Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Автор(ы):Roberts J.L.
Издание:Pergamon, 1984 г., 335 стр., ISBN: 0-08-023982-3
Introduction to geological maps and structures / Введение в геологическое картирование и геологические структуры

The elementary student of geology may well first encounter the basic elements of structural geology through the study and interpretation of geological maps. However, there are few if any textbooks on structural geology which concentrate on showing how the forms of geological structures can be determined from the evidence presented by a geological map, even although such an analysis is fundamental to their interpretation. Admittedly, there are several laboratory manuals on the British market which offer a very elementary introduction to the basic methods used in the interpretation of geological maps.

ТематикаГеологическое картирование, Структурная геология
Автор(ы):Mukherjee S.
Издание:Elsevier, 2015 г., 182 стр., ISBN: 978-0-12-420152-1
Atlas of structural geology / Структурно-геологический атлас

Documentation of structures in different scales is the first step in many structural geological studies. This edited atlas gives an overview of diverse structures. Due to lack of space or inappropriateness, sometimes interesting structural snaps cannot be published in journals. This book fills that gap.

ТематикаСтруктурная геология
Автор(ы):Biswas T., Bose N., Dasgupta S., Dutta D., Ghosh R., Joshi A., Kumar M., Limaye M.A., Misra A.A., Mukherjee S.
Издание:Springer, 2020 г., 627 стр., ISBN: 978-981-13-9824-7
Structural geological atlas / Атлас геологических структур

The Barmer basin in Rajasthan (India) is a narrow, failed, continental rift basin with uplifted rift shoulders exposed along its E and W margins. The basin trends NNW and comprises of thick Mesozoic and Tertiary sediments. Its tectonic evolution is somewhat linked to other Mesozoic and/or Tertiary basins of NW segment of Rajasthan, India. The Barmer basin comprises of thick sedimentary sequence from Jurassic to recent overlying the Malani Igneous Suite. Structural field studies (Dasgupta and Mukherjee, 2017) along the rift margins helped in deciphering the two-phases (NW-SE followed by NE-SW) of extension through brittle shear tectonics. Field studies further identified: (1) structural inheritance of NNW trending fractures of older Malani basement rocks in the NW trending rift faults, (2) role of transfer zones (Dasgupta and Mukherjee 2019, Dasgupta and Maitra 2018, Dasgupta 2018) in rift fault propagation. Near NE trending mega-scale transfer zones have been documented along the Fatehgarh fault trend in N margin of the Barmer basin. See Bladon et al. (2015), Dolson et al. (2015), Dasgupta and Mukherjee (2017), Dasgupta and Mukherjee (2019) and Sharma (2007). for recent understanding on the tectonic of the Barmer region and its surroundings.
Vide Passchier and Trouw (2005), Mukherjee (2011a, 2012, 2013, 2015), Mukherjee and Koyi (2010a, b) etc. for shear sense indicators.

ТематикаСтруктурная геология
Редактор(ы):Mukherjee S.
Издание:Springer, 2019 г., 459 стр., ISBN: 978-3-319-99340-9
Tectonics and structural geology. Indian context / Тектоника и структурная геология. Индийский контекст

Tectonics and structural geology of Indian terrain is of great interest to the Government and a number of private exploration agencies that are working presently. This edited volume aims to meet this requirement. In addition, B.Sc. and M. Sc. geoscience students undergoing geohistory and/or tectonic courses would benefit using this book.
This edited volume brings 16 research papers (Chaps. 2–17) from both academia and industry.
Mukherjee et al. (2019) in Chap. 2 present an exhaustive review on the geology and the geochronology and of the Chotanagpur Granite Gneissic Complex (CGGC).
They classify the CGGC into three domains, and also comment on the India-Antarctica reconstruction. <...>

ТематикаРегиональная геология, Структурная геология
Издание 2
Автор(ы):Moores E.M., Twiss R.J.
Издание:W.H. Freeman and Company Publishers, 2007 г., 736 стр., ISBN: 978-0-7167-4951-6
Structural geology / Структурная геология

Structural geology and tectonics represent a continuum in the scale at which we study deformation in the Earth, with structural geology concerned largely with the microscopic to regional scales and tectonics concerned largely with the regional to global scales. Studies at the different scales are interdependent, however, and in fact, studies at one scale invariably inform studies at other scales.

