Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
It is with great pleasure that I endorse Crimes Against Mine Planning by Mark Bowater. This book seeks to “call out” examples and themes of poor mine planning and mine management practices that have plagued many of us during our careers in mining. The mining industry plays a very important role in the Australian economy, with billions of dollars of capital deployed, earning even more billions of dollars of tax and royalty generating revenue. Efficient allocation and use of capital and labour is at the heart of a successful mining operation and good quality mine planning is the key to unlocking the inherent value of an orebody by efficiently planning and scheduling the use of that capital and labour.
This conference was designed to be a forum for open discussion of current knowledge, advances that are in progress, and direction for additional and future research into these systems. Further, the interlacing of professional disciplines was meant to provide dynamic interactions to foster information exchange among these groups. These professional disciplines included geologists, petrophysicists, geochemists, geophysicists, and engineers as well as individuals involved in the business of drilling and producing wells <...>
The Mediterranean Sea has been attracting the attention of numerous geoscientists from various countries and institutions for many years. A complex succession of geodynamic processes interplayed between Africa, Eurasia and the interposed ocean basins has characterized the geological history of the Mediterranean and surrounding regions, with ocean basin openings, plate and crustal block detachments, subductions, collisions, crustal extensions and contractions, arc and back-arc basin formation. In summary, in the Mediterranean area, on a regional scale, the imprint of all those significant plate-tectonics-related events observed on the larger global scale can be recognized. <...>
The nature of petrologic and structural properties and processes that characterize the middle and lower continental crust is a long-standing problem in the earth sciences. During the past several decades signifi cant progress has been made on this fundamental problem by synthesizing deep-crustal seismic-refl ection imaging, laboratory-based seismic-velocity determinations, xenolith studies, and detailed geologic studies of exposed crustal cross sections. Geological, geochemical, and geophysical studies of crustal sections provide a crustal-scale context for a variety of important problems in the earth sciences. Crustal sections are widely used to evaluate crustal composition and petrogenesis, including lateral and vertical variations in rock types. Evidence from deep levels of crustal sections suggests seismic shear-wave anisotropy and seismic lamination result from widespread subhorizontal contacts, shear zones, and transposition fabrics, and in some sections from metamorphosed m- to km-thick, intraplated and/or underplated mafi c magmatic sheets and plutons. Crustal sections also facilitate the evaluation of crustal rheology in natural settings from regional to outcrop scale. Magmatism, metamorphism, partial melting, and relatively small lithological differences control rheology, localize strain, and lead to markedly heterogeneous deformation over a wide range of crustal levels. Finally, crustal sections provide unique views of the architecture and deformation patterns of fault zones in the deep crust. <...>
Magmatism in the continental and oceanic lithosphere contributes to the rejuvenation of Earth’s crust and is fundamental for the evolution of life on our planet. After their formation, magmas crystallize, differentiate, degas, mix with other magmas, and interact with the surrounding lithologies over a wide range of pressures and temperatures. The petrological and geochemical signatures of volcanic and plutonic rocks reflect the diversity of the petrogenetic processes. Deciphering these signatures has fundamental implications for elucidating the eruptive behavior of volcanoes and quantifying the mass fluxes related to the generation and growth of the crust.
A consideration of the interactions between glaciers and permafrost is essential to many environmental studies of cold regions. This paper reviews how concepts, field data and experimental studies from glaciology and geocryology can provide a basis for improved understanding of some of the key glacier-permafrost interactions at scales ranging from continental ice sheets to small proglacial streams. Glacitectonic processes are strongly influenced by water pressures beneath subglacial and proglacial permafrost, and by the amount of unfrozen water within the permafrost.
This book (the first of two volumes) is devoted to the topic of the description of structures, especially periodic structures, and their symmetries. Much of the material is a prerequisite for serious students of solid state chemistry and related sciences (e.g. mineralogy, materials science and solid state physics).
