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Автор(ы):O'Hara K.
Издание:Cambridge University Press, 2018 г., 274 стр., ISBN: 978-1-107-17618-8
A brief history of geology / Краткая история геологии

Geology as a science has a fascinating and controversial history. Kieran D. O’Hara’s book provides a brief and accessible account of
the major events in the history of geology over the last 200 years – from early theories of Earth’s structure during the Reformation, through major controversies over the age of the Earth during the Industrial Revolution, to the more recent twentieth-century development of plate tectonic theory, and on to current ideas concerning the Anthropocene.

Автор(ы):Stel H, Veenhof R.P.
Издание:Elsevier, 1991 г., 14 стр.
A cleavage triple point and its meso-scopic structures: the Mustio Sink (Svecofennides of SW Finland)

Veenhof, R.P. and Stel, H.. 1991. A cleavage triple point and its meso-scopiс structures: the Mustio Sink (Svecofennides of SW Finland) Precambrian Res., 50: 269-282,

A cleavage-triple-point (CTP) structure is analyzed, located at the west side of the Mustio gneiss dome in the Svecofennides of southwest Finland. The presence of the CTP and the pattern of mesoscopic fold structures exclude the origin of the Mustio dome by successive interference of fold phases. The highly variable deformation structures are explained in a single-phase deformation model by using the theoretical specific strain environments ofa CTP. These environment are (1) horizontal oblation on lop ofa dome, (2) transition from horizontal to vertical obiation on ihe flanks ofa dome, and (3) vertical constriction in the center of the CTP, It is shown that each strain environment is associated with specific development of foliation, folds, mesoscopic fold interference and strain intensity. The theoretical strain environments are confirmed by strain analysis.

Издание:The American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 2003 г., 469 стр., ISBN: 0-89181-358-6
A color guide to the petrography of carbonate rocks:  Grains, textures, porosity, diagenesis / Цветное руководство по петрографии карбонатных пород: Зерна, текстуры, пористость, диагенез

Carbonate petrography — the study of limestones, dolomites and associated deposits under optical or electron microscopes —greatly enhances field studies or core observations and can provide a frame of reference for geochemical studies. Petrography is an especially powerful tool because it enables the identification of constituent grains, the detailed classification of sediments and rocks, the interpretation of environments of deposition, and the determination of the often complex history of post-depositional alteration (diagenesis).

Автор(ы):Scholle P.A.
Издание:The American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1979 г., 201 стр.
A color illustrated guide to constituents, textures, cements and porosities of sandstones and associated rocks / Цветное иллюстрированное руководство по составу, текстурам, цементу и пористости песчаников и сопутствующих пород

This book is designed as a companion volume to AAPG Memoir 27. As with its predecessor volume, the purpose of this book is to provide identified illustrations of important grains, textures, cements, and porosity types for geologists who may not be specialists in the petrography of sandstones and associated sedimentary rocks.

Sandstone petrography is of particular interest to the explorationist for several reasons. First, it can provide valuable information on the detailed composition of sedimentary rocks. From this, one can often draw conclusions about the lithology, climate, and tectonic history of the source area, as well as predicting the response of such units to a variety of subsurface diagenetic environments. Second, one can acquire significant data on the grain size, sorting, and rounding of sedimentary grains. For lithified sediments this may be the only way to obtain such data, which may be useful in determinations of the transport mechanisms and depositional environment of the sediment. Third, information may be obtained on the postdepositional alteration history of sedimentary rocks. This may include data on compaction, cementation, leaching, fracturing, porosity types, and other factors. These are essential for a proper understanding of reservoir rocks and, commonly, petrography provides the only technique fort gathering accurate data on such diagenetic factors <...>

Автор(ы):Adams A.E., MacKenzie W.S.
Издание:Manson Publishing Ltd, 1998 г., 181 стр., ISBN: 1-874545-84-7
A colour atlas of carbonate sediments and rocks under the microscope / Цветной атлас карбонатных осадков и горных пород под микроскопом

Examination of thin sections under the microscope is a key part of any study of carbonate sediments, as a companion to field or core logging, and as a necessary precursor to geochemical analysis. This book is designed as a laboratory manual to keep beside the microscope as an aid to identifying grain types and textures in carbonates.

