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Выпуск 94
Издание:Economic geology, 1998 г., 34 стр.
Age Constraints on Jerritt Canyon and Other Carlin-Type Gold Deposits in the Western United States— Relationship to Mid-Tertiary Extension and Magmatism

Carlin-type gold deposits are difficult to date and a wide range of ages has been reported for individual deposits. Therefore, several methods were employed to constrain the age of the gold deposits in the Jerritt Canyon district. Dated igneous rocks with well-documented crosscutting relationships to ore provided the most reliable constraints. K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar dates on igneous rocks are as follows: andesite dikes 324 Ma, sericitic alteration in andesite dikes 118 Ma, basalt dikes 40.8 Ma, quartz monzonite dikes 39.2 Ma, and calc-alkaline ignimbrites 43.1 to 40.1 Ma. Of these, only the andesite and basalt dikes are clearly altered and mineralized. The gold deposits are, therefore, younger than the 40.8 Ma basalt dikes. The sericitic alteration in the andesite dikes is unrelated to the gold deposits. A number of dating techniques did not work. K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar dates on mica from mineralized Ordovician to Devonian sedimentary rocks gave misleading results. The youngest date of 149 Ma from the smallest <0.1-)U,m-size fraction shows that the temperature (120°-260°C) and duration (?) of hydrothermal activity was insufficient to reset preexisting fine-grained micas in the host rocks. The temperature and duration was also insufficient to anneal fission tracks in zircon from Ordovician quartzites as they yield Middle Proterozoic dates in both mineralized and barren samples. Apatites were too small for fission track dating. Hydrothermal sulfides have pronounced crustal osmium isotope signatures (18'Os/188Osinitiai = 0.9-3.6) but did not yield a meaningful isochron due to very low Re and Os concentrations and large analytical uncertainties. Paleomagnetic dating techniques failed because the hydrothermal fluids sulfidized nearly all of the iron in the host rocks leaving no remnant magnetism.

Издание 3
Редактор(ы):Collis L., Smith M.R.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 2001 г., 368 стр., ISBN: 1-86239-079-7
Aggregates. Sand, gravel and crushed rock aggregates for construction purposes / Агрегаты. Песок, гравий и щебень для строительных целей

Aggregates are defined here as particles of rock which, when brought together in a bound or unbound condition, form part or the whole of an engineering or building structure.

Издание:PGS Publishing, Linden Park, 2002 г., 12 стр.
Alemao copper-gold (U-REE) deposits, Carajas, Brazil

The Alemao copper-gold deposit is located within the Carajas Mineral Province of Northern Brazil and was discovered in 1996 by DOCEGEO using geophysical and geological techniques. Alemao is hosted by the Igarape Bahia Group, which comprises two lithological and stratigraphic domains: a lower metavolcanic unit composed of metavolcanic rocks and acid to intermediate volcanoclastics; and an upper clastic-chemical metasedimentary unit with volcanoclastic rocks. The Alemao ore body is covered by a 250 metres thick unconfonnable siliciclastic unit referred as the Aguas Claras Formation. The ore body, which is 500 metres in length and 50 to 200 metres wide, strikes NE-SW and dips steeply to the NW, being emplaced along the contact between the two stratigraphic domains of the Igarape Bahia Group. In the ore zone, the hydrothermal paragenesis is marked by ferric minerals (magnetite-hematite), sulphides (chalcopyrite, pyrite), chlorite, carbonate (siderite, calcite, ankerite) and biotite, with minor quartz, tourmaline, fluorite, apatite, uraninite, gold and silver. Sericite and albite are rare. The mineralisation is represented by hydrothermal breccias and "hydrothermalites" classified into two types: (1) the BMS type, composed of massive bands of magnetite and chalcopyrite and by polymitic breccias with a matrix comprising magnetite, chalcopyrite, siderite, chlorite, biotite and amphiboles; (2) the BCLS type breccia which comprises brecciated hydrothermalised volcanic rocks with chalcopyrite, bornite, pyrite, chlorite, siderite, ankerite, tourmaline and molybdenite in the matrix, as well as dissemination in the rock. The geochemical association of Fe-Cu-Au-U-REE in iron rich, heterolithic, hydrothermal breccias at the Alemao Cu-Au Deposit, as well as its possible association with an extensional tectonic setting, suggests a correlation with Olympic Dam type mineralization. The total estimated ore resources based on a krigging method is 170 Mt @ 1.5% Cu and 0.8g/tAu.

Автор(ы):Henley S., Young N.
Alignment of Resource and Reserve Classification Systems Russian Federation and CRIRSCO / Согласование систем классификации ресурсов и запасов Российской Федерации и CRIRSCO

Set up in 2006 by CRIRSCO and GKZ. Managed by PERC on behalf of CRIRSCO.

–Chairman: Mike Armitage

–Secretary/convenor: Steve Henley

–Members from GKZ, CRIRSCO, Russian and international mining industry

•Meeting: Moscow, 21-22 October 2008

–Between GKZ, CRIRSCO, and Russian industry

•Protocol signed 22 October 2008 by Niall Weatherstone (CRIRSCO chairman) and Yuri Podturkin (GKZ chairman) agreeing principles

•Detail to be included in a „conversion handbook‟ to be prepared during 2009

Редактор(ы):Fitton J.G., Upton B.G.J.
Издание:Blackwell science Ltd, 1987 г., 571 стр., ISBN: 0-632-01616-7
Alkaline Igneous Rocks / Щелочные изверженные горные породы

Mantle metasomatism--perspective and prospect

Alkaline rocks and their inclusions: a window on the Earth's interior

The genesis of alkaline magmas with emphasis on their source regions: inferences from experimental studies

Nephelinites and carbonatites

Alkalic carbonatite magmas: parental or derivative?

