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A practical companion to reservoir stimulation / Практическое руководство по стимулированию резервуаров
This workbook is a “practical companion” to the second edition of Reservoir Stimulation (published by Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ in 1989), and it is my intention that the two books be used together. I feel this new volume will be particularly useful for the training of new engineers and petroleum ehgineering students, as it contains approximately 100 problems and their solutions plus a lengthy chapter giving data necessary for designing a stimulation treatment. The chapters containing practical problems are labeled with letters of the alphabet (from A to J) to distinguish them from the chapters in Reservoir Stimulation. Problems are stated concisely at the beginning of the chapter andare followedby areference totheparticularsection(s) of the textbook containing information necessary for the solution. Equations, figures and tables from the textbook are referred to in the workbook but are not reproduced. New references used in this volume are explicitly described. All others are referred back to the textbook. The accompanying table lists the chapters in Reservoir Stimulation that correspond to chapters in this volume where the practical problems arising from the technology are presented. The assistance throughout this effort of my friend, Bill Diggons, manager of Schlumberger Wireline, Testing & Marketing Services, is greatly appreciated. Special thanks also go to Glenda DeLuna and Donna Peterson for invaluable contributions in the editing and preparation of the text. <...>