Автор(ы):Yuan-Hui L.
Издание:Princeton University Press, 2004 г., 52 стр.
A compendium of geochemistry / Краткое руководство по геохимии

In principle, the distribution of the elements among coexisting phases in equilibrium can be predicted, if one knows the Gibbs free energies of formation and activity coefficients of all chemical species in all phases as functions of temperature, pressure, and compositions of phases. Because this is not always possible, many geochemists attempt to explain and predict the geochemical behavior of various elements by their atomic properties, such as electron configuration, ionization energies, ionic radii, ionic potentials, electric polarizability, crystal lattice energies, hydrolysis constants, solubility products, and electronegativity. This kind of approach has proved to be useful but has also caused confusion when the exact physical meaning of those parameters is ignored.
In order to provide a framework for the discussion in the following chapters, these atomic properties and their closely interrelated nature are reviewed in the following sections. For ease of explaining the observed relative abundance of nuclides in the solar nebula in the next chapter, some pertinent nuclear properties are also reviewed here. <...>

МеткиГеохимия (503)
Издание 2
Автор(ы):Carlton R.L.
Издание:Springer, 2019 г., 464 стр., ISBN: 978-3-030-25585-5
A concise dictionary of paleontology / Краткий палеонтологический словарь

A moderately comprehensive reference handbook covering the most important paleontological taxa, terms, concepts, and localities, this book is written primarily for general readers and beginning students in the field. My professional experience lies in technical writing and in teaching literature and history, with a lifelong interest in paleontology inspired by Professor Charles Higgins at UC Davis and by studying the geology collection in UC Berkeley’s beautiful Bacon Hall before it was demolished in 1961. Using the essays of science writers like Loren Eiseley, Stephen Gould, and E.O. Wilson in my composition classes in the 1980s, I made critical thinking and the evolution of life on Earth the center of my teaching. An interesting technical writing project in the early 1990s showed me the lack of a dictionary like this, and I began the groundwork for a good reference work as I directed student research in the history of life in my writing courses. Retiring from teaching in 2014, I have widened my understanding of paleontology with intensive study in the last 5 years. <...>

Автор(ы):Jacqui Coombes
Издание:Coombes Capability, Perth, 2016 г., 275 стр., ISBN: 9780980490831
A critique of mineral resource estimation techniques / Критика методов оценки минеральных ресурсов

This is not a recipe book, nor does it provide a clean outline of steps to generate resource models, or derivations of complex theories/mathematics. Instead, this is a book for pragmatists that follows on from “The Art and Science of Resource Estimation” and caters for mining professionals who are looking for that next step in developing their insight so they can critique methods and parameters with competence and confidence, and raise the quality of resource models. <...>

Издание 5
Редактор(ы):Allaby M.
Издание:Oxford, 2020 г., 1795 стр., ISBN: 978-0-19-883903-3
A dictionary of geology and Earth sciences / Геологический словарь и словарь по наукам о Земле

Over the decades since the first edition of our dictionary was published, satellite observations of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere have grown increasingly important and increasingly valuable to geologists and Earth scientists. There are now so many satellites in orbit above us that it would be impossible to describe them all in a volume of this size. Nevertheless, I have done my best by adding a substantial number of new satellite entries, and in many cases links to web sites, describing those that seem to me the most relevant and interesting.
I have also updated many of the entries for stages. Again, it would be impractical to include all the stage names from every part of the world, but I have added quite a number.
I hope you find the dictionary useful and its entries clear.

Издание 4
Редактор(ы):Allaby M.
Издание:Oxford, 2013 г., 668 стр.
A dictionary of geology and Earth sciences / Геологический словарь и словарь по наукам о Земле

In preparing this new edition of our Dictionary of Geology and Earth Sciences I have changed the emphasis very slightly by increasing the number of entries for terms that are directly geological. The new title reflects this minor revision. At the same time, however, I have found it necessary to add more entries describing satellite missions and planetary discoveries. I have also added a new Appendix, listing web addresses for all the satellite missions described in dictionary entries.

Inevitably, the dictionary has grown a little longer. That is the way of dictionaries. New terms emerge, but old ones take a long time to die and disappear from the vocabulary. As with the third edition, I have worked alone. I have scrutinized every entry and made many small changes where I thought I could improve the clarity of definitions. If, inadvertently, I have introduced any errors, or failed to spot and remove earlier errors, I have no one to blame but myself. If you find a mistake I will be grateful if you draw it to my attention. You can contact me through my website.

If you are meeting the dictionary for the first time, I hope you find it helpful.