The kimberlite clan: relationship with olivine and leucite lamproites, and inferences for upper-mantle metasomatism

Lamproites and other potassium-rich igneous rocks: a review of their occurrence, mineralogy and geochemistry

The nature and origin of lamprophyres: an overview

Издание:Springer, 1995 г., 229 стр., ISBN: 978-94-010-4228-4
Alkaline Rocks and Carbonatites of the World. Part 2. Former USSR / Щелочные породы и карбонатиты мира. Часть 2. Бывший СССР

Although the great diversity of alkaline rocks, with their relatively exotic mineralogies, has always attracted the interest of petrologists, as have the more recently defined carbonatites, it could be argued that little progress has been made over the past so years towards formulating a comprehensive petrogenesis of these rocks. It could also be maintained that as the alkaline varieties have the most extreme compositions of all igneous rocks, so an understanding of their genesis is essential if we are to understand fully the workings of the solid earth, while a knowledge of the most extreme products of differentiation must inevitably cast light on rocks of less extreme compositions. The importance of academic research on these rocks is thus clear. There is, however, also a commercial aspect, in so far as they are an increasingly important source of a wide range of industrial raw materials, which has stimulated not only programmes to discover more occurrences, but also to investigate in greater detail those already known

Автор(ы):Zamora O.
Издание:University Publications, 2012 г., 77 стр., ISBN: 978-81-323-3708-9
All about silurian period and events / Все о силурийском периоде и событиях, произошедших в нем

The Silurian is a geologic period and system that extends from the end of the Ordovician Period, about 443.7 ± 1.5 Mya (million years ago), to the beginning of the Devonian Period, about 416.0 ± 2.8 Mya (ICS, 2004, chart). As with other geologic periods, the rock beds that define the period's start and end are well identified, but the exact dates are uncertain by several million years. The base of the Silurian is set at a major extinction event when 60% of marine species were wiped out. <...>

Выпуск 98
Автор(ы):Constance J.Nutt, Hofstra A.H.
Издание:Economic geology, 2003 г., 17 стр.
Alligator Ridge District, East-Central Nevada: Carlin-type gold mineralization at Shallow Depths

Carlin-type deposits in the Alligator Ridge mining district are present sporadically for 40 km along the north-striking Mooney Basin fault system but are restricted to a 250-m interval of Devonian to Mississippian strata. Their age is bracketed between silicified ca. 45 Ma sedimentary rocks and unaltered 36.5 to 34 Ma volcanic rocks. The silicification is linked to the deposits by its continuity with ore-grade silicification in Devonian-Mis-sissippian strata and by its similar δ18O values (~17‰) and trace element signature (As, Sb, Tl, Hg). Eocene reconstruction indicates that the deposits formed at depths of ≤300 to 800 m. In comparison to most Carlin-type gold deposits, they have lower Au/Ag, Au grades, and contained Au, more abundant jasperoid, and tex-tural evidence for deposition of an amorphous silica precursor in jasperoid. These differences most likely result from their shallow depth of formation.

Выпуск 63
Издание:Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 1998 г., 31 стр.
Alteration and primary geochemical dispersion associated with the Bulletin lode-gold deposit, Wiluna, Western Australia

The Bulletin lode-gold deposit is within the northernmost part of the Norseman-Wiluna greenstone belt in me Archaean Yilgarn Block, Western Australia. It is located within a brittle-ductile shear zone and hosted by tholeiitic metavolcanic rocks. Syn-metamorphic wallrock alteration envelops the gold mineralisation and is pervasive throughout the entire shear zone and extends up to 150 m into the undeformed wallrocks. Alteration is characterised by the sequence of distal chlorite-calcite, intermediate calcite-dolomite, outer proximal sericite and inner proximal dolomite-sericite zones. The thickness of the alteration envelope, and the occurrence of dolomite in the alteration sequence, can be used as a rough guide to the width, extent and grade of gold mineralisation, because a positive correlation exists between these variables. Mass transfer evaluations indicate that chemical changes related to the wallrock alteration are similar in all host rocks: in general, Ag, As, Au, Ba, C02, K, Rb, S, Sb, Те and W are enriched, Na and Y are depleted, and Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Nb, Ni, P, Se, V, Zn and Zr are immobile, while Ca, Si and Sr show only minor or negligible relative changes. The degree of mobility of each component increases with proximity to gold mineralisation. The largest potential exploration targets are possibly defined by regional As (>6 ppm) and Sb (>0.6 ppm) anomalies. These anomalies, if real, extend laterally for > 150 m from the mineralised shear zone into areas of apparently unaltered rocks. Anomalies defined by Те (> 10 ppb), W (>0.6 ppm), carbonation indices, local enrichment of Sb (>2.0 ppm) and As (>28 ppm), and potassic alteration indices also form significant exploration targets extending beyond the HJB shear zone and the Au anomaly (>6 ppb) and, locally, into apparently unaltered rock. Gold, itself, has a restricted dispersion, with an anomaly extending for 1-35 m from ore, and being restricted to within the shear zone itself. Amongst individual geochemical parameters, only As and Sb define significant, consistent and smooth trends (vectors) when laterally approaching the ore. However, the respective dimensions of individual geochenucal anomalies can be used as an extensive, though stepwise, vector towards ore
