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Philippine Mineral Reporting Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources, and Mineral Reserves (The PMRC) / Филиппинский кодекс отчетности о полезных ископаемых для отчетности о результатах разведки, минеральных ресурсах и запасах
The Philippine Mineral Reporting Code (PMRC), or the “Code” sets out minimumstandards, recommendations, and guidelines for Public Reporting in thePhilippines of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources, and Mineral Reserves. TheCode was formulated to set minimum standards for Public Reporting that arecompatible with global standards.The PMRC 2020 Edition is an upgrade of the PMRC 2007 Edition and modeledsubstantially after the International Reporting Template (2019) of the Committeefor Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards (CRIRSCO) and theAustralasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources, andOre Reserves (JORC Code) 2012 of the Australasian Joint Ore ReservesCommittee (JORC). In adopting the CRIRSCO Template 2019’s sixteen (16)Standard Definitions, the PMRC 2020 Edition is compatible with the internationalreporting codes of the CRIRSCO’s members which are National ReportingOrganizations (NROs) such as the Australasia (JORC), Canada (CIM), Chile(National Committee), Europe (PERC), South Africa (SAMCODES), and USA(SME). <...>