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Автор(ы):Гордиенко В.В.
Издание:Геофизический журнал, 2022 г., 25 стр., УДК: 551.24.01
About geological theory / О геологической теории

The author’s advection-polymorphic hypothesis of deep processes in the tectonosphere is based on V.V. Belousov’s system of endogenous regimes, a certain source of energy (radioactive decay in crustal and upper mantle rocks), and the method of energy transfer (advection). Elementary volumes of transported material have been termed «quanta of tectonic action» (QTA) with the diameter of about 50―70 km. The physical reality of such objects is proved. The choice of endogenous regime is related to the type of the preceding thermal model. <...>

Выпуск 20
Редактор(ы):Osmolska H.
Издание:Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa, 1975 г., 139 стр.
Acta paleontologica Polonica. Vol XX

Relatively frequently found, the specimens of Homalonotinae are, in general, poorly preserved and, therefore, they are among the groups of trilobites that have so far been rather insufficiently studied. Since their occurrence is limited to the Llandovery through Middle Devonian, they may serve as a good index fossil. Their paleogeographical and correlative importance in the Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian was discussed separately (Tomczykowa, 1974).

The materials, on which the present paper is based, were collected by the writer in 1956—1958 in the Holy Cross Mts. Most of them, however, come from the boreholes managed by the Geological Institute, that is, from Goldap, Bostow, Ciepielow, Bialopole, Krowie Bagno, Lopiennik, Strzelce IG-2 and Zakrzew IG-3, as well as from the drillings of the Oil Research Survey (Malochwiej and Rozkopaczew boreholes) (Text-fig.  1). <...>

Автор(ы):Yeats R.
Издание:Cambridge University Press, 2012 г., 633 стр., ISBN: 978-0-521-19085-5
Active faults of the world / Активные разломы мира

There is an ever-increasing need for a better understanding of regional seismic hazards, particularly in developing parts of the world where major building projects are planned and there is a huge migration of people to large cities that are at risk from earthquakes. Disasters in recent times, such as the earthquakes in Japan and Haiti, are chilling proof of the dangers of building in active fault zones.

Автор(ы):Nara D., Sain K.
Издание:John Wiley & Sons INC, 2023 г., 145 стр., ISBN: 978-1119594864
Active seismic tomography. Theory and applications / Активная сейсмотомография. Теория и применение

The seismic method is one of the most promising geophysical methods that can help to explore the Earth’s interior. Numerous technology developments have been introduced in seismic methods over the decades to either understand or to use the full recorded seismic data from the field. Seismic tomography is a seismic imaging technique used to delineate the subsurface linked with structures and numerical values of different physical parameters such as the seismic velocity, density, etc.

Издание:Cambridge University Press, 2000 г., 297 стр., ISBN: 0-521-66110-2
Active tectonics and alluvial rivers / Активная тектоника и речной аллювий

Tectonics enters into every aspect of the earth sciences. Although it is possible to study erosional and depositional processes without concern for tectonics, the relief that permits these processes to continue is always in some way related to uplift or subsidence. For example, the erosional evolution of a landscape, as proposed by W. M. Davis, requires a tectonic boost to start the process (Davis, 1899; King and Schumm, 1980), and in an attempt to link tectonics to landforms, Walter Penck (1953) estimated relative rates of uplift and denudation from the shape of valley-side profiles.

Автор(ы):Keller E.A., Pinter N.
Издание:Pearson Prentice Hall, 2002 г., 362 стр., ISBN: 0-13-088230-5
Active tectonics. Earthquakes, uplift and landscape / Активная тектоника. Землетрясения, поднятия и ландшафты

Active tectonics is the study of dynamic tectonic processes that shape the landscape and have an impact on human society. Tectonic geomorphology is the part of active tectonics that is concerned with landforms produced by tectonic processes and the application of geomorphic principles to tectonic problems. Tectonic geomorphology increasingly has become one of the principal tools in a variety of applications, including identification of active faults, formation of geologic structures, seismic-hazard assessment, and the study of landscape evolution. Tectonic geomorphology has proven to be useful in these applications because tectonically produced landforms are created and preserved over time intervals ideal for recording landscape change. <...>

Издание:Geological survey of India, 1984 г., 23 стр.
Activites and achievementes of geological survey of India in Orissa / Деятельность и достижения геологической службы Индии в Ориссе

The Geological Survey of India started its field operations in Orissa in 1855-56 F.S. when W.T. Blanford, H.F. Blanford and W. Theobald surveyed the Talcher coal fields The first memoir of GSI (Mem. Vol. No. 1, 1859, pp. 33.38) contains an account of their work. The geological studies led to the unravelling of Gondwana glaciation and its coal bearing rock sequence above.

Автор(ы):Gustafsson F.
Издание:John Wiley & Sons INC, 2000 г., 497 стр., ISBN: 0-471-49287-6
Adaptive filtering and change detection / Адаптивная фильтрация и обнаружение изменений

This book is rather broad in that it covers many disciplines regarding both mathematical tools (algebra, calculus, statistics) and application areas (airborne, automotive, communication and standard signal processing and automatic control applications). The book covers all the theory an applied engineer or researcher can ask for: from algorithms with complete derivations, their properties to implementation aspects.

Автор(ы):Spath L.F.
Издание:C.A.Reitzels Forlag, Kobenhavn, 1952 г., 45 стр.
Additional observations on the invertebrates (chiefly ammonites) of the jurassic and cretaceous of east Greenland. Part II. Some infra-valanginian ammonites from Lindemans fjord, Wollastone forland; with a note on the base of the cretaceous

Дополнительные наблюдения за беспозвоночными (главным образом аммонитами) юрского и мелового периодов восточной Гренландии. Часть II. Некоторые инфраваланжинские аммониты из Линдеманс-фьорда, Волластон-форленд; с примечанием к основанию мелового периода


The first part of the present series of papers on the invertebrates, X chiefly ammonites, of the Jurassic and Cretaceous of East Greenland dealt with the Ilectoroceras Fauna of South-West Jameson Land; and though it was finished before war broke out in 1939, the paper was not published till eight years later.

Редактор(ы):Jenne E.A.
Издание:Academic Press, 581 стр.
Adsorption of metals by geomedia. Variables, mechannism and model applications /  Адсорбция металлов геомедией. Переменные, механизм и модельные приложения

Metal adsorption and desorption are crucial processes in the remediation of contaminated surficial geomedia (e.g., soils) and aquifers. Contaminant transport modeling, which necessarily includes some adsorption parameter, has important uses in anticipating the direction, speed, and extent of contaminant migration in ground water. Adsorption processes are of vital importance in many industrial processes in the beneficiation of various ores (some of which were formed largely as the result of adsorption processes).
