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Издание:Schlumberger, 1999 г., 232 стр.
Borehole Image Measurements / Изображение скважинных испытаний

Dipmeter measurements have evolved through two major stages. The first tools were mechanical systems. The tool orientation was determined from a pendulum and magnetic compass. Both of these were subject to limitations due to inherent friction. The three-arm, three-button CDM (Continuous Dipmeter) yielded one three-point solution to a bedding plane. The four-arm, four-button HDT (High-Resolution Dipmeter Tool) permitted four three-point solutions to each bedding plane.

Редактор(ы):Harvey P., Lovell M., Williamson G.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 1999 г., 295 стр., ISBN: 1-86239-043-6
Borehole Imaging: applications and case histories / Изображение скважин: приложения и исторические примеры

Borehole images now form a major part of the interpretation strategy for subsurface geological interpretation in a wide variety of scenarios. This volume attempts to document some case histories together with image acquisition and analysis techniques. It by no means covers the full breadth of the subject but is intended to provide a valuable source of information within one volume. We hope the broad spectrum of this text will encourage geologists to look outside their immediate areas of interest with the potential to learn from complementary work in other areas. <...>

Автор(ы):Rickwood P.C.
Издание:Elsevier, 1989 г., 17 стр.
Boundary lines within petrologic diagrams which use oxides of major and minor elements / Граничные линии на петрологических схемах, в которых используются оксиды как основные и второстепенные элементы

Use of some petrologic diagrams applied to analyses of volcanic rocks is unnecessarily difficult due to lack of data for construction of discriminant lines between rock series. Coordinates are provided for sufficient points to enable accurate plotting of the boundary lines within seven diagrams, viz.: ( 1 ) TAS - total alkalies (Na20+K20) vs. SIO2; (2) K20 vs. SiO2; (3) AFM; (4) Jensen; (5) KTP - K20-TiO~-P205; (6)FMS- (FeO*/MgO) vs. SIO2; and (7) TAKTIP- K20/(Na20+K20) vs. TiOz/P2Os. Different versions of these boundaries are collated to indicate their variable position, and it is demonstrated that inter-laboratory analytical precision suffices to account for almost all of their spread on the TAS and K20 vs. SiO2 diagrams.

Редактор(ы):Almeras Y.
Издание:Imprimerie Rhodanienne, Lyon, 1964 г., 154 стр.
Brachiopodes du lias et du dogger

Lorsque l'on se propose d'étudier les Brachiopodes du Lias et du Dogger , on est surpris par le grand nombre d'espèces créées aussi bien que par le nombre d'ouvrages décrivant des Brachiopodes . Devant un sujet aussi vaste , devant des efforts aussi dispersés , il m'a paru opportun de faire le point : dénombrer les espèces nouvelles d'après les recherches bibliographiques , mettre sur fiches méca-nalytiques leurs diagnoses originales , établir les listes synonymiques critiques est le premier travail à effectuer et il a pour résultat l'obtention de la durée moyenne  de  vie  pour chaque  espèce   (répartition stratigraphique) <...>

Автор(ы):Almeras Y.
Издание:Centre des Sciences de la Terre, Lyon, 1996 г., 196 стр., ISBN: 5-85454-088-3
Brachiopodes toarciens et aaleniens de la tethys nord-occidentale

The recent accessibility of the collection of Dumortier, the complementary collects in the Bas-Beaujolais and in the Southern Provence, allow us to present the paleontological revision of the Toarcian and Lower Aalenian brachiopods of the Rhone basin (Bas-Beaujolais, Mont d'Or Lyonnais, La Verpilliere - Saint Quentin-Fallavier and Southern Provence). Then, the systematics of Dumortier is reactualized. The different species are again located in a more precised strati graphical framework. So, it is possible to deduce the biostratigraphy of Toarcian and Lower Aalenian brachiopods and then, to verify the value of the zonal succession established before (Almeras & ah, 1991)

Редактор(ы):Best J.L., Britow C.S.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 1993 г., 434 стр.
Braided rivers / Многорусловые реки

Progress towards a fuller understanding of the dynamics and deposits of braided rivers demands an interdisciplinary approach to a host of unresolved problems. Although many advances have been made within recent years in interpreting the mechanics of flow, transport of sediment and sedimentary architecture of braided rivers many key issues remain to be addressed. In particular, several areas demand attention: the mechanisms of braid bar initiation; confluence-diffluence dynamics, the nature of sedimentary facies over a range of grain sizes and the influence of flow stage and aggradational regime upon the depositional architecture over a range of channel scales. This paper focuses upon these issues and highlights several areas of fruitful future interdisciplinary collaboration.

Издание:Britannica, 2008 г., 55 стр., ISBN: 978-1-59339-797-5; 978-1-59339-799-9
Britannica illustrated science library. Rocks and minerals / Иллюстрированная научная библиотека Британика. Породы и минералы

Due to the unique page numbering scheme of this book, the electronic pagination of the eBook does not match the pagination of the printed version. To navigate the text, please use the electronic Table of Contents that appears alongside the eBook or the Search function

Издание:Britannica, 2008 г., 55 стр., ISBN: 978-1-59339-797-5; 978-1-5939-800-2
Britannica illustrated science library. Volcanoes and earthquakes / Иллюстрированная научная библиотека Британика. Вулканы и землетрясения

Some photos speak for themselves. Some gestures communicate more than words ever could, like these clasped hands, which seek comfort in the face of fear of the unknown. The picture was taken Oct. 8, 2005, when aftershocks were still being felt from the strongest earthquake ever to strike Kashmir, in northern India.
Those clasped hands symbolize terror and panic; they speak of fragility and helplessness, of endurance in the face of chaos. Unlike storms and volcanic eruptions, earthquakes are unpredictable, unleashed within seconds, and without warning. They spread destruction and death, forcing millions to flee from their homes. The day after the catastrophe revealed a terrifying scene: debris everywhere, a number of people injured and dead, others wandering desperately, children crying, and over three million survivors seeking help after losing everything. Throughout history Earth has been shaken by earthquakes of greater or lesser violence. These earthquakes have caused great harm. One of the most famous is the earthquake that rocked San Francisco in 1906. Registering 8.3 on the Richter scale, the temblor left nearly three thousand dead and was felt as far away as Oregon to the north, and Los Angeles in southern California. <...>

Автор(ы):Phillips J.
Издание:The Paleontolographical Society, London, 1869 г., 209 стр.
British belemnitidae: Jurassic / Британские белемниты: Юра

Belemnites were first so named in Germany, in the celebrated work-of Georgius Agricola, of date 154(>, and described by him among the ‘ Eigured Stones’ which then began to attract attention in Europe. In DU 7 they were noticed in England by Dr. Plot (‘ Natural History of Oxfordshire’), and in 167b, by an equally famous pioneer of natural history, Dr. Lister.1 2 Prom this time the well-known controversy regarding their nature— whether they were mere stones, crystals, horns, or shells—was stoutlv maintained bv Grew,3 4 1681, Woodward,3 1695, Lhwycl/ 1699, and others in England, and by many foreign naturalists, until the general progress of zoology and geology left no room for doubt as to their affinity with the shelly supports of other better-known Cephalopoda. <...>

Издание:Брно, 1986 г., 255 стр.
Brněnský masív / Массив Брно

Brněnský masív patří z geotektonického a petrogenetického hlediska k nejkomplikovanějším geologickým tělesům na východním okraji Českého masívu.
Od roku 1801, kdy pokrokový moravský badatel, Ch. C. André, začal uveřejňovat své první geognostické zprávy o brněnském masívu, bylo do roku 1970 publikováno k tématu tohoto tělesa kolem 250 prací. Přes poměrně vysoký počet těchto publikací nebyla geologická problematika masívu řešena komplexně, takže celkem právem byl z tohoto hlediska připisován brněnským geologům jakýsi „dluh“ československé geologii.
