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Издание 2
Автор(ы):Fletcher S.J.
Издание:Elsevier, 2022 г., 1129 стр., ISBN: 978-0-323-91720-9
Data Assimilation for the Geosciences From Theory to Application / Сбор данных для наук о земле. От теории к применению

Data assimilation plays a vital role in how forecasts are made for different geophysical disciplines. While the numerical model of the geophysical systems are critical, so are the observations of the same system, be they direct or indirect. Neither the model nor the observations are perfect, and both are required for an improved forecast than can be achieved through solely using the numerical model without guidance of how accurate the current state is, or through producing a persistence, or advection, forecast from observations. <...>

Издание:Economic geology, 1972 г., 4 стр.
Data on major and minor elements in host rocks and ores, Carlin gold deposit, Nevada

The purpose of this communication is to summarize and make available a large amount of data on the content of major and minor elements in the host rocks and ores of the Carlin gold deposit and to show the changes in the abundance of these elements as a result of hydrothermal mineralization and subsequent oxidation. Other aspects of the study of minor elements in the Carlin deposit, including the correlation between elements in various types of ore and the influence of geologic features on spatial distribution, will be presented in a later paper. The Carlin gold deposit is located about 33 miles northwest of Elko, Nevada (Fig. 1).

The deposit is characterized by large disseminated replacement-type ore bodies in the upper beds of the Silurian Roberts Mountains Formation. Several of these ore bodies are currently exposed in the West, Main, and East Pit areas of the mine. Although detailed information on the depth of gold deposition and the geometry of individual ore bodies cannot be disclosed (by agreement with Newmont Mining Corporation), the host rocks have been hydro-thermally altered in some parts of the deposit to a depth of 800+ feet. Small amounts of gold are scattered throughout this depth, and larger amounts, concentrated in several zones, make up the ore bodies.

The host rocks for the ore bodies are dark- to medium-gray, thin-bedded, siliceous, argillaceous, dolomitic limestones. Mineralogically the rocks are made up of large and widely varying amounts of calcite, dolomite, illite, and quartz, plus minor kaolin, montmorillonite( ?), chlorite, K-feldspar, plagioclase, pyrite, zircon, barite, rutile, sphene, and carbonaceous materials.    Complete chemical analyses of the fresh carbonate rocks are given by Hausen (1967), Hausen and Kerr (1968), and Radtke and Scheiner (1970).

Издание:Springer, 2016 г., 112 стр., ISBN: 978-3-319-27800-1
Data-driven numerical modeling in geodynamics methods and applications / Численное моделирование в геодинамике: методы и приложения

Dynamic processes in the Earth’s interior and on its surface can be described by geodynamic models. These models can be presented by a mathematical problem comprising a set of partial differential equations with relevant conditions at the model boundary and at the initial time. The mathematical problem can be then solved numerically to obtain future states of the model. Meanwhile the initial conditions in the geological past or some boundary conditions at the present are unknown, and the question of how to “find” the conditions with a sufficient accuracy attracts attention in the field of geodynamics. One of the mathematical approaches is data assimilation or the use of available data to reconstruct the initial state in the past or boundary conditions and then to model numerically the dynamics of the Earth starting from the reconstructed conditions. <...>

Редактор(ы):Parnell J.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 1998 г., 280 стр., ISBN: 1-86329-019-3
Dating and duration of fluid flow and fluid-rock interaction / Датирование и продолжительность флюидного процесса и флюид-породного взаимодействия

A wide diversity of techniques is now available to help constrain the timing and duration of fluid flow events and fluid-rock interactions in sedimentary basins. Dating methods in rocks traditionally focus on the use of minerals that contain radiogenic isotopes (U-Pb, Pb-Pb, K-Ar, Rb-Sr in particular). I do not intend to dwell on this approach as it is covered adequately elsewhere (e.g. Faure 1986), but it is worthwhile emphasizing that certain phases that are commonly precipitated during diagenesis in sedimentary basins are suitable for such techniques (see below). The range of techniques summarized below were mostly presented in a Queen's University Geofluids Group International Seminar on Dating of Fluid Flow, incorporated within the Geofluids II conference held at Belfast in March 1997. <...>

Издание:The University of Chicago, 2009 г., 21 стр.
Dating magmatism in Central Mongolia / Магматизм в Центральной Монголии

