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Aspects of the tectonic evolution of China / Аспекты тектонической эволюции Китая

Редактор(ы):Aitchison J.C., Ali J.R., Fletcher C.J.N., Malpas J.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 2004 г., 374 стр., ISBN: 1-86239-156-4
Aspects of the tectonic evolution of China / Аспекты тектонической эволюции Китая

The subject of this Special Publication is one of the most interesting in global geoscience: the evolution of the tectonic collage that forms China. Many of the processes that shape the Earth's lithosphere are best exemplified by the geology of this part of Asia, but, since geology has no national boundaries, the geological evolution of China cannot be appropriately discussed without reference to key features in adjacent areas. The geology of China provides outstanding opportunities to elucidate global processes, but there are some features that are unique to the region. Many have been the focus of recent attention and have attracted international research teams because of their world-wide significance. <...>

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