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New techniques in sediment core analysis / Новые методы анализа керна осадочных образований
ROTHWELL, R. G. & RACK, F. R. New techniques in sediment core analysis: an introduction
HASCHKE, M. The Eagle III BKA system, a novel sediment core X-ray fluorescence analyser with very high spatial resolution
RICHTER, T. O., VAN DER GAAST, S., KOSTER, R., VAARS, A., GIELES, R., DE STIGTER, H. C., DE HAAS, H. & VAN WEERING, T. C. E. The Avaatech XRF Core Scanner: technical description and applications to NE Atlantic sediments
CROUDACE, I. W., RINDBY, A. & ROTHWELL, R. G. ITRAX: description and evaluation of a new multi-function X-ray core scanner
THOMSON, J., CROUDACE, I. W. & ROTHWELL, R. G. A geochemical application of the ITRAX scanner to a sediment core containing eastern Mediterranean sapropel units
ROTHWELL, R. G., HOOGAKKER, B., THOMSON, J., CROUDACE, I. W. & FRENZ, M. Turbidite emplacement on the southern Balearic Abyssal Plain (western Mediterranean Sea) during Marine Isotope Stages 1-3: an application of ITRAX XRF scanning of sediment cores to lithostratigraphic analysis
ROGERSON, M., WEAVER, P. P. E., ROHLING, E. J., LOURENS, L. J., MURRAY, J. W. & HAYES, A. Colour logging as a tool in high-resolution palaeoceanography
NEDERBRAGT, A. J., DUNBAR, R. B., OSBORN, A. T., PALMER, A., THUROW, J. W. & WAGNER, T. Sediment colour analysis from digital images and correlation with sediment composition
JARRARD, R. D. & VANDEN BERG, M. D. Sediment mineralogy based on visible and nearinfrared reflectance spectroscopy
RIBES, A. C., RACK, F. R., TSINTZOURAS, G., DAMASKINOS, S. & DIXON A. E. Applications of confocal macroscope-microscope luminescence imaging to sediment cores
SCHULTHEISS, P. J., FRANCIS, T. J. G., HOLLAND, M., ROBERTS, J. A., AMANN, H., THJUNJOTO, PARKES, R. J., MARTIN, D., ROTHFUSS, M., TYUNDER, F. & JACKSON, P. D. Pressure coring, logging and subsampling with the HYACINTH system
FREIFELO, B. M., KNEAESEY, T. J. & RACK, F. R. On-site geological core analysis using a portable X-ray computed tomographic system
KLEINBERG, R. L. Nuclear magnetic resonance pore-scale investigation of permafrost and gas hydrate sediments
CHEN, Q., RACK, F. R. & BALCOM, B. J. Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging methods for core analysis
JACKSON, P. D., LOVELL, M. A., ROBERTS, J. A., SCHULTHEISS, P. J., GUyN, D., FLINT, R. C., WOOD, A., HOLMES, R. & FREDER1CHS, T. Rapid non-contacting resistivity logging of core
GOLDBERG, D., MYERS, G., ITURRINO, G., GRIGAR, K., PETTIGREW, T. & MROZEWSKI, S. Logging-while-coring - new technology from the simultaneous recovery of downhole cores and geophysical measurements
JENKINS, C., FLOCKS, J. & KULP, M. Integration of the stratigraphic aspects of very large sea-floor databases using information processing
MOORE, C. J. HABERMANN, R. E. Core data stewardship: a long-term perspective
MITHAL, R. & BECKER, D. G. The Janus database: providing worldwide access to ODP and IODP data