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Автор(ы):Chen S.-H.
Издание:Springer, 2019 г., 907 стр., ISBN: 978-981-10-8134-7
Computational geomechanics and hydraulic structures / Вычислительная геомеханика и гидротехнические сооружения

With the increasing demand of people for improved life quality, a large number of mega projects spring up in our modern society. The successful construction and sustainable operation of these mega projects mark not only the progress in modern science and technology but also the significant development of human society and civilization.

Издание 2
Издание:Wiley, 2022 г., 496 стр., ISBN: 9781118350478
Computational geomechanics. Theory and applications / Вычислительная геомеханика. Теория и приложения

The engineer designing such soil structures as embankments, dams, or building foundations should be able to predict the safety of these against collapse or excessive deformation under various loading conditions which are deemed possible. On occasion, he may have to apply his predictive knowledge to events in natural soil or rock outcrops, subject perhaps to new, man-made conditions. Typical of this is the disastrous collapse of the mountain (Mount Toc) bounding the Vajont reservoir which occurred on 9 October 1963 in Italy (Müller 1965). Figure 1.1 shows both a sketch indicating the extent of the failure and a diagram indicating the cross section of the encountered ground movement. <...>

Издание:Cambridge University Press, 2010 г., 347 стр., ISBN: 978-0-521-86767-2
Computational methods for geodynamics / Вычислительные методы в геодинамике

Geodynamics is the application of the basic principles of physics, chemistry and mathematics to understanding how the internal activity of the Earth results in all the geological phenomena and structures apparent at the surface, including seafloor speading and continental drift, mountain building, volcanoes, earthquakes, sedimentary basins, faulting, folding, and more. Geodynamics also deals with how the Earth’s internal activity and structure reveals itself externally in ways both geophysical, its gravitational and magnetic fields, and geochemical, the mineralogy of its rocks and the isotopic composition of its rocks, atmosphere, and ocean. The discipline of geodynamics did not exist until about the early 1970s. The plate tectonics revolution was the impetus for the birth of the subject. Today, geodynamics goes beyond the Earth to consider the interiors and surfaces of other planets and moons in our solar system. While this aspect of the science could be termed planetary dynamics, it involves the same geodynamical processes that shape the Earth, though often with intriguingly different outcomes for the other bodies. <...>

Автор(ы):Kimoto S., Oka F.
Издание:CRC Press, 2022 г., 354 стр., ISBN: 978-1-032-05955-6
Computational multiphase geomechanics / Вычислительная многофазная геомеханика

It is well known that numerical methods play a very important role in geotechnical engineering and in a related activity called “computational geotechnics”. The area that is covered by computational geotechnics is growing, in particular that which relates to the multiphase nature of geomaterials. This book is the second volume of Computational Modeling of Multiphase Geomaterials that was published in 2012 and provides recent progress in this area, i.e., the basic concept of the air–water–soil mixture, cyclic constitutive models, anisotropic models, non-coaxial models, gradient models, strain localization including compaction bands, dynamic strain localization, and the instability of unsaturated soils.

Автор(ы):Igel H.
Издание:Oxford university press, 2017 г., 340 стр., ISBN: 978-0-19-871740-9
Computational seismology: A practical introduction / Вычислительная сейсмология. Практическое введение

For seismologists the calculation of synthetic (or theoretical) seismograms is a key activity on the path to a better understanding of the structure of the Earth’s interior, or the sources of seismic energy. There are many ways of doing this, depending in particular on the assumptions made in the geophysical model. In the most general case—an Earth in which the properties vary in three dimensions—analytical solutions do not exist

Редактор(ы):Merriam D.F.
Издание:Plenum press, 1969 г., 283 стр.
Computer applications in the earth sciences An International Symposium / Компьютерные приложения в науках о Земле. Международный сипозиум

It has been evident for several years that a summary of where we came from, where we are, and where we are going with computer-oriented research was not only desirable but necessary. The application of computers by earth scientists is numerous and the methods have proved of value in problem solving as well as data processing. Many methods unknown or unavailable just a few years ago now are used routinely. An overall appraisal of the methods at this time is deemed more than appropriate. <...>

Редактор(ы):Merriam D.F.
Издание:Plenum press, 1981 г., 390 стр., ISBN: 978-1-4684-7734-4
Computer applications in the earth sciences, an update of the 70s / Компьютерные приложения в науках о Земле, обновленией 70-х годов

In looking back at the 1970's, the decade may prove to be a crucial one in the development of quantitative geology. After quantification had lain fallow and essentially undeveloped for 120 years, introduction of the computer in the 1950's revived interest and fostered advances in the subject. Developments continued through the 1960's at a rapid pace and the state-of-the-art was reported on in the proceedings of an international symposium held at the University of Kansas in June 1969 (Merriam, 1969). <...>

Издание:CRC Press, 2015 г., 2046 стр., ISBN: 978-1-138-00148-0
Computer methods and recent advances in geomechanics / Компьютерные методы и последние достижения в области геомеханики

Proceedings of the 14th international conference of international association for computer methods and recent advances in geomechanics, Kyoto, Japan, 22–25 september 2014

Over the last half a century, constitutive models for geomaterials and numerical analysis methods have been well developed. Nowadays, numerical methods play a very important role in Geotechnical Engineering. The first pioneering conference was held at Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi, USA in 1972 under the leadership of Prof. C.S. Desai. Then, subsequent conferences were held in Blacksburg (USA) – 1976, Aachen (Germany) – 1979, Edmonton (Canada) – 1982, Nagoya (Japan) – 1985, Innsbruck (Austria) – 1988, Cairns (Australia) – 1991, Morgantown (USA) – 1994, Wuhan (China) – 1997, Tucson (USA) – 2001, Torino (Italy) – 2005, and Goa (India) – 2008. Now the conference is organized by IACMAG every three years. The last one, the 13th International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, was held in Melbourne, Australia in 2011. The 14th conference, here in Kyoto, was accepted at the Melbourne conference in 2011. This conference series is the main activity of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics founded in 70’s by Prof. C.S. Desai of the University of Arizona; the present president of IACMAG is Prof. J. Carter of the University of Newcastle. <...>

Выпуск 5
Автор(ы):Shengyong Y., Xuejing X., Xueqiu W.
Издание:Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 1995 г., 9 стр.
Concepts for geochemical gold exploration based on the abundance and distribution of ultrafine gold

Conventionally, geochemical exploration for gold is based on the assumptions that (1) gold is chemically inert in surficial environments; (2) gold occurs mainly in discrete grains; and (3) gold is transferred by mechanical means to form clastic dispersion halos and dispersion trains. Consequently, the commonly adopted methodology has been (1) to determine gold in heavy mineral concentrates; (2) to use large samples in order to improve the reproducibility of gold analyses; (3) to use high detection limits and thresholds; and (4) to determine total gold contents and pathfinder elements in the samples. However, these methods are not always successful in locating gold deposits, and they have limited application in the search for buried or blind deposits.

In China, studies of the distribution and migration of particulate and ultrafine gold indicated that (1) gold is active and mobile in surficial environments; (2) gold occurs not only as discrete grains, but also as ultrafine particles and other complex forms; and (3) regional low-concentration gold anomalies as well as local anomalies over buried gold deposits originate from ultrafine gold and other complex forms of gold. The methodology developed in China for regional and local geochemical gold exploration is based on this experience. Results of investigations around two gold deposits in China are presented.
