit at the Getchell mine. Ages for igneous and mineralizing events were determined through 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating analyses of 15 samples of biotite, K feldspar, sericite, and vein adularia. A thermal history for the area was also developed using K feldspar multiple diffusion domain results and age determinations on cogenetic minerals, which have different argon closure temperatures.

Том 42, Выпуск 5
Издание:Журнал Геология и геофизика, Новосибирск, 2001 г., 16 стр., УДК: 553.462:553.43
40Ar/39Ar геохронология магматических и метасоматических событий в Сорском Cu-Mo-порфировом рудном узле (Кузнецкий Алатау)

Проведено 40Аг/39Аг датирование (23 определения) магматических и рудно-метасоматических процессов в медно-молибденовом Соросом рудном районе. Установлено, что формированию крупномасштабного Сорского Cu-Mo-порфирового месторождения, связанного с развитием рудоносного порфирового комплекса, предшествовала длительная история развития многоимпульсного гранитоидного магматизма, отдельные импульсы которого сопровождались проявлением Cu-Mo-скарнового оруденения и калишпато-вых метасоматитов с рассеянным халькопиритом и молибденитом. Общий возрастной диапазон эндогенных событий в районе составляет 481—356 млн лет. Выявлено полиритмичное развитие рудоносного порфирового комплекса и связанных с ним рудно-метасоматических процессов. Основное промышленное Cu-Mo-порфировое оруденение Сорского месторождения связано с первым порфировым ритмом (389— 388 млн лет). Проявлению рудоносных порфиров и рудно-метасоматических образований предшествовало внедрение предрудных даек (405—402 млн лет). Развитие многоимпульсного магматизма и сопровождающей его разновозрастной рудной минерализации однотипного геохимического профиля (Си, Мо), с учетом низких значений (s'Sr/86Sr)0 и петрогеохимической близости магматитов, связывается с общей глубинной областью магмообразования.

Выпуск 90
Автор(ы):Robert P.Ilchik
Издание:Economic geology, 1995 г., 3 стр.
40Ar/39Ar, K/Ar, and fission track geochronology of sediment-hosted dessiminated gold deposits at Post-Betza, Carlin Trend, Northeastern Nevada - a discussion

Arehart et al. (1993) set out to date hydrothermal Au mineralization at the Post-Betze deposit in an attempt to place the formation of this deposit into a metallogenetic setting. Toward this end they have used many modern dating techniques including 40Ar/39Ar, K/Ar, and fission track geochronology. Based on the 39 measurements presented, they conclude that "based upon what we consider to be the most reliable" data this deposit formed at 117 Ma. This date is said to be consistent with similar ages for other intrusions in northeastern Nevada, and although one is not seen at the deposit, it is implied that a major nearby pluton is responsible for the formation of Post-Betze. By extrapolation, it is then suggested that Carlin-type Au systems are all of similar age, and thus, are the result of compressional tectonics operating prior to development of the current extensional environment. Because of the inescapable importance of the inferences and conclusions generated by the assignment of a 117 Ma age to the formation of the Post-Betze deposit, I would like to discuss the data and conclusions presented by Arehart et al. (1993).

Выпуск 88
Издание:Economic geology, 1993 г., 25 стр.
40Ar/39Ar, K/Ar, and Fission Track Geochronology of Sediment-Hosted Disseminated Gold Deposits at Post-Betze, Carlin Trend, Northeastern Nevada

The Post-Betze deposit of Nevada is the largest sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposit presently known, both dimensionally and in terms of contained metal. Ore occurs primarily as submicron-sized gold that is disseminated in altered sedimentary rocks of the Lower Paleozoic Roberts Mountains Formation. However, significant portions of the ore are present in altered monzonite of the Goldstrike stock. Alteration and mineralization were controlled by both structure and stratigraphy. Alteration began with early decarbonatization and was followed by silicification and, finally, argillization. Phyllosilicate mineral zoning grades from proximal kaolinite to kaolinite + sericite to unaltered rock.

Выпуск 90
Издание:Economic geology, 1995 г., 3 стр.
40Ar/39Ar, K/Ar, and fission track geochronology of sediment-hosted disseminated gold depositsat at Post-Betze, Carlin Trend, Northeastern Nevada - a reply

We appreciate the comments on our paper on the Post-Betze sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposit which indicate that clarification is required. Ilchik suggests alternative interpretations of our findings with regard to two main issues: the nature of the sill that we have described as "postore," and the absolute age of Post-Betze mineralization in the context of the overall spread in the dates presented in our paper. We address these issues in turn.

The postore sill, which we also loosely originally termed "dike," is important in that it brackets the timing of gold mineralization. Although Ilchik suggests that this intrusion predates mineralization, the weight of evidence is to the contrary. Whereas the postore sill is composition-ally similar to preore Goldstrike stock-equivalent rocks, it is texturally quite distinct. In fact, it was distinctive enough for us to map it out in the subsurface from drill core, something which we were unable to do for any of the other sills. Comparatively, the rock is little altered and it is the only one in the ore zone that retains primary bio-tite. Assays shown in figure 5 of Arehart et al. (1993) are the original assays done on 5-ft intervals before the core was logged; in some samples mineralized inclusions are present within the sample interval. More detailed analysis of this rock type, when clear of any inclusions of mineralized sedimentary rock, yields very low values for gold. This is true of samples from several core holes. In sharp contrast, the preore dikes and sills are all significantly altered and mineralized (i.e., well above background in areas of sedimentary rock mineralization), although they are generally of lower grade than the surrounding sedimentary rocks. We are well aware of the erratic nature of and lithologic control on gold mineralization in sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposits that are also seen at Post-Betze. Even taking this into consideration, it is clear that there is effectively no gold in the postore sill in comparison to significant gold in preore dikes and sills.
