Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Автор(ы):Dziewonski A.M., Romanowicz B.A.
Издание:Elsevier, 2015 г., 891 стр.
Treatise on geophysics. Deep Earth seismology. An introduction and overview / Трактат по геофизике. Глубинная сейсмология Земли. Введение и обзор

Applications of seismology to the study of the Earth’s interior are only a little over 100 years old. Its tools in determining the properties of inaccessible Earth are the most powerful among all geophysical methods. The principal reasons are the availability of natural (earthquakes) or controlled (explosions and vibrators) sources of elastic waves and their relatively low attenuation with distance.

ТематикаСейсморазведка, Общая геология
Автор(ы):Giannino F., Leucci G.
Издание:Wiley, 2022 г., 306 стр., ISBN: 9781119770985
Electromagnetic methods in geophysics. Applications in GeoRