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Автор(ы):Чернышев Б.И.
Carbonicola, Anthracomya и Najadites Донецкого бассейна

Настоящая работа была закончена еще в 1924 г. В течение четырех лет я не мог, по различным соображениям технического характера, опубликовать ее. Такая задержка меня весьма радует, так как за это время я имел возможность обменяться коллекциями и письмами с профессором университета в Лилле P. Pruvost и тем самым подвергнул двойному контролю свои определения: с одной стороны, сравнив непосредственно свои образцы с французскими, с другой стороны—профессор P. Pruvost, просмотрев посланную ему коллекцию, указал на полное тождество донецких образцов с французскими и английскими. Другое обстоятельство, весьма благоприятное для моей работы, было то, что в течение четырех лет, постоянно работая в Донецком бассейне, я мог подвергать контролю те выводы, какие были мною сделаны в главах II и III. Такой контроль дал возможность, с одной стороны, подтвердить выводы и исправить мелкие недочеты и неправильные определения в тех толщах, которые подвергались наблюдению, с другой стороны—позволил расширить эти наблюдения на более обильном материале и, наконец, с третьей стороны—при таких наблюдениях часто удавалось разрешать некоторые неясные вопросы в геологии бассейна.

Редактор(ы):Mann P.
Издание:1999 г., 668 стр.
Caribbean sedimentary basins: Classification and tectonic setting from jurassic to present / Карибский осадочный бассейн: классификация и тектонические условия от юры до нашего времени

The purpose of this introductory chapter is to describe the active tectonic setting of the Caribbean, its major crustal provinces, and to provide a simple classification for sedimentary basins in the Caribbean region. In addition to this background information on Caribbean basins, I provide a series of thirteen quantitative plate reconstructions based on the revised plate model of Mtiller et al. (Chapter 2). These reconstructions serve to place individual basins into a better tectonic framework. <...>

Выпуск 90
Автор(ы):Arthur W.Rose, Carl A.Kuehn
Издание:Economic geology, 1995 г., 20 стр.
Carlin gold deposits, Nevada: origin in a deep zone of mixing between normally pressured and overpressured fluids

Gold mineralization at Carlin is clearly younger than hydrocarbon maturation (pre-Cretaceous) and felsic dike intrusion (Cretaceous), and older than deep oxidation (late Tertiary). Within the episode of gold mineralization, the main gold ore (MGO) stage and late gold ore (LGO) stage are distinguished paragenetically, wi-th a variety of vein and mineralization types in each. MGO stage fluids contained 5 to 10 mole percent COa, appreciable H2S, and 3 ± 1 wt percent NaCl equiv. At least portions of MGO stage mineralization were characterized by two-phase boiling (COa exsolution) at 215° ± 30°C and 800 ± 400 bars. In contrast, LGO stage fluids were gas poor with salinities <1.5 wt percent NaCl equiv and record only nonboiling conditions. MGO stage fluids had 518Oh2o values of 5 to 9 per mil, whereas LGO stage fluids resembled unevolved meteoric water with 518Oh2o values < —3 per mil.

From the MGO stage to the LGO stage, calcite 5180 values shifted from near whole-rock values of 12 ± 3 per mil to around 0 ± 1 per mil as LGO stage fluids flooded the system. Jasperoids also record a large range (9-22%o) in 518Oh2o values. These data indicate the involvement of two very different fluids in ore deposition. Because MGO and LGO stage features are closely associated spatially with each other and with Au, As, Sb, Hg, and other ore elements, both fluids are believed to have both been present during most stages of ore deposition.

At pressures of 80 to 85 percent lithostatic, depths of 3.8 ± 1.9 km are required to accommodate the 800 ± 400 bars of pressure recorded in MGO stage fluid inclusions. Carlin, therefore, is not an epi-thermal or hot spring deposit. Carbon dioxide in gas-rich MGO stage fluids may have originated either directly from buried intrusions or their contact aureoles, or from low-grade regional metamorphism at depth. The water may have been originally meteoric, and Au may be magmatic or derived from leaching of deep metamorphic or sedimentary rocks. Ore deposition appears to have occurred in zones of throttling at a pressure seal between normally pressured and overpressured regimes, where fluids experienced a change from near-lithostatic to hydrostatic conditions. Such pressure seals are common in deep sedimentary basins and may be a key to highly localized gold deposition. Mixing of two fluids and interaction with host rocks along thin permeable bioclastic horizons are believed to have been the major factors in depositing ore.


Издание:Economic geology, 2005 г., 34 стр.
Carlin-type gold deposits in Nevada: critical geologic characteristics and viable models

Carlin-type Au deposits in Nevada have huge Au endowments that have made the state, and the United States, one of the leading Au producers in the world. Forty years of mining and numerous studies have provided a detailed geologic picture of the deposits, yet a comprehensive and widely accepted genetic model remains elusive. The genesis of the deposits has been difficult to determine owing to difficulties in identifying and analyzing the fine-grained, volumetrically minor, and common ore and gangue minerals, and because of postore weathering and oxidation. In addition, other approximately contemporaneous precious metal deposits have overprinted, or are overprinted by, Carlin-type mineralization.