Central Mongolia represents a heterogeneous crustal domain of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and is composed of contrasting lithotectonic units with distinct preorogenic histories. We report single-zircon evaporation and SHRIMP ages for high-grade rocks of the Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic Baydrag block and for metaigneous rocks of the junction between the late Neoproterozoic Bayankhongor ophiolite zone (BOZ) and the Baydrag block. Zircon ages for metamorphic rocks of the Baydrag block indicate a major tectonothermal event between 1840 and 1826 Ma, coeval with the emplacement of granitic rocks at middle-crustal level dated at 1839 Ma. A granite-gneiss yielded a much younger crystallization age of 1051 Ma, the first Grenvillian age reported for this region. Together with predominantly Mesoproterozoic detrital zircon ages for a quartzite lens from the Burd Gol accretionary complex, these data attest to the heterogeneity and long Precambrian history of the Baydrag block. Crystallization ages for granite-gneisses from the northeastern margin of the Baydrag block indicate prolonged plutonic activity between 579 and 537 Ma, probably related to southward subduction of the Bayankhongor oceanic crust.Asyntectonic granite vein yielded a crystallization age of 519 Ma, probably linked to accretion of the BOZ onto the northeastern active margin of the Baydrag block. Lastly, a felsic metavolcanic rock from the southeastern termination of the BOZ yielded a crystallization age of 472 Ma and suggests that punctuated volcanic centers developed during the early Ordovician in response to protracted convergence.

Автор(ы):Bown T.M., Rose K.D.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 1990 г., 239 стр.
Dawn of the age of mammals in the northern part of the Rocky Mountain interior North America / Рассвет эпохи млекопитающих в северной части Скалистых Гор (Северная Америка)

The last decade has witnessed the expansion of field work and the recovery of many important new fossil vertebrates from a number of areas in the Rocky Mountain Interior. This has resulted in (among other things) discovery of many previously unknown taxa and of much better preserved specimens of known forms, significant geographic and temporal range extensions, the development of greater temporal resolution and sampling density for many taxa (leading to much more precise biochronology), and the creation and applicaton of models for examining faunal relations and evolutionary patterns. When the opportunity for this symposium arose, we were faced with the dilemma of how to incorporate as much of this new information as possible, yet limit the resulting monograph to manageable proportions. We decided to confine the subject matter geographically and temporally, to a region and a time span with which we are most familiar and within which much of the exciting new research is now being conducted—the latest Cretaceous and early Tertiary of the northern Rocky Mountain region. This volume is derived from papers presented at that symposium on May 2,1987, at the annual regional meeting of the Rocky Mountain Section of the Geological Society of America, held at the University of Colorado in Boulder <...>

Автор(ы):Glacken I., Noppe M., Snowden V.
Издание:2002 г., 8 стр.
Dealing with demands of technical variability and uncertainty along the mine value chain / Работа с требованиями технической изменчивости и неопределенности по всей цепочке создания стоимости на руднике

There are many critical nodes along the mine value chain, from orebody to mineral product, and inter-disciplinary input is required to analyse the variability and uncertainty at each node in order to identify and mitigate areas of risk.
Mining differs from many other industries in that the variability in the product is dictated largely by the inherent nature of the input material (the orebody).

Издание 2
Автор(ы):Takahashi T.
Издание:CRC Press, 2014 г., 562 стр., ISBN: 978-1-138-00007-0
Debris flow. Mechanics, prediction and countermeasures / Селевые потоки. Механика, предсказание и противодействие

A typical debris flow is a torrential flow of a mixture of water, mud and debris that suddenly pushes ahead with a vanguard of huge, jostling and roaring boulders. It is certainly a very fearful phenomenon that causes disasters, but it is also truly a wonder of nature exciting the curiosity of researchers as to how such a phenomenon can arise. The phenomena themselves had been recognized since ancient times in Japan and given various mnemonic names to make people aware of the dangers. Although there were several detailed witness records around in 1965 when I began working for the Disaster Prevention Research Institute of Kyoto University (hereafter called DPRI), the characteristics and mechanisms of debris flows were still vague, and it was called a ‘phantasmal disaster’.

Автор(ы):Freeden W.
Издание:Birkhauser, 2021 г., 484 стр., ISBN: 978-3-030-69908-6
Decorrelative Mollifier gravimetry. Basics, ideas, concepts, and examples / Декоррелятивная гравиметрия Моллифера. Основы, идеи, концепции и примеры

An essential objective of mathematics is to create settings and concepts to better understand our world. Mathematics is present in everyday life. Even more, almost all sciences undergo a process of “mathematization” due to increasing technological progress.

What is exactly that enables the mathematicians to provide the transfer from concrete measurements and observables to abstract mathematical formalisms and models? Some programmatic answers should be given at this early stage essentially inspired by the contributions in Freeden (2009, 2015), Freeden et al. (2019):

Редактор(ы):Fischer R.A., Terasaki H.
Издание:Wiley, 2000 г., 294 стр., ISBN: 978-1-118-99247-0
Deep Earth. Physics and chemistry of the lower mantle and core / Глубокая Земля. Физика и химия нижней мантии и земного ядра

Part I: T hermal Strucure of Deep Earth 1

1 Melting of Fe Alloys and the Thermal Structure of the Core

2 Temperature of the Lower Mantle and Core Based on Ab Initio Mineral Physics Data

3 Heat Transfer in the Core and Mantle

4 Thermal State and Evolution of the Earth Core and Deep Mantle

Part II: S tructures, Anisotropy, and Plasticity of Deep Earth Materials 

5 Crystal Structures of Core Materials
