Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
The natural resources on the earth seem to be randomly distributed but their variations over space and time are not all random. They exhibit a spatial correlation. This spatial correlation can be captured by geostatistics. Geostatistics deals with the analysis and modelling of geo-referenced data. The point observations are analyzed and interpolated to create spatial maps. For geostatistical interpolation, first the spatial correlation structures of the parameter of interest are quantified and then spatial interpolation is done using the quantified spatial correlation and optimal predictions at unobserved locations to create a map.
Пространство, структура и случайность. Вклад в честь Джорджа Матерона в области геостатистики, случайных множеств и математической морфологии
Personal Reminiscences of Georges Matheron Dietrich Stoyan A few words about Georges Matheron (1930-2000) Jean Serra Introduction From the editors Part I Geostatistics
Accurate recoverable resource estimation and grade control procedures are the foundation of successful mining ventures. Long, medium and short term planning in a mining operation are all dependent upon precise estimations. For example, poor estimation may result in the long term in a pit being incorrectly optimised, in the medium term cashflow forecasts may be disastrously inaccurate, and in the short term the allocation of ore and waste material by grade control may be erroneous.
In this introductory chapter we describe general problems of spatial environmental data analysis, modeling, validation and visualization. Many of these problems are considered in detail in the following chapters using geostatistical models, machine learning algorithms (MLA) of neural networks and Support Vector Machines, and the Bayesian Maximum Entropy (BME) approach. The term “mapping” in the book is considered not only as an interpolation in two- or threedimensional geographical space, but in a more general sense of estimating the desired dependencies from empirical data.
Effectiveness of ore grade control at operating mines depends on both the quality and quantity of the samples used. Therefore, optimisation of grade control procedures requires analysis of sample quality and their spatial distribution. This approach, implying quantitative estimation of both these factors and quantification of their contribution to the grade control errors, was used for comparing two different grade control procedures at the Yandicoogina (Yandi) iron-ore open pit mine, located in the eastern part of the Pilbara region of Western Australia. At Yandi, pisolitic iron oxide mineralisation is distributed within a meandering palaeoriver channel, characterised by abundant clay pods that contain the deleterious components; in particular Al2O3 and SiO2.
В учебнике описаны математические методы решения промыслово-геологических задач при разработке нефти и газа, прежде всего оценки неоднородности продуктивного пласта и моделирования пространственного распространения неоднородностей
В учебном пособии в интерактивной форме представлены современные представления о теории и методах геостатистики и их применении в почвоведении и экологии для решения актуальных экологических и агроэкологических проблем. Основное внимание уделено вопросам построения семивариограмм и расчета их основных характеристики подбору моделей. Рассматривается понятие кригинга и дается описание некоторых его разновидностей.
Geostatistics aims at providing quantitative descriptions of natural variables distributed in space or in time and space. Examples of such variables are
Ore grades in a mineral deposit
Depth and thickness of a geological layer
Porosity and permeability in a porous medium
Density of trees of a certain species in a forest
Soil properties in a region
Rainfall over a catchment area
Pressure, temperature, and wind velocity in the atmosphere Concentrations of pollutants in a contaminated site