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Автор(ы):Apostol B.F., Cune L.C.
Издание:Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023 г., 306 стр., ISBN: 978-1-5275-9036-6
A guide to practical seismology / Руководство по практической сейсмологии

The Earth is approximately spherical, with a mean radius R = 6370km, a very small flattening (+7/ − 15km), mass  6 × 1024kg, and an average density 5.5g/cm3; the law of gravitational attraction is F = GmMr/r3, where F is the force directed along the separation distance r between two point bodies with mass m and M; and G = 6.67 × 10−8cm3/g · s2 is the gravitation constant.

Автор(ы):O'Dea A., Taylor P.D.
Издание:The Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London, 2014 г., 418 стр., ISBN: 978-1-58834-502-8
A history of life in 100 fossils / История жизни в 100 ископаемых останках

The history of life is written in the rocks, or more precisely in the fossils contained within the rocks. Fossils are the remains of ancient animals and plants, as well as fungi and microbes, preserved by natural processes of burial and entombment. Without the existence of fossils it is doubtful whether Charles Darwin would ever have devised his theory of evolution by natural selection.

Автор(ы):Ambraseys N.N., Melville C.P.
Издание:Cambridge University Press, 1982 г., 219 стр., ISBN: 0-521-24112-X
A history of Persian earthquakes / История Персидских землетрясений

Oui choice of title for this book deliberately echoes Dseison’s A Hillary ofBritiih Earthquake!, which was published by the Cambridge University Press early in the 1920s. This was one of the first in recent tiroes to make a systematic study of seismic activity in a particular country, which we have tried to emulate for Iran. By calling our study a history we wish also to emphasise the importance оf time in the unfolding of geologic processes, and of investigating the past when attempting to under-&tand the present.

Издание 2
Автор(ы):Glazer A.M.
Издание:IOP Publishing, 2021 г., 273 стр., ISBN: 978-0-7503-3875-2
A journey into reciprocal space. A crystallographer’s perspective / Путешествие во взаимное пространство. Взгляд кристаллографа

The concept of reciprocal space is over 100 years old and has been of particular use for crystallographers to understand the patterns of spots seen on a detector when x-rays are diffracted by crystals. However, it has a much more general use, especially in the physics of the solid state. In order to understand what it is, how to construct it, and how to make use of it, it is first necessary to start with the so-called real or direct space and then show how reciprocal space is related to it. Direct space describes the objects we see around us, especially regarding crystals, their physical shapes and symmetries, and the arrangements of atoms within: the so-called crystal structure. eciprocal space, on the other hand, deals with the crystals as seen through their diffraction images. Indeed, crystallographers are accustomed to working backward from the diffraction images to the crystal structures, which we call crystal-structure solution. In solid-state physics, one usually works the other way, starting with reciprocal space to explain various solid-state properties, such as thermal and electrical phenomena. <...>

Автор(ы):Barker A.J.
Издание:CRC Press, 2014 г., 180 стр., ISBN: 978-1-315-77869-3
A key for identification of rock-forming minerals in thin-section / Ключ для идентификации породообразующих минералов в шлифе

Being able to accurately identify minerals in thin-section is an essential skill for any geologist, and is vital for the correct interpretation of rocks and their petrogenesis. It can be a particularly challenging prospect for students new to the subject. However, with a basic understanding of microscopy, petrology and optical mineralogy, coupled with some reference text books, it is soon possible to identify some of the major rock- forming minerals with confidence.

Автор(ы):Ozkan E., Raghavan R.
Издание:Longman scientitfic & techniacal, 1994 г., 134 стр., ISBN: 978-0-582-07811-6
A method for computing unsteady flows in porous media / Способ расчета нестационарных течений в пористых средах

Our primary interest is to consider three-dimensional flow in porous media, including fissured and layered media. We propose to provide for extraction or injection of fluids via points th at are complicated in geometry for a variety of conditions on the boundaries of the porous solid. Here, we preview our notation and address a few basic issues for ease of understanding.

Издание:Geology Society of America, 2011 г., 49 стр., ISBN: 978-0-8137-2481-2
A new geological map of the Island of Syros (Aegean Sea, Greece): Implications for lithostratigraphy and structural history of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit / Новая геологическая карта острова Сирос (Эгейское море, Греция): значение для литостратиграфии

The Island of Syros (Cyclades, Greece) is a prime locality for the study of processes active in deep levels of orogens and is world famous for its exceptionally well preserved blueschist- to eclogite-facies lithologies. Syros Island was completely remapped at a scale of 1:25,000. Detailed lithostratigraphical observations and areawide, closely spaced structural measurements allowed a much more detailed depiction of the highly variable lithological assemblage, as well as of the complex structural evolution.

Том 39, Выпуск 4
Издание:Москва, 2005 г., 7 стр.
A New Record of an Azhdarchid (Pterosauria: Azhdarchidae) from the Upper Cretaceous of the Volga Region

A distal fragment of a radius of Azhdarchidae indet. from Upper Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) marine deposits of Saratov is described. The bone belongs to a large pterosaur, of about 4.3 m wing span. It differs from the radii of Azhdarcho, Montanazhdarcho, and cf. Quetzalcoatlus in the asymmetrical distal epi-physis and, in addition, from Montanazhdarcho and cf. Quetzalcoatlus in the absence of a pneumatic foramen on the posterior side. In its geographical and stratigraphical positions, this specimen is close to the azhdarchid Bogolubovia orientalis (3–4 m in wing span), known from a fragmentary cervical vertebra from the Campanian of the Penza Region, and may belong to this species.