This study aims at further understanding of the mechanisms how lattice-preferred orientations (LPO) develop during deformation in the main eclogite minerals. Microstructures and textures of deformed eclogites from the Les Essarts complex (Western France) were investigated using optical microscopy and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) in the scanning electron microscope. Microfabric analyses of eclogite-facies minerals are used to identify their deformation mechanisms, which define the rheology at high-pressure metamorphic conditions. Mechanisms of intracrystalline deformation by dislocation movement (dislocation creep) result usually in a non-linear flow law (typically power law), while diffusive processes (diffusion creep) correspond to linear flow laws. General microstructural observations may suggest intracrystalline deformation (dislocation creep) of omphacite. The omphacite LPO vary between S- and L-type and correlate with oblate or prolate grain shape fabrics, respectively. Until now, these LPO types have not been understood by plasticity models based on dislocation glide on the known slip systems in clinopyroxene. An alternative interpretation is given in terms of anisotropic growth and dissolution, with grain boundary diffusion as the rate controlling process. There are further indications suggesting diffusion creep with concomitant anisotropic growth and dissolution as a main deformation mechanism in omphacite. In omphacite around a hollow garnet, crystallographic and shape fabrics align with the c[001] axes parallel to the grain elongations defining the mineral lineation, which rotates locally with the inferred flow direction. In this part, the grain sizes of omphacite and rutile are larger than in the surrounding matrix. The geometry of both the shape and crystallographic fabrics is interpreted to represent the local stress regime (directions and ratios of the principal stresses). The LPO of rutile duplicate the LPO of omphacite and a similar distinction between S- and L-type was used. Rutile deformation mechanisms probably involve dislocation creep as well as diffusion creep. Quartz mainly occurs as an interstitial phase with weak LPO patterns interpreted as random. No representative obliquity of the LPO in omphacite nor rutile with respect to foliation and lineation was observed to be used as potential shear sense criteria. However, the rutile LPO was slightly rotated relative to the omphacite LPO consistently in most samples. The results suggest that diffusion processes are strongly involved in the deformation of eclogites. A linear flow law should be taken into account in tectonic models where eclogites are incorporated.
The development of crystallographic preferred orientations (CPO) and grain misorientation distributions (MOD) in fine-grained (0.5–30 µm) olivine rocks, experimentally deformed by diffusion creep and dislocation creep has been investigated. The use of electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD), in a scanning electron microscope (SEM), has enabled the measurement of CPO in rocks which are too fine-grained to be measured by conventional U-stage methods. Our objective is to study the influence of deformation and recrystallisation mechanisms on the CPO and MOD. The olivine rocks studied were deformed in uni-axial compression, in a gas-medium apparatus, to 17–24% strain at temperatures of 1200–1300ºC and 300 MPa confining pressures. The samples show a trend of weaker CPO with lower flow stress which may be related to an increasing component of grain boundary sliding and diffusion creep. In the diffusion creep regime the CPO and MOD are weak to random, whereas in the dislocation creep regime the CPO and MOD are non-random but the MOD is principally controlled by the CPO. These results confirm the idea, based on studies from metals, that the CPO and MOD in olivine are characteristic of the deformation mechanism. Dynamic recrystallisation during dislocation creep results in the occurrence of more intermediate-angle (10–40º) grain boundaries than expected from the CPO. In local areas of complete recrystallisation the MOD is controlled by the CPO which implies that the statistical MOD retains no signature of the initial recrystallisation process. In the dislocation creep regime small grains have a weaker CPO compared to large grains. This result is consistent with predictions from deformation mechanism maps which indicate that the fine recrystallised grains deform by a combination of dislocation creep and grain boundary sliding. The grain boundaries found in the deformed olivine polycrystals are predominately high-angle boundaries with misorientations between 60 and 117º. No obvious evidence has been found for the occurrence of preferred misorientation, or special, grain boundaries.