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BKZ Intrpretation Chart Album

Издание:VniiGeophysica, Тверь, 1986 г., 67 стр.
Язык(и)Английский, Русский
BKZ Intrpretation Chart Album

Mud resistivity can be verified using the BKZ curve using the non –permeable interval with interval thickness / Bit Size > 16 and RT considerably higher than Mud resistivity.
BKZ departure curve is plotted on logarithmic transparency together with Bit Size constant vertical line (X axis AO/BS, Y axis Rapp/Rm). Bit size constant is overlaid with BS line on No-Invasion chart for appropriate device type (lateral or normal) The transparency is moved vertically along the BS line on the chart until the BKZ curve is matched with the chart (specifically the left part of the curve )  Verified RM  is defined as the Y value of the transparency grid crossed by Rapp / Rmud = 1 line (chart cross). Mud resistivity value is read from the transparency grid, RT defined as Y value on the chart grid where the BKZ measurement curve crosses the A line on the chart

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