Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
Our modern society has a constant need for raw materials and energy. An on-going effort in exploration and research is necessary, therefore, to discover and develop them. And, in this effort, it is better to appeal to geology than to rely on chance.
Clays are one of the most important groups of minerals that destroy permeability in sandstones, but they also react with drilling and completion fluids and induce fine-particle migrationduring hydrocarbon production. They are a very complex family of minerals that commonly are mutually intergrown and contain a wide range of solid solutions and form by a wide range of processes. They form under a wide diversity of pressure and temperature conditions, as well as rock and fluid compositional conditions.
ROTHWELL, R. G. & RACK, F. R. New techniques in sediment core analysis: an introduction
HASCHKE, M. The Eagle III BKA system, a novel sediment core X-ray fluorescence analyser with very high spatial resolution RICHTER, T. O., VAN DER GAAST, S., KOSTER, R., VAARS, A., GIELES, R., DE STIGTER, H. C., DE HAAS, H. & VAN WEERING, T. C. E. The Avaatech XRF Core Scanner: technical description and applications to NE Atlantic sediments CROUDACE, I. W., RINDBY, A. & ROTHWELL, R. G. ITRAX: description and evaluation of a new multi-function X-ray core scanner THOMSON, J., CROUDACE, I. W. & ROTHWELL, R. G. A geochemical application of the ITRAX scanner to a sediment core containing eastern Mediterranean sapropel units
In recognition of the increasing interest in the subject of deformation of sediments and sedimentary rocks shown by Earth scientists in recent years, a major international conference with this theme was held at University College London in April 1985. This volume contains the texts of those contributions to the Conference that were submitted for publication.
Research on base metal sulfide deposits is among the oldest and best-documented subjects of economic geologists worldwide, considering that copper was first mined about 3000 years ago on the island of Cyprus.
During the past 10 years, after the exciting discovery of active sulfide formation on the modem ocean floor, a considerable flow of new ideas has stimulated and influenced the discussion of oreforming processes for copper-zinc-Iead sulfides in sedimentary and volcanic environments. The development of new genetic concept sconsequently led to reinterpretation of some apparently well-established formation models. <...>
Конторович А. Э. А.А.Трофимук – великий ученый, организатор науки и гражданин Каширцев В.А. Органическая геохимия каустобиолитов Конторович А.Э., Каширцев В.А., Москвин В.И. Нефти озера Байкал Шварцев С. Л. Гидрогеохимические механизмы смены одного вторичного минерала другим в ходе эволюции системы вода - порода Секция 1. Стратиграфия, литология, тектоника и экология Шамбазов М.Д., Миргородский В.Н., Чернышева Н.А. Основные подходы к разработке комплексных программ по использованию попутного нефтяного газа для нефтедобывающих предприятий
The Guaritas sequence is the uppermost stratigraphical level of the Camaqua Basin (southern Brazil) and comprises an alluvial, deltaic and aeolian continental facies association up to 800 m thick. Facies mapping of this unit has revealed a lateral association of tributary fans and trunk braided rivers developed under semi-arid conditions.
Рассмотрены механические свойства осадочных горных пород нефтяных и газовых месторождений применительно к бурению скважин. Большое внимание уделено основным факторам, влияющим на деформирование и разрушение горных пород при статическом и динамическом нагружении.
Leaving aside the atmosphere and hydrosphere, rocks are the stuff of which the earth is made. Because of this, the study of rocks, petrology (from the Greek petra, “rock,” and logos, “discourse or explanation”), occupies a central position among the earth sciences. The study of rocks is the source of virtually all of our ideas about the history of Earth. Knowledge about rocks, their origin and ages, and their distribution is potentially capable of contributing to the solution of a wide variety of problems that run the gamut of geological interests.
The purpose of this report is to present a classification for lithified and unlithified sediments that is logical, systematic, hierachial and uses clearly defined, unambiguous names. Although classification systems for igneous rocks have been published (International Union of Geological Sciences, Subcommission on the Systematics of Igneous Rocks), a unifying scheme for classifying sedimentary rocks and their unlithified equivalents has not yet been formulated. Existing sediment and sedimentary rock nomenclature has been developed on a wide range of criteria, such as composition, texture and other physical attributes, as well as depositional environment, genetic relationship and local economic importance. As a result, sediment and sedimentary rock terminology tends to be inconsistent and lacking in basic general guidelines. <...>