Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Издание:2006 г., 33 стр.
International reporting template for the public reporting of exploration results, mineral resources and mineral reserves/ Международная форма отчетности для публичной отчетности о результатах разведки, минеральных ресурсах и запасах полезных ископаемых

The International Template for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves integrates the minimum standards being adopted in national reporting codes worldwide with recommendations and interpretive guidelines for the Public Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves. The definitions in this edition of the International Reporting Template are either identical to, or not materially different from those definitions used in the countries represented on the CRIRSCO committee <...>

Издание:SAMREC, Йоханнесбург, 2000 г., 38 стр.
Язык(и)Русский (перевод с английского)
Кодекс ЮАР для составления отчетов о минеральных ресурсах и минеральных запасах. Кодекс SAMREC

Подготовлен комитетом ЮАР по минеральным ресурсам (SAMREC) под эгидой Южноафриканского института горной промышленности и металлургии. Вступил в силу в марте 2000 г.

1.1 В Кодексе ЮАР для составления отчетов о минеральных ресурсах и минеральных запасах («Кодексе SAMREC» или «Кодексе») представлены минимальные стандарты, рекомендации и руководящие принципы для составления публичных отчетов о результатах геологоразведочных работ, минеральных ресурсах и минеральных запасах  в ЮАР. 

ТематикаПодсчет запасов, Методика ГРР
Издание:2005 г., 67 стр.
Technical report on Mano river resources. gold properties in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea / Технический отчет о ресурсах реки Мано. месторождения золота в Либерии, Сьерра-Леоне и Гвинее

In Liberia, Mano has interests in 3 mineral licences with gold exploration activity. To date most exploration has focused on the 100,000 hectare license known as the Bea Mountain Mineral Development Agreement (BEA-MDA) in western Liberia. Mano has a 100% interest in the BEA-MDA license subject to a 10% free carried interest and a 3% royalty in favour of the Republic of Liberia. The MCA reconnaissance license (1,500,000 hectares) is held under a Mineral Cooperation Agreement (MCA) with the Republic of Liberia.

Автор(ы):Montijo R.C., Verley C.G., Vidal M.F.
Издание:2011 г., 47 стр.
NI 43-101 Technical Report. Preliminary Resource Estimate for the El Cajon Borate Deposit Magdalena Basin Project, Sonora, Mexico / Предварительная оценка ресурсов для проекта по разработке месторождения боратов Эль-Кахон в бас. Магдалены, Сонора, Мексика

The Cajon Borate Deposit lies within Bacanora Minerals Ltd’s Magdalena Basin Project area in the state of Sonora, Northern Mexico. The Magdalena project consists of 2 concession blocks covering a total of 15,508 hectares. The concessions are 100% owned by Bacanora’s Mexican subsidiary: Minera Sonora Borax S.A. de C.V., subject to a 3% royalty to a Rio Tinto subsidiary and a 3% gross over-riding royalty to Colin Orr-Ewing. The property is road accessible and located 17 kilometres east of the town of Magdalena de Kino and has excellent access from that centre, either by rail or truck, to local markets for borate or to overseas markets from the port at Guaymas. <...>

Издание:2012 г., 56 стр.
Guidelines for technical economic evaluation of minerals industry projects / Руководство по технико-экономической оценке проектов в горнодобывающей промышленности

The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (The AusIMM) is the leading organisation representing technical minerals sector professionals in the Australasian Region.  Members are bound by a Code of Ethics, and continual improvement of professional and industry standards within the sector in which they work.

Автор(ы):Absametov M.K., Murtazin Ye.Zh., Osipov S.V., Sapargaliyev D.S.
Издание:Kazakh National Research Technical University, 2019 г., 28 стр.
Assessment Report on Classification of Energy and Mineral Resources and its Management in the Republic of Kazakhstan / Оценочный отчет по классификации энергетических и минеральных ресурсов и управлению ими в Республике Казахстан

The report of the researchers of the Institute of Hydrogeology and Geoecology named after U.M. Akhmedsafin gives a review of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The report shows their role in the economy of the country, as well as the role of the state for resource management, based on the current legislation in the area of exploitation of natural resources and environment protection. The report describes counteracting measures of the state against the global economy crisis events. It also reviews the existing classification systems of mineral resources of the country. Statistics on energy production and extraction of mineral resources are provided. Besides, the report considers social and ecological aspects of energy production and extraction of mineral resources. It provides data on the development of non-traditional renewable energy resources and the results of scientific research in this area, as well as information about the training system for technical and scientific staff and about the state of energy and natural resource management system of the country. <...>

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