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Автор(ы):Black J.L., Claerbout J.F.
Издание:Stanford University, 2001 г.
Basic earth imaging / Базовое изображение земли

The main theme of this book is to take a good quality reflection seismic data set from the Gulf of Mexico and guide you through the basic geophysical data processing steps from raw data to the best-quality final image. Secondary themes are to introduce you (1) to cleaned up but real working Fortran code that does the job, (2) to the concept of “adjoint operator”, and (3) to the notion of electronic document. <...>

Автор(ы):Szwacka T., Szwacki N.G.
Издание:Pan Stanford Publishing, 2010 г., 206 стр., ISBN: 978-981-4241-59-5
Basic elements of crystallography / Основы кристаллографии

This book is intended to be a complete and clear introduction to the field of crystallography for undergraduate and graduate students and lecturers in physics, chemistry, biology, materials and earth sciences, or engineering. It includes an extensive discussion of the 14 Bravais lattices and the reciprocal to them, basic concepts of point group symmetry, the crystal structure of elements and binary compounds, and much more. Besides that, the reader can find up-to-date values for the lattice constants of most elements and about 650 binary compounds (half of them containing rare earth metals). The entire notation in this book is consistent with the International Tables for Crystallography. <...>

Издание 4
Автор(ы):Barnes J.W., Lisle R.J.
Издание:John Wiley & Sons INC, 2004 г., 197 стр., ISBN: 0-470-84986-Х
Basic geological mapping / Основы геологического картирования

This book is a basic guide to field techniques used in geological mapping. It is meant to be kept in camp with you and even carried in your rucksack in the field. In addition, because no piece of geological mapping can be considered complete until the geology has been interpreted and explained, chapters are provided on drawing cross-sections; on preparing and presenting ‘fair copy’ maps; and on presenting geological diagrams from your fieldwork suitable for inclusion in your report.

Издание 5
Издание:Wiley Blackwell, 2011 г., 234 стр., ISBN: 978-0-470-68634-8
Basic geological mapping / Основы геологического картирования

This book is a basic guide to field techniques used in geological mapping. It is meant to be kept in camp with you and even carried in your rucksack in the field. In addition, because no piece of geological mapping can be considered complete until the geology has been interpreted and explained, chapters are provided on drawing cross-sections, on preparing and presenting ‘fair copy’ maps, and on presenting geological diagrams from your fieldwork suitable for inclusion in your report.

Автор(ы):Clark D., Robinson E.A.
Издание:SEG, 2017 г., 386 стр., ISBN: 978-1-56080-345-4
Basic geophysics / Основы геофизики

Geophysics is the study of the physics of the earth, its surface, interior, and surrounding environment in space. An important part of geophysics is seismology. Seismic waves are vibrations that travel through the earth’s interior or along its surface. Seismology is the study of how seismic waves can be used to determine the interior structure of the earth. Earthquake seismology is concerned with the structure of the entire earth, whereas exploration seismology deals with only the upper few kilometers of the earth’s crust. In earthquake seismology, the source is passive, because the signals are earthquakes, which naturally occur within the remote medium (the subterranean earth). In exploration seismology, the source is active, because the signals are generated intentionally in the accessible medium (the surface or near-surface of the earth). <...>

Автор(ы):Marshak S., Mitra G.
Издание:Prentice-Hall Inc, 1988 г., 464 стр., ISBN: 0-13-065178-8
Basic methods of structural geology / Основные методы структруной геологии

This part of the book introduces the fundamental tools of structural geology. The first four chapters are designed to accustom students to visualizing the attitude, location, and dimensions of geologic structures. (Appendix 1 outlines elementary aspects of maps and cross sections and thus provides an optional introduction to these chapters). We discuss how to measure and describe lines and planes, how to use a compass, how to create and interpret contour maps, how to cakulate the attitude of planes from point data, and how to calculate the thickness and depth of layers.

Автор(ы):Link P.K.
Издание:OGCI Publications, 1987 г., 436 стр., ISBN: 0-930972-10-4
Basic petroleum geology / Основы нефтяной геологии

Geology is the study of the earth, its internal and external composition, structure, and processes by which it develops and is changed. Inasmuch as the earth is constantly changing, its processes and the history of its processes are important in the formation and preservation of economic mineral and hydrocarbon deposits.
As the earth changes, clues are formed that are important in the exploration for and the recovery of hydrocarbons. The history of the earth, and particularly the sedimentary record, is replete with clues, some obvious, some subtle, that provide important information in the search for natural resources and raw materials. Geologists, geophysicists, and engineers who explore for. find, and produce hydrocarbons must be able to interpret the geologic record and to evaluate physical, chemical, and biological parameters toward the successful conclusion of an exploration program. In this manner, the characteristics of the earth and its history tell the explorer and producer how hydrocarbons can be found profitably and eventually recovered and brought to market. <...>

Автор(ы):Oliver M.A., Webster R.
Издание:Springer, 2015 г., 105 стр., ISBN: 978-3-319-15864-8
Basic steps in geostatistics: The variogram and kriging / Основные этапы геостатистики: вариограмма и кригинг

Geostatistics, developed originally in the mining industry from the 1950s onwards, is now being applied widely in environmental science for mapping, monitoring and management. It is based on the theory of random spatial processes. There are numerous examples in soil science, meteorology, agronomy, hydrology, ecology and some aspects of marine science. By taking into account and modelling spatial correlation, geostatistics provides unbiased predictions of environmental variables with minimum and known variance in ways that no other method does. The general technique of prediction is known as kriging. It requires a mathematical model to describe the spatial covariance, usually expressed as a variogram, which in its parameterized form has become the central tool of geostatistics. Successful kriging and estimation of the variogram depend on sampling adequately without bias and with suitable spatial configurations and supports. These differ somewhat from design-based estimation with its emphasis on random sampling. <...>

Редактор(ы):Kokai J., Mattick R., Teleki P.G.
Издание:Springer, 1994 г., 334 стр., ISBN: 978-94-010-4412-7
Basin analysis in petroleum exploration. A case study from the Bekes basin, Hungary / Бассейновый анализ при разведке нефтяных месторождений. Исследование на примере бассейна Бекеш, Венгрия

Basin analysis is a comprehensive approach to decipher the geological evolution of a basin by constructing the stratigraphic framework and facies relationships, by mapping and understanding the geological structures in light of their historical development, and by examining the physical and chemical properties of rocks and their sedimentological and petroleum attributes. The purpose of the analysis is to identify potential source rocks and reservoir rocks, and to evaluate the maturation, generation, migration, and entrapment of hydrocarbons in a sedimentary basin. <...>

Автор(ы):Weisse C.De.
Издание:Zagreb, 1964 г., 25 стр.
Bauxite lateritique et bauxite Karstique / Латеритные и карстовые бокситы

On s’accorde aujourd’hui d’une façon assez générale pour reconnaître que la bauxite ou minerai d’aluminium représente le produit d’altération atmosphérique ultime de roches alumineuses très diverses.
C est donc une matière résiduelle, conservée sur des surfaces continentales, formée dans des régions où les conditions climatiques sont particulièrement favorables et dont le relief est peu accidenté.
