Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

3D printed science projects. Volume 2. Physics, math, engineering and geology models / Научные проекты на 3D принтере. Часть 2. Физические, математические, инженерные и геологические модели

Автор(ы):Cameron R., Horvath J.
Издание:MatterHacker apress, 2017 г., 245 стр., ISBN: 978-1-4842-2694-0
3D printed science projects. Volume 2. Physics, math, engineering and geology models / Научные проекты на 3D принтере. Часть 2. Физические, математические, инженерные и геологические модели

This chapter looks at the deceptively simple world of pendulums. First we cover why pendulums swing back and forth as they do, and tie this into the general idea of simple harmonic motion—a type of oscillatory motion in which a system stores energy (in a spring or by working against gravity) and then uses that stored energy to move back to its original position.

Some of the experiments in this chapter are classic high school or undergraduate physics demonstrations, and in some cases would benefit from non-3D-printed parts. However, if you do not have access to typicalschool lab items, you can still do some respectable explorations with the parts we give you in this chapter, plus a pair of chairs and some string. We point out possible upgrades as we go.

This chapter (like all the others in this book) first lays out a bit of science background and then develops 3D-printable models that explore these concepts. We talk about what we learned just by the process of creating the model, and finally give some tips about how you might use these models to teach the topics they demonstrate. The models are available for download from the link on the copyright page of this book.<...>

ТематикаМатематические методы
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