Автор(ы):Hocking R.J., Zhang Q.
Издание:Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Pert, 2022 г., 12 стр., ISBN: 978-0-6450938-3-4
Carrapateena block cave mine design and planning: feasibility study / Система разработки с обрушением и планирование на месторождении Каррапатина: технико-экономическое обоснование

Carrapateena is an underground sublevel cave operation. To maximise future value from the Carrapateena copper–gold resource, an expansion study has been completed to feasibility study level to assess a larger block cave expansion below the current sublevel cave. This paper will summarise Carrapateena block cave mine design and planning from pre-feasibility to feasibility study.

Выпуск 1
Автор(ы):Mehrtens M.B.
Издание:Economic geology, 1986 г., 5 стр.
Case history and problem 1: the Tonkin Springs gold mining district, Nevada, U.S.A.

Geochemical techniques played a major role in exploration of the Tonkin Springs district and ultimately led to discovery of economically significant bodies of gold mineralization. Using some of the information obtained during the exploration program, it is possible to review the geochemical environment, secondary dispersion processes and survey techniques used successfully in this part of Nevada.

The Tonkin Springs district is located in west-central Eureka County, Nevada, within the Simpson Park Range approximately 65 km northwest of the town of Eureka (Figure 7.1). Topography is typical of the Basin and Range structural province being characterized by long narrow valleys and north easterly trending mountain ranges with elevations varying between 1,700 and 3,100 m. Precipitation is in the order of 400 mm per year, the major portion of which occurs in the higher elevations during winter and spring. Soils are light brown to brown desert soils of residual origin in locations above the gravel-filled valleys and pediments. Vegetation consists of sagebrush and sparse grass in the valleys with juniper, pinyon and mountain mahogany in the higher country.

Издание 4
Издание:Schlumberger, Houston, 1997 г., 202 стр.
Cased hole log interpretation principles, applications / Принципы интерпретации каротажа обсаженных скважин, области применения

Electrical well logging was introduced to the oil industry over a half century ago. The first log was recorded on September 5, 1927, in a well in the small oil field of Pechelbronn, in Alsace, a province of northeastern France. This log, a single graph of the electrical resistivity of the rock formations cut by the borehole, was recorded by the “station” method. The downhole tool (called a sonde) was stopped at periodic intervals in the borehole, measurementsw ere made, and the calculated resistivity was hand-plotted on a graph. This procedure was repeated from station to station until the entire log was recorded.<...>

Редактор(ы):Audra P., Auler AS., Klimchouk A., Palmer A.N., Waele J.D.
Издание:Springer, 2017 г., 902 стр., ISBN: 978-3-319-53347-6
Cave and karst systems of the world. Hypogene karst regions and caves of the world / Пещерные и карстовые системы мира. Гипогенные карстовые регионы и пещеры мира

Ideas that karst can develop at depth without direct genetic relationship to the surface have a long history, but remained on the periphery of karstological thinking, not influencing the traditional paradigm of karst until the last 25 years. More attention to hypogene karst since 1990, and particularly the dramatic burst of studies in this field during the last decade, has changed our notion of hypogene karst from a curiosity to one of the fundamental categories of karst, at least of compatible importance with more familiar epigene karst. <...>

Автор(ы):Gilli E.
Издание:Springer, 2019 г., 170 стр., ISBN: 978-3-319-99878-7
Cave and karst systems of the world. The Ankarana plateau in Madagascar. Tsingy, caves, volcanoes and sapphires / Пещеры и карстовые системы мира. Плато Анкарана на Мадагаскаре. Тцинги, пещеры, вулканы и сапфиры

I discovered the existence of the Ankarana in 1981 when I was a geology student at Nice University attending the lessons of Prof. Julian, a famous French karstologist, along with three comrades who were also cavers. One day he showed us a map from a book based on work that had been carried out in the north of Madagascar: The Ankarana Plateau by Georges Rossi (1980). At first glance we were fascinated by the landscape represented on the map. Reading the book, an important part of which was devoted to the karst areas of Red Island (Madagascar), was the incentive we needed for us to put on on our cavers’ boots and explore such a remote area. <...>

Издание 3
Автор(ы):Palmer N.A.
Редактор(ы):Watson R.A.
Издание:Cave books, 2012 г., 461 стр., ISBN: 978-0-939748-66-2
Cave geology / Карстовая геология

Cave geology, as treated in this book, concerns not only the geology and origin of caves, but also related aspects such as hydrology, geochemistry, and microbiology. All cave sciences are combined in the field otspeteolag)'. More than any other science, speleology is closely tied to exploration and adventure. Anyone can participate in it.
