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The national public reporting of exploration results, mineral resources and mineral reserves code of Turkiye (The UMREK CODE) / Национальная публичная отчетность о результатах геологоразведочных работ, минеральных ресурсах и запасах Турции

Издание:Ankara, 2023 г., 103 стр.
The national public reporting of exploration results, mineral resources and mineral reserves code of Turkiye (The UMREK CODE) / Национальная публичная отчетность о результатах геологоразведочных работ, минеральных ресурсах и запасах Турции

The National Public Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Code of Türkiye (the UMREK Code) designates the minimum standards, recommendations, legal requirements and practice principles for reporting Exploration Targets, Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves within the Republic of Türkiye with the purpose of adequately informing investors and other stakeholders. This Code is related to the public reporting related to Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves required by BİST, BDDK and SPK (see the list of acronyms in Appendix 12).

UMREK was founded by the amendment of Article 14 to the Mining Law 3213 by passing of the Law 6745 on the date of August 20th, 2016. The working principles and procedures of the Committee was regulated by the “By-Law of the National Resources and Reserves Reporting Committee” which became effective on the date of July 26th, 2017. As specified in the By-Law, the Committee consists of members from MAPEG, MTA, BDDK, TBB, SPK, BİST, TOBB and representatives drawn from the Turkish minerals industry and related non-governmental organizations.

This document is the second version of the UMREK Code. The first version of the UMREK Code was issued in May 2018 and prepared in accordance with CRIRSCO Reporting Template 2013. This 2023 edition of the UMREK Code supersedes the previous version editions and standards. The consistency of the UMREK Code with the CRIRSCO International Template has been approved by CRIRSCO. In addition, this Code has been accepted by institutions such as SPK, BDDK, TBB, BİST and TOBB. This Code is binding for all the members certified by professional organizations recognized by UMREK.

The international organization having the purpose of developing and promulgating consistent reporting standards worldwide is CRIRSCO and this code conforms with the CRIRSCO (2019) Template and CRIRSCO standard definitions, which are consistent with the best reporting practices of the CRIRSCO member countries in the world and which are a guideline for other countries to establish their own codes. <...>

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