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Автор(ы):Gallois R., Hart M.
Издание:Plymouth University, Plymouth, 2009 г., 25 стр.
8th International Symposium on the Cretaceous System. Field excurion to Beer, South-East Devon (Jurassic coast world heritage site)

In 2001 the Dorset and East Devon Coast was inscribed on the World Heritage List as a place of outstanding universal value on the basis of its geological succession, coastal processes and landforms and its place in the history of the development of geology (especially stratigraphy and palaeontology). Extending from Orcombe Point in the west to Studland in the east, this World Heritage Site's 85 miles of coastline contains a record of 185 million years of Earth history. <...>

Издание:Plymouth University, Plymouth, 2009 г., 39 стр.
8th International Symposium on the Cretaceous System. Field Excursion to Dorset & Isle of Wight

In 2001 the Dorset and east Devon Coast was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as a place of outstanding universal value on the basis of its geological succession, coastal processes and landforms and its place in the history of the development of geology (especially stratigraphy and palaeontology). Extending from Orcombe Point in the west to Studland in the east, this World Heritage Site's 85 miles of coastline contains a record of 185 million years of Earth history. At the time of the proposal being submitted to UNESCO there were discussions about whether the planned site could be extended westwards to Torquay, covering the Permian and the Devonian rocks of Teignmouth, Dawlish and Torquay or eastwards to include the Isle of Wight. For various reasons (mostly non-geological) it was decided not to expand the proposed site further, although the Isle of Wight would have been the natural extension of the site, including more of the Cretaceous succession as well as the marine Cenozoic succession of the Hampshire Basin. This excursion is, in reality, looking at what the expanded site would have included.

Редактор(ы):Карташов И.П., Нейштадт М.И., Никифорова К.В.
Издание:Наука, Москва, 1977 г., 233 стр., УДК: 551.79 (931)
9-й Конгресс INQUA (ИНКВА) в Новой Зеландии. Итоги и материалы

Сборник содержит статьи советских участников IX конгресса INQUA в Новой Зеландии, посвященные различным проблемам комплексного изучения четвертичного периода, итогам экскурсии вдоль западного побережья о. Северного, обзору работы INQUA и его комиссий, выставкам и изданиям к конгрессу.

Автор(ы):Nolet G.
Издание:Cambridge University Press, 2008 г., 359 стр., ISBN: 978-0-521-88244-6
A breviary of seismic tomography. Imaging the interior of the Earth and Sun / Основы сейсмотомографии. Визуализация Земли и Солнца

This is the first textbook to cover all the major aspects of seismic tomography at a level accessible to students. While focusing on applications in solid earth geophysics, the book also includes numerous excursions into helioseismology in order to demonstrate the strong affinity between the two fields. The book presents a comprehensive introduction to seismic tomography including the basic theory of wave propagation, the ray and Born approximations required for interpretation of amplitudes, travel times and phases, eigenvibrations and surface waves, observational methods, model parametrization, finite-frequency methods, inversion, error and resolution analysis, and seismic anisotropy. It presents in-depth consideration of observational aspects of the subject, as well as practical recommendations for implementing numerical models using publicly available software.

Автор(ы):O'Hara K.
Издание:Cambridge University Press, 2018 г., 274 стр., ISBN: 978-1-107-17618-8
A brief history of geology / Краткая история геологии

Geology as a science has a fascinating and controversial history. Kieran D. O’Hara’s book provides a brief and accessible account of
the major events in the history of geology over the last 200 years – from early theories of Earth’s structure during the Reformation, through major controversies over the age of the Earth during the Industrial Revolution, to the more recent twentieth-century development of plate tectonic theory, and on to current ideas concerning the Anthropocene.

Автор(ы):Stel H, Veenhof R.P.
Издание:Elsevier, 1991 г., 14 стр.
A cleavage triple point and its meso-scopic structures: the Mustio Sink (Svecofennides of SW Finland)

Veenhof, R.P. and Stel, H.. 1991. A cleavage triple point and its meso-scopiс structures: the Mustio Sink (Svecofennides of SW Finland) Precambrian Res., 50: 269-282,

A cleavage-triple-point (CTP) structure is analyzed, located at the west side of the Mustio gneiss dome in the Svecofennides of southwest Finland. The presence of the CTP and the pattern of mesoscopic fold structures exclude the origin of the Mustio dome by successive interference of fold phases. The highly variable deformation structures are explained in a single-phase deformation model by using the theoretical specific strain environments ofa CTP. These environment are (1) horizontal oblation on lop ofa dome, (2) transition from horizontal to vertical obiation on ihe flanks ofa dome, and (3) vertical constriction in the center of the CTP, It is shown that each strain environment is associated with specific development of foliation, folds, mesoscopic fold interference and strain intensity. The theoretical strain environments are confirmed by strain analysis.

Издание:American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 2003 г., 469 стр., ISBN: 0-89181-358-6
A color guide to the petrography of carbonate rocks:  Grains, textures, porosity, diagenesis / Цветное руководство по петрографии карбонатных пород: Зерна, текстуры, пористость, диагенез

Carbonate petrography — the study of limestones, dolomites and associated deposits under optical or electron microscopes —greatly enhances field studies or core observations and can provide a frame of reference for geochemical studies. Petrography is an especially powerful tool because it enables the identification of constituent grains, the detailed classification of sediments and rocks, the interpretation of environments of deposition, and the determination of the often complex history of post-depositional alteration (diagenesis).

Издание:American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 2014 г., 543 стр., ISBN: 978-0-89181-389-7
A color guide to the petrography of sandstones, siltstones, shales and associated rocks / Цветное руководство по петрографии песчаников, алевролитов, глинистых сланцев и ассоциированных пород

This book covers the microscopic study of sandstones, mudstones and associated lithologies but excludes carbonate rocks which were covered in AAPG Memoir 77 (Scholle and Ulmer-Scholle, 2003). Sandstone petrography, and sedimentary petrography in general, is considered by many to be a science in decline. As a consequence, it is being taught at fewer universities, or at least commonly is subsumed into broader petrology or sedimentology classes, where it receives less time and less focus <...>

Автор(ы):Scholle P.A.
Издание:American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1979 г., 201 стр.
A color illustrated guide to constituents, textures, cements and porosities of sandstones and associated rocks / Цветное иллюстрированное руководство по составу, текстурам, цементу и пористости песчаников и сопутствующих пород

This book is designed as a companion volume to AAPG Memoir 27. As with its predecessor volume, the purpose of this book is to provide identified illustrations of important grains, textures, cements, and porosity types for geologists who may not be specialists in the petrography of sandstones and associated sedimentary rocks.

Sandstone petrography is of particular interest to the explorationist for several reasons. First, it can provide valuable information on the detailed composition of sedimentary rocks. From this, one can often draw conclusions about the lithology, climate, and tectonic history of the source area, as well as predicting the response of such units to a variety of subsurface diagenetic environments. Second, one can acquire significant data on the grain size, sorting, and rounding of sedimentary grains. For lithified sediments this may be the only way to obtain such data, which may be useful in determinations of the transport mechanisms and depositional environment of the sediment. Third, information may be obtained on the postdepositional alteration history of sedimentary rocks. This may include data on compaction, cementation, leaching, fracturing, porosity types, and other factors. These are essential for a proper understanding of reservoir rocks and, commonly, petrography provides the only technique fort gathering accurate data on such diagenetic factors <...>

Автор(ы):Adams A.E., MacKenzie W.S.
Издание:Manson Publishing Ltd, 1998 г., 181 стр., ISBN: 1-874545-84-7
A colour atlas of carbonate sediments and rocks under the microscope / Цветной атлас карбонатных осадков и горных пород под микроскопом

Examination of thin sections under the microscope is a key part of any study of carbonate sediments, as a companion to field or core logging, and as a necessary precursor to geochemical analysis. This book is designed as a laboratory manual to keep beside the microscope as an aid to identifying grain types and textures in carbonates.
