Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
Книга посвящена вопросам применения комплексометрии к количественному химическому анализу горных пород. Рассматриваются вопросы теории комплексометрии и описываются ускоренные методы анализа силикатных пород, бокситов, марганцевых руд, сидеритов, известково-магнезиальных карбонатных пород, природных фосфатов, а также анализ природных вод
As the General Preface accompanying Volume I contains an introduction to the work as a whole, it is only necessary for me here to outline the scope of the second volume. Volume I1 is about sedimentary structures found in relatively complex physical settings, where groupings or hierarchies of features are often of most interest, and more emphasis is placed than in the first volume on cohesive as opposed to cohesionless beds. Secondary currents can exist for a number of reasons in boundary-layer flows, giving rise to flow-parallel sedimentary structures on both kinds of bed.
Sedimentary structures arise in immediate or close association with the transport of sedimentary materials. Some form where erosion predominates, others as net deposition prevails, and yet further kinds in the brief interval of time between sediment deposition and significant lithification. Many sedimentary structures are ordered features visible on sedimentation (bedding) surfaces, whereas others, often related to surface forms, are expressed as compositional and/or textural patterns (stratification) within Sedimentary deposits. Sedimentary structures can be created by chemical and biological as well as by physical agencies, but this book is about those structures wholly or predominantly shaped by physical mechanisms. The latter are much the most important and have continued to attract attention since the earliest days of the earth sciences in their modern form. <...>
Sedimentary structures that show up in outcrops and cores tell us about physical, biological and sometimes also chemical conditions at the time they were formed. Varying hydraulic or aerodynamic conditions result in assemblages of structures that often bear diagnostic features of sedimentary environments. Therefore an understanding of the origin of sedimentary structures and their assemblages is a prerequisite for sedimentologists and petroleum geologists involved in core description and interpretation.
We substantially revised the first and second editions of this book while retaining our original objectives: to help you better understand (1) the processes that erode, transport, and deposit sediments (sedimentology); (2) the characteristics and origins of sedimentary rocks (sedimentary petrology); and (3) the complex distribution of the sedimentary rock record in space and time (stratigraphy). The first two areas are the subjects of Chapters 1 through 14. The field of stratigraphy is covered in Chapters 15 through 19.
Sedimentary rocks form at low temperatures and pressures at the surface of Earth owing to deposition by water, wind, or ice. By contrast, igneous and metamorphic rocks form mainly below Earth’s surface where temperatures and pressures may be orders of magnitude higher than those at the surface, although volcanic rocks eventually cool at the surface. These fundamental differences in the origin of rocks lead to differences in physical and chemical characteristics that distinguish one kind of rock from another. Sedimentary rocks are characterized particularly by the presence of layers, although layers are also present in some volcanic and metamorphic rocks, and by distinctive textures and structures. Many sedimentary rocks are also distinguished from igneous and metamorphic rocks by their mineral and chemical compositions and fossil content.
Sediments are formed of materials deposited episodically from water, air and ice, as well as soils, coals and volcanic detritus. Compaction, cementation and burial processes lithify loose sediments into sedimentary rocks and occasionally mask the character of the original deposit. Fortunately, many lithified rocks possess qualities so similar to those of modern deposits.that the conditions under which they formed can be determined with some certainty. When fossil remains and traces exist, such determinations are greatly facilitated. On the other hand, there are sedimentary rocks, such as banded iron-formations and chalks, which can be described accurately but which still defy completely satisfactory genetic interpretation, because there are no clear modern equivalents. <...>
Geochemistry has deep roots. Its beginnings can be traced back to antiquity, but many of the discoveries that are basic to the science were made between 1800 and 1910. The periodic table of elements was assembled, radioactivity was discovered, and the thermodynamics of heterogeneous systems was developed. The solar spectrum was used to determine the composition of the Sun. This information, together with chemical analyses of meteorites, provided an entry to a larger view of the universe.
И книге дается краткая петрографическая характеристика осадочных пород нефтеносных областей Азербайджана; приводятся гранулометрический и минералогический составы типов пород. Особенное внимание уделено типоморфным особенностям терригенных компонентов. На основе накопленного к настоящему времени огромного фактического материала приводятся петрографическое коррелятивы для отдельных стратиграфических комплексов, развитых на территории республики. Книга предназначается для геологов-нефтяников; она может быть использована и геологами других профилей е качестве справочного пособия при решении ряда вопросов, связанных с геологией Азербайджана.
Работа посвящена изучению вторичных изменений в толще мезозоя мощностью от 1500 до 3000 м. Исследование проводилось с помощью стадиального анализа; для отдельных пластов предложена (и применена) новая количественная методика. Породы мезозоя претерпели эпигенетические изменения, причем в них хорошо сохранились черты предыдущих стадий седнменто- и диагенеза.