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Редактор(ы):Hart M.B.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 1996 г., 387 стр., ISBN: 1-897799-45-4
Biotic recovery from mass extinction events / Восстановление биологического разнообразия после массовых вымираний

Various palaeoecological trends have been identified in the Phanerozoic, each focusing on different aspects of the fossil record. Patterns that have been described include histories of tiering, palaeocommunity species richness, and guild occupation in evolutionary faunas, as well as onshore-offshore trends in origination, expansion and retreat. Patterns of change through time have also been documented from biosedimentological features (ichnofabrics, microbial structures, shell beds). Such trends can be compared and contrasted to yield unique insights into understanding the changing ecology of the past, and in particular may be helpful in evaluating the relative degree of ecological degradation caused by a mass extinction. This comparative approach can also shed light on a variety of fundamental palaeobiological problems, for example, why no new body plans (phyla) have evolved since the early Phanerozoic. Causes of this phenomenon are thought to be either: (1) ecospace was not sufficiently open after the early Phanerozoic for survival of new body plans; or (2) accumulating developmental constraints after the early Phanerozoic have prevented the evolution of new body plans. Because the Permian-Triassic mass extinction was the most devastating biotic crisis of the Phanerozoic, one might expect new body plans to appear if ecospace were the primary limiting factor and opened sufficiently by this mass extinction. Although previous studies have shown that ecospace availability in the Cambrian and Early Triassic was indeed different, this comparative approach indicates that ecological conditions in the Early Triassic were most like those of the Late Cambrian/Early Ordovician. Thus, if ecospace availability has constrained the survival of new body plans, then ecospace has always been sufficiently filled after the Cambrian explosion to inhibit their evolution.

Автор(ы):Chiappe L.M., Qingjin M.
Издание:The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016 г., 302 стр., ISBN: 978-1421420240
Birds of stone. Chinese avian fossils from the age of dinosaurs / Каменные птицы. Птичьи окаменелости Китая времен динозавров

It was very cold. The countryside was blanketed in snow, intermittently dotted by drab houses and small villages. We were traveling in a van to Chaoyang, an ancient city and birthplace of Chinese culture, some five hours northeast of Beijing, in the western portion of Liaoning Province. What brought us there was the promise of a treasure trove of birds of stone: a large collection of ancient fossils housed in a small local museum. Since the early 1990s, a wealth of extraordinary fossils of birds and other organisms had been unearthed from this region in the northeastern corner of China. Dating back more than 120 million years, these spectacular fossils were rewriting the evolutionary history of many groups of animals and plants in deep time <...>

Издание:VniiGeophysica, Тверь, 1986 г., 67 стр.
Язык(и)Английский, Русский
BKZ Intrpretation Chart Album

Mud resistivity can be verified using the BKZ curve using the non –permeable interval with interval thickness / Bit Size > 16 and RT considerably higher than Mud resistivity.
BKZ departure curve is plotted on logarithmic transparency together with Bit Size constant vertical line (X axis AO/BS, Y axis Rapp/Rm). Bit size constant is overlaid with BS line on No-Invasion chart for appropriate device type (lateral or normal) The transparency is moved vertically along the BS line on the chart until the BKZ curve is matched with the chart (specifically the left part of the curve )  Verified RM  is defined as the Y value of the transparency grid crossed by Rapp / Rmud = 1 line (chart cross). Mud resistivity value is read from the transparency grid, RT defined as Y value on the chart grid where the BKZ measurement curve crosses the A line on the chart

Издание:A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam, 1993 г., 177 стр., ISBN: 906191-956-8
Blasting in ground excavations and mines / Взрывные работы в подземных выработках и шахтах

In the present economic scenario of our country, the mining industry in India requires some economic ami innovative approaches for enhanced coal and mineral production. With the increased development of open pit mines for base minerals and particularly (he extensive demand of coal, (he practicing mining engineers arc finding that they have problems in new technology and new ideas which arc particularly associated with mine and ground excavations. Some of (hem arc in common with those traditionally associated with civil engineering. The civil engineers, on the other hand, are producing ever large surface and subsurface excavations and arc finding that they have much to gain from the problems and solution of mining rock mechanics. In this juncture, rock blasting techniques and ils fruitful utilisation for optimum production, has undoubtedly a very important and significant role. <...>

Автор(ы):Hustrulid W.
Издание:A.A.Balkema, 1999 г., 359 стр.
Blasting principles for open pit mining. Part 1. General design concepts / Принципы ведения взрывных работ открытым способом. Часть 1. Общие концепции проектирования

Proper rock fragmentation is the key first element of the ore winning process. It is a two step activity in the sense that the holes for distributing the explosives within the rock mass must first be drilled (Step 1) as specified by the fragmentation plan. This is then followed by the controlled rubblization (Step 2) of the interlytng rock.

Автор(ы):Brown E.T.
Издание:The University of Queensland, 2002 г., 534 стр., ISBN: 1-74112-000-4
Block caving geomechanics / Геомеханика отработки способом самообрушения

It is important that research outcomes be disseminated in a useful form to the clients of the research, and to the community at large if appropriate. The research monograph is a traditional mechanism for reporting substantial bodies of research which, taken together, advance the field to a significant degree. In 1996 the JKMRC published two such monographs, on comminution and blasting, in a series on mining and mineral processing. The present volume continues the series.

Автор(ы):Stadtler A.
Издание:Ruhr-universitat Bochum, Ruhr, 1998 г., 127 стр.
Bochumer geologische und geotchnische. Heft 49 (1998). Der bentheimer sandstein (Valangin, NW-Deutschland). Eine palokologische und sequenzstratigraphische analyse

This thesis represents one part of the European project “Geological characterisation of shallow marine sands for reservoir modelling and high resolution stratigraphic analysis”, which was established to study shallow marine sands with respect to reservoir properties. The research was focused on the micropalaeontological characterisation of mudstone and source rock successions and the nature, origin and reservoir characteristics of the Bentheim Sandstone in the Lower Saxony Basin.

Автор(ы):Fehler M.C., Toksoz M.N., Wang H.
Издание:Springer, 2020 г., 325 стр., ISBN: 978-3-030-51422-8
Borehole acoustic logging—theory and methods / Акустический каротаж - теория и методы

Acoustic logging relies on the analysis of seismic waves generated and recorded within a borehole. These waves provide information about the borehole, the surrounding formation, and the casing and cement of a cased hole. Since the early days, when a single source and single receiver were used, acoustic logging has advanced into a sophisticated system with a broad spectrum of applications aimed at obtaining information about the borehole and the surrounding medium. Many advanced technologies developed in recent years have improved our ability to extract additional information from acoustic logging. Among them is acoustic logging-while-drilling, in which real-time data are acquired in vertical, deviated, or horizontal wells while drilling. Another newly developed technology is borehole acoustic reflection imaging, which has the capability to delineate geological structures as far as 10–20 m away from the borehole. Other developments include high-tech sonic/ultrasonic methods, which can be employed to evaluate the condition of the cement bond in cased holes. In short, acoustic logging has grown into an extensive field with advanced applications. However, the most recent books concerning acoustic well logging were published more than 16 years ago (Paillet and Cheng 1991; Tang and Cheng 2004) and do not cover all of these newly developed technologies. To mitigate this gap in books, this book provides an in-depth review of acoustic logging using extensive numerical modeling examples of waves in and around a borehole to help visualize and understand the waveforms resulting from complicated boreholes and measurement geometries <...>
