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Автор(ы):Valeton I.
Издание:Elsevier, 1972 г., 217 стр., ISBN: 0-444-40888-6

This book aims to present an accurate survey of the current state of our knowledge regarding the mineralogy, geochemistry, geology and genesis of bauxite deposits, and to discuss unsolved problems as necessary for teaching and research. For mining engineers and economic geologists the book contributes to a better understanding of the genesis and distribution of different types of deposits. <...>

Издание:1987 г., 11 стр., УДК: 553.492.1 (470)(234.8)
Bean bauxites of the upper-tobol region / Бобовые бокситы Верхне-Тобольского региона

The carstic bauxite deposits of the western flange of the Turgai trough are investigated in geological, petrological, mineralogical, and morphological aspects, as well as to the chemical composition. Special attention was paid to the so-called »beans«, inclusions in the cement of the stony bauxites of that region. These beans have an average diameter from 2 to 20 mm, greater ones are rare, and so are varieties smaller than 1 mm. Structurally, they consist of a gray ferrum-alumi-nium core around which a black coating of alumina-ferruginous matter is wrapped.
The inner composition of the beans was examined very carefully in every respect, and on that base some new suggestions about their genesis was put forward.

Издание:Natural resources Canada, 2005 г., 61 стр., ISBN: 0-662-39538-7
Benchmarking the energy consumption of canadian open-pit mines / сравнительный анализ энергопотребления канадских карьеров открытым способом

Energy costs represent a significant component of the total costs of operations for Canada’s mining sector. Directly and indirectly, the energy use in the mining sector is also a significant contributor to Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions. Improving energy efficiency reduces greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate changes.

Редактор(ы):Akdogan G., Miller J., Snyders N., Wingate E., Zhang P.
Издание:Society for Mining Metallurgy and Exploration Inc., 2019 г., 241 стр., ISBN: 978-0-87335-474-5
Beneficiation of phosphates. Sustainability, critical materials, smart processes / Получение фосфатов. Устойчивость, основные материалы, умные процессы

Water supply is critical for ensuring optimal operation of any beneficiation plant. As ore quality continues to decline, the demand on water for mineral processing will only increase. Traditionally, ground and surface water sources have been extensively utilized for mining and beneficiation. In some regions, these sources are proving to be insufficient to meet the increasing demands of this industry, as well as the local municipal requirements. As a result, alternate water supplies must be considered. The purpose of this investigation was to develop a collector that allows for the flotation of phosphate in sea water, while still meeting the grade (>27.5% P2O5) and recovery (>80%) criteria. <...>

Редактор(ы):Grew E.S.
Издание:2002 г., 687 стр., ISBN: 978-0-939950-62-1
Beryllium. Mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry / Бериллий. Минералогия, петрология и геохимия

The Be mineral beryl and its colored variants emerald, aquamarine, and “chrysoberyl” (= golden beryl, not the present chrysoberyl) were known to the ancients, and Pliny the Elder had noted that many persons considered emerald and beryl “to be of the same nature” (Sinkankas 1981, p. 20; also Dana 1892; Weeks and Leicester 1968). However, not until 1798 was it realized that beryl contained a previously unknown constituent; analyses before then yielded only silica, alumina, lime and minor iron oxide (Vauquelin 1798; Anonymous 1930; Weeks and Leicester 1968; Greenwood and Earnshaw 1997).

Издание:Mining & Resource Technology, 1998 г., 139 стр.
Beyond ordinary kriging: Non-linear geostatistical methods in practice / За пределами ординарного кригинга: Нелинейные геостатистические методы на практике

Many geostatistical variables have sample distributions that are highly positively skewed. Because of this, significant deskewing of the histogram and reduction of variance occurs when going from sample to block support, where blocks are of larger volume than samples. When making estimates in both mining and non-mining applications we often wish to map the spatial distribution on the basis of block support rather than sample support.

Редактор(ы):Adachi G., Imanaka N., Kang Z.C.
Издание:Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004 г., 303 стр., ISBN: 1-4020-2569-6
Binary rare earth oxides / Бинарные оксиды редкоземельных элементов

A number of functional materials based on rare earth oxides have been developed in various fields. Up to 1990, many review articles describing rare earth oxides have been reported and several intensive articles deal the properties e.g. preparation, structure and transformation and have been published early nineteen nineties. In these ten years, much progress has been made in the characterization of rare earth oxides from high-resolution electron microscopy (HREM), as well as in a unique preparation of ultra-fine particles and in the theoretical calculation.

Выпуск 28
Редактор(ы):Stefan Weiss
Издание:Christiam Weiss Verlag, Munich, 2004 г., 106 стр., ISBN: 945-8492
Binnatal Aubergewohnliche Kristalle - faszinierende Berge. extral apis 28

Das Binntal ist ein wahres Eldorado für Mineraliensammler und -liebhaber. Es gibt wohl kein anderes Gebiet in den Alpen, welches so vielseitige und weltweit einzigartige Vorkommen auf engstem Raum aufweist, wie dieses vom Massentourismus noch weitgehend verschonte Alpental. Hinzu kommt noch eine besonders artenreiche und üppige Flora, welche sich hier auf äußerst abwechslungsreichen Gesteinen entwickeln konnte.

Редактор(ы):Barnosky A.D.
Издание:University of California Press, 2004 г., 408 стр., ISBN: 0-520-24082-0
Biodiversity Response to Climate Change in the Middle Pleistocene The Porcupine Cave Fauna from Colorado /  Реакция биоразнообразия на изменение климата в среднем плейстоцене. Пещерная дикая фауна из Колорадо

Since fossil vertebrates were first discovered at Porcupine Cave on the rim of South Park, Colorado, in 1981, the site has become the world’s most important source of information about animals that lived in the high elevations of North America in the middle part of the ice ages, between approximately one million and 600,000 years ago. Beginning in 1985, teams of scientists and volunteers from three major research institutions —the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, and the University of California Museum of Paleontology—spent some 15 field seasons excavating and studying tens of thousands of fossil specimens that have opened a window onto past evolutionary and ecological adjustments. This window into the past allows us to visualize how ongoing global change could affect our living communities. This book reports the results of nearly two decades of research and has been written to appeal to three overlapping audiences

Автор(ы):Dunn C.E.
Издание:Elsevier, 2007 г., 480 стр., ISBN: 978-0-444-53074-5
Biogeochemistry in mineral exploration / Биогеохимия в разведке полезных ископаемых

Vascular land plants have been evolving for over 425 million years. During that long period they have adapted to survive a remarkably wide range of both physical and chemical conditions.
