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Редактор(ы):Helffrich G., Nakagawa T., Satish-Kumar M., Tsuchiya T.
Издание:Wiley, 2023 г., 274 стр., ISBN: 978-1119526902
Core-mantle co-evolution. An interdisciplinary approach / Коэволюция ядра и мантии. Междисциплинарный подход

The Earth’s deep interior, being physically inaccessible, is difficult to study directly. The necessarily indirect methods used in its study are best pursued collaboratively in order to bring all possible sources of knowledge to bear on the topic, hence the need for interdisciplinary research. Over recent decades, there have been advances in investigating the dynamics of the Earth’s deep interior. In terms of experimental and observation work, there have been innovations in high-temperature and high-pressure experiments (employing diamond anvil cells and synchrotron radiation facilities), dramatically improved geochemical analyses aided by particle physics detectors, and seismic wave observations and theory. In terms of computational work, methodological innovations and increased computational power have facilitated theoretical calculations of mineral properties and fluid dynamical simulations at the micro and macro scale.

Автор(ы):Hughes B.
Издание:INTEQ, 1999 г., 289 стр.
Coring handbook / Руководство по работе с керном

Coring is the removal of sample formation material from a wellbore. To the extent possible, core samples are taken in an undamaged, physically unaltered state. The formation material may be solid rock, friable rock, conglomerates, unconsolidated sands, coal, shales, gumbos, or clays. Coring can be conducted by various methods with a variety of tools.

Автор(ы):Huss G.R., McSween H.Y.
Издание:Cambridge University Press, 2010 г., 568 стр., ISBN: 978-0-511-72968-3
Cosmochemistry / Космохимия

Cosmochemistry provides critical insights into the workings of our local star and its companions throughout the galaxy, the origin and timing of our solar system’s birth, and the complex reactions inside planetesimals and planets (including our own) as they evolve. Much of the database of cosmochemistry comes from laboratory analyses of elements and isotopes in our modest collections of extraterrestrial samples. A growing part of the cosmochemistry database is gleaned from remote sensing and in situ measurements by spacecraft instruments, which provide chemical analyses and geologic context for other planets, their moons, asteroids, and comets. Because the samples analyzed by cosmochemists are typically so small  and valuable, or must be analyzed on bodies many millions of miles distant, this discipline leads in the development of new analytical technologies for use in the laboratory or flown on spacecraft missions. These technologies then spread to geochemistry and other fields where precise analyses of small samples are important <...>

Автор(ы):Beer J., McCracken K., Steiger R.
Издание:Springer, 2012 г., 422 стр., ISBN: 978-3-642-14650-3
Cosmogenic radionuclides. Theory and applications in the terrestrial and space environments / Космогенные радионуклиды. Теория и применение в земной и космической средах

For a small child, the world is full of wonders. Everyday it discovers new ones. Soon it starts to ask tough questions like: “Why does an apple fall down from a tree, why does the water in an alpine river with large rocks partly flow uphill, why is the
Sun hot and why does it turn red in the evening, how is a rock formed and when did it happen”? <...>

Автор(ы):Farra V.
Издание:Departement de Sismologie, Paris, 1989 г., 40 стр.
Cours de theory des rais  (Institutions de physique du globe de Paris) / Курс теории лучей (Институт физики земли, Париж)

Nous nous interesserons dans ce cours au calcul des sismogrammes synthetiques dans des milieux complexes au moyen des methodes asymptotiques. Je parlerai essentiellement de la theorie des rais.
Depuis une vingtaine d'annees, les sismogrammes synthetiques ont ete utilises de facon routiniere pour inter preter les donnees sismiques et sismologiques. <...>

Издание 6
Редактор(ы):Benton M.J.
Издание:Wiley Blackwell, 2020 г., 395 стр., ISBN: 9780470671726
Cowen’s History of Life / История жизни Коуэна

This book is based on the classic work through five editions by Richard Cowen, and many of his words remain in this new edition. Among the team of revisers, Mike Benton led the revision, contributing more or less to all chapters, supported by Tom Williams (Chapters 1–3), John Cunningham (Chapters 4 and 5), Davide Pisani (Chapters 3–5), Phil Donoghue (Chapters 4, 5, 7 and 8), Daniela Schmidt and Andy Fraass (Chapter 17), Christine Janis and Emily Rayfield (Chapters 18–21 and 23), and Tom Davies (Chapter 22). <...>

Издание:Ruhr-universitat Bochum, Bochum, 1997 г., 135 стр.
Cretaceous depositional environments of NW Germany / Условия отложения мелового периода на северо-западе Германии

15 outcrops exposing sediments of Early and Late Cretaceous age (Berriasian-Campanian) are described from the Subhercynian Basin (Quedlinburg-Blankenburg area) and the eastern part of Lower Saxony (Salzgitter-Hannover area). Apart from the bio- and lithostratigraphy, the fauna, flora, sedimentology, the palaeoenvironment and the regional position of these outcrops is discussed. New data and results going back to research performed from 1990 to 1996 are presented and sequence-stratigraphic models are proposed for some outcrops. Some of the microfauna and -flora and the macrofauna is documented by plates.