ТематикаСтруктурная геология
Редактор(ы):Беляев К.Д., Проскуряков В.В.
Издание:Москва, 1978 г., 114 стр.
Роль литолого-стратиграфического, структурного и палеогеографического факторов в формировании месторождений полезных ископаемых на северо-западе РСФСР

Общие черты металлогении восточной части Балтийского щита
Разрывные нарушения и их роль в размещении рудных полезных ископаемых восточной части Балтийского щита
Докембрийские углеродсодержащие сланцы восточной части Балтийского щита и их рудная специализация
Геологические предпосылки прогнозирования в поисков месторождений монокварцево-конгломератозого типа

ТематикаИсторическая геология, Петрография, Полезные ископаемые, Структурная геология
Издание 2
Автор(ы):Fossen H.
Издание:Cambridge University Press, 2016 г., 2036 стр., ISBN: 978-1-107-05764-7
Structural geology / Структурная геология

The structure of the book is in many ways traditional, going from strain (Chapters 2 and 3) to stress (Chapters 4 and 5) and via rheology (Chapter 6) to brittle deformation (Chapters 7–10). Of these, Chapter 2 contains some material that would be too detailed and advanced for some students and classes, but selective reading is possible. Then, after a short introduction to the microscale structures and processes that distinguish crystal-plastic from brittle deformation (Chapter 11), ductile deformation structures such as folding, boudinage, foliations and shear zones are discussed (Chapters 12–16). Three consecutive chapters then follow that are founded on the three principal tectonic regimes (Chapters 17–19) before salt tectonics and restoration principles are presented (Chapters 20 and 21). A final chapter, where links to metamorphic petrology as well as stratigraphy are drawn, rounds off the book, and suggests that structural geology and tectonics largely rely on other disciplines. The chapters do not have to be read in numerical order, and most chapters can be used individually.

ТематикаСтруктурная геология
Редактор(ы):Mukherjee S.
Издание:Springer, 2019 г., 255 стр., ISBN: 978-981-13-2780-3
Teaching methodologies in structural geology / Методики преподавания структурной геологии

This introduction chapter of the book provides a summary of its nine key chapters. Structural geology and tectonics has progressively become more quantitative. To keep the pace, instructors of these subjects need to upgrade their teaching contents. This book presents issues related to (i) evaluation system of students using the peers, (ii) use of new instruments in measuring structural data from rocks, (iii) paleomagnetic studies in tectonics, (iv) sub-surface structural interpretations required in industries, (v) field studies in structural geology, (vi) interdisciplinary aspects of structural geology, (vii) teaching structural geology and tectonics in Indian context, (viii) conducting practical classes in structural geology with map interpretations and (ix) and simple geomechanical problems and solutions. <...>

ТематикаСтруктурная геология
Автор(ы):Kruhl J.H.
Издание:Wiley Blackwell, 2017 г., 226 стр., ISBN: 978-1405182324
Drawing geological structures / Структурно-геологическая графика

Drawing is one of the elementary human abilities. It requires practice. But one must not draw with the skill of a Leonardo da Vinci or an Albrecht Dürer to be able to create drawings that are informative, aesthetic, and a joy to others. The drawing of geological objects is at a level that anyone can reach with a little practice and by following a few rules (Figure 1.1).<...>

ТематикаСтруктурная геология
Автор(ы):Ghosh S.K.
Издание:Pergamon, 1993 г., 614 стр., ISBN: 0-08-041879-1
Structural geology. Fundamentals and modern developments / Структурная геология. Основы и современные разработки

Structural geology deals with the deformation of rocks. After their formation, sedimentary and igneous rocks may remain undisturbed or are deformed to different degrees. A volume of rock may change shape, rotate bodily, fracture or be displaced from one place to another. Such changes may be visible to us, for example, by the tilting of horizontal strata, by development of folds in originally planar beds, by distortion of pebbles, fossils and mineral grains in rocks and by the fragmented character of an originally continuous bed. If these features are in a large scale, their three-dimensional forms are not visible to us; they can be studied only on the eroded surface of the earth. One of the primary objectives of structural geology is to determine three-dimensional forms of these structures mainly from observations on the surface. The first step of structural analysis of an area is to study the geometry of the structures, i.e. to study their morphology and orientation (or attitude), both by direct observation of small structures in the outcrop and by reconstruction of large structures <...>

ТематикаСтруктурная геология
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