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Издание:GeoArabia, 2001 г., 369 стр., ISBN: 9901-03-08-9
Arabian plate sequence stratigraphy / Секвенс-стратиграфия Аравийской плиты

The Middle East hosts the greatest concentration of oil and gas on Earth, with the vast majority located on the Arabian Plate. Most of it is contained in super-giant fields, making the Arabian Plate the world’s premier hydrocarbon province. In 1980, the Middle East accounted lor some 55% oi remaining world oil reserves, while today it accounts lor about 65%. As seen in the figure, world oil demand is forecast by the OPEC World Economic Model to increase rapidly, in part driven by global population growth. The world's population now stands at some 6 billion, having doubled in the last 40 years. These rising trends in reserve base, oil and gas supply and global population are expected to continue during this century. <...>

Автор(ы):Crosier S.
Издание:ESRI, 2004 г., 192 стр.
ArcGIS 9. Geocoding in ArcGIS

Geocoding is the process of assigning a location, usually in the form of coordinate values, to an address by comparing the descriptive location elements in the address to those present in the reference material. Addresses come in many forms, ranging from the common address format of house number followed by the street name and succeeding information to other location descriptions such as postal zone or census tract. In essence, an address includes any type of information that distinguishes a place.

This chapter begins by illustrating many of the applications of geocoding.

Next, a brief overview of the tools and software available with ESRI® ArcGIS® is given. Finally, tips on applying these tools to the geocoding process will be presented. <...>

Издание:ESRI, 2001 г., 284 стр.
Язык(и)Английский, Русский
ArcGIS 9. Geostatistical analyst. Руководство пользователя

Вы приступаете к изучению расширения к ArcGIS компании ESRI®  модуля Geostatistical Analyst, предназначенного для усовершенствованного моделирова ния поверхности с использованием детерминистских и геостатистических методов. Модуль Geostatistical Analyst расширяет возможности ArcMap за счет появления дополнительных инструментов, предназначенных для исследовательского анализа пространственных данных, а также Мастера операций геостатистики, который поможет вам в процессе построения статистически достоверной поверхности. Поверхности, создаваемые с помощью модуля Geostatistical Analyst, могут быть впоследствии использованы в моделях ГИС и для визуализации, в том числе с использованием таких расширений ArcGIS, как ArcGIS Spatial Analyst и 3D Analyst. <...>

Издание:ESRI, 2008 г., 248 стр.
ArcGIS Desktop I: Getting Started with GIS / ArcGIS Desktop I: Знакомимся с ГИС

In this exercise, you will install the data that will be used throughout this course. The data is stored on a CD and will be copied to your hard drive by an automated install program. After installing the data, you will have the opportunity to create an ESRI Global Account, which will allow you to access all pages on the ESRI Support Center, a valuable online technical resource <...>

Автор(ы):Daly R.A.
Издание:D.Appleton-century company Inc., New York - London, 1938 г., 211 стр.
Architecture of the earth

The magical instruments of the astronomer reveal no element new to chemistry and show the earth to be a marvellously complete sample of the universe of matter, whether in planet, star, nebula, galaxy, or super-galaxy. Thus from earth science comes a better understanding of the universe. Geology, tracing the dramatic history of one of the celestial wanderers, deepens our concept of Time and still further broadens the foundation of a sound philosophy. Pierre Termier meant much when he wrote: "The earth declares the glory of God." He had devoted his life to a study of the stately processes that have governed the evolution of our globe through two billions of years. Yet, like other professional geologists, he found ordinary words inadequate for the new, unfamiliar ideas. Technical terms have had to be invented. Here is a difficulty when the geologist attempts to tell his story. Technicality puts a barrier between the specialists and the great public or even the beginner in the professional study of earth's history. For this trouble there is only one medicine—good-will. However, with good-will on both sides the geologist can share with others the thrills that spring from an incomparable moving picture.

Автор(ы):Keller M.
Издание:Geology Society of America, 2011 г., 130 стр.
Argentine Precordillera: Sedimentary and plate tectonic history of a Laurentian crustal fragment in South America / Аргентинские Предкордильеры: Осадочная геология и история тектоники плит Лаврентийского фрагмента коры в Южной Америке

The Argentine Precordillera (“Precordillera”) is part of a larger terrane which is exotic to the western margin of Gondwana. This larger terrane is characterized by a Grenvillian-type basement and the presence of Laurentian carbonate-platform rocks of Cambrian–Ordovician age. The original position of the terrane is interpreted to be the Ouachita embayment of southeastern Laurentia.

Автор(ы):Goudie A.S.
Издание:Cambridge University Press, 2013 г., 467 стр., ISBN: 978-1-107-00554-9
Arid and semi-arid geomorphology / Аридная и полуаридная геоморфология

Based on four decades of research by Professor Andrew S. Goudie, this volume provides a state-of-the-art synthesis of our understanding of desert geomorphology. It presents a truly international perspective, with examples from all over the world. Extensively referenced and illustrated, it covers such topics as the importance of past climatic changes, the variability of different desert environments, rock breakdown, wind erosion and dust storm generation, sand dunes, fluvial and slope forms and processes, the role of the applied geomorphologist in desert development and conservation and the Earth as an analogue for other planetary bodies. This book is destined to become the classic volume on arid and semi-arid geomorphology for advanced students and researchers in physical geography, geomorphology, Earth science, sedimentology, environmental science and archaeology <...>

Издание:2020 г., 102 стр.
Arid environment. Perspectives, challenges and management / Аридные условия окружающей среды. Перспективы, проблемы и управление

Arid environments cover more than one-third of the world’s land area and represent the most common habitat on Earth after the oceans. Aridity poses a threat to the environment, as well as the economy, security, development, food security, and social life around the world. The causes of increased aridity are complex and are thought to be both natural and man-made. Factors such as climate change, population growth, soil erosion, inappropriate irrigation, wrong farming, soil, water, and groundwater contamination, urbanization, deforestation, improper water management, desertification of arid and semiarid zones appear as causes of drought.

This book covers a wide range of scientific research studies, from water management to groundwater management, from land rehabilitation to soil reclamation, which will help prevent and minimize man-made aridity. In addition, many studies related to aridities such as environmental education, environmental awareness, sustainable development, and management policies and plans are also welcome. <...>

Редактор(ы):Smith R.L.
Издание:New Mexico geological society, 1980 г., 111 стр.
Ash-flow tuffs: Their origin, geologic relations and identification and zones and zonal variations in welded ash flows / Туфо-лавовые отложения: происхождение, геологические условия и определение, а также зональность строения в потоке

Twenty years have passed since publication of U.S. Geological Survey Professional Papers 366, Ash-flow tuffs: Their origin, geologic relations and identification, by. С S. Ross and R. L. Smith (1961), and 354-F, Zones and zonal variations in ash-flows, by R. L. Smith (I960). As these papers are now being republished, perhaps a few words are appropriate to clarify their historical evolution and to view them in the context of the present time.

Том 3
Автор(ы):Baker H., Okamoto H.
Издание:ASM International, 1992 г., 499 стр., ISBN: 978-0-87170-381-1
ASM Handbook. Volume 3. Alloy phase diagrams / Справочник по АСМ. Том 3. Фазовые диаграммы сплавов

This book is an introductory source aimed at practicing engineers and material scientists, that text explains how to use phase diagrams. The more than 1,000 binary and 300 ternary diagrams included cover most commercial alloy systems. The Appendix includes the melting and boiling points of the elements, their allotropic transformation, and magnetic transition temperatures and their crystal structures.