The following outcrops exposing sediments of Early Cretaceous age are described: the Obernkirchen Sandstone (Berriasian) at Munchehagen (No. 15), mid-Hauterivian sediments rich in ammonites near Resse (No. 13), pale-dark bedding rhythms of Late Hauterivian age near Frielingen (No. 14), Hauterivian iron ores of the Glockenberg section (No. 5) and clays of Barremian and Aptian age near Sarstedt (No. 9). Outcrops of sediments of Late Cretaceous age are: Hoppenstedt (No. 3), Vienenburg (No. 4), Baddeckenstedt (No. 6), and the HPCF II quarry at Misburg (No. 10), exposing the Cenomanian and Lower Turonian; the sediments exposed in the Salzgitter-Salder quarry (No. 7) are of mid-Turonian to Early Coniacian age, the Lehofsberg section near Quedlinburg (No. 1) is of mid-Coniacian age; shallow marine elastics of early Campanian age of the Subhercynian Basin are described from near Blankenburg (No. 2), marly and calcareous Campanian basinal sediments are exposed in the HPCF II (No. 10), Germania IV (No. 11) and Teutonia I (No. 12) quarries at Misburg.

Редактор(ы):Wiedmann J.
Издание:E.Schweizerbrat'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 1989 г., 978 стр.
Cretaceous of the Western Tethys

In 1978, in Munster, the German Subcommission on Cretaceous Stratigraphy initiated a first International Symposium on the Cretaceous. The focus of the symposium was on Germany and Central Europe. The proceedings were published in 1979. The second symposium was held in 1982 in Munich and concentrated on the Alpine Cretaceous. The proceedings were published in 1983.

Published in this volume are proceedings of the third symposium, which took place in Tubingen in 1987 and whose topic was the western Tethys. The participants of the symposium unanimously decided to dedicate the volume published to TOVE BIRKELUND in response to the loss of our highly esteemed Danish colleague.

Редактор(ы):Crame J.A., Francis J.E., Pirrie D.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 2006 г., 206 стр., ISBN: 1-86239-197-1
Cretaceous-tertiary high-latitude palaeoenvironments: James Ross basin, Antarctica / Мел-третичные палеообстановки в высоких широтах: Бассейн Джеймса Росс, Антарктида

The James Ross Basin, at the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, provides the thickest and best-exposed onshore Cretaceous and Early Tertiary sedimentary succession in Antarctica. When compared with other onshore sections, it is clear that the area has a much broader significance as a key reference section for the Cretaceous and Early Tertiary throughout the Southern Hemisphere. The sedimentary record
exposed within the basin also provides an unrivalled opportunity to unlock the record of climate change and biotic response within a high-palaeolatitude setting.

James Ross Island was first visited during the heroic age of polar exploration at the start of the 20th century. Swedish geologist Otto Nordenskj61d sailed into the region in 1901 in his ship Antarctic, captained by explorer and sealer Carl Larsen. Plans to spend a year in the region for scientific exploration went disastrously wrong when his ship sank near Paulet Island, forcing Nordenskj61d to spend over 2 years in a small hut on Snow Hill Island. Members of his ship-wrecked party survived in horrific conditions, with only penguins for food and small stone huts for shelter at Hope Bay, at the tip of Trinity Peninsula, and also on Paulet Island.<...>

Выпуск 9
Издание:Scottish Academic Press, Edinburg, 1978 г., 70 стр.
Cretaceous. A correlation of cretaceous rocks in the British isles

Designated terrains cretaces by d'Omalius d'Halloy in 1822, the System takes its name from creta, the Latin for chalk. This is the most conspicuous rock-type in Europe, and Cretaceous chalks are also known from parts of North America and Western Australia. The system is here divided into two and the term 'Middle Cretaceous' is not employed since it has no internationally agreed limits and is little used outside the Middle East. The Lower Cretaceous was formerly separated by some American authors as a distinct system, the Comanchean (from the town of Comanche, Texas). The Upper Cretaceous corresponds roughly to the Chalk Formation of earlier authors, chalk (Saxon cealc, German kalk, meaning lime) having been used as a geological term in England since the Middle Ages and in print from the time of Martin Lister (1684). Its white chalk cliffs gave England its first recorded name of "Albion". <...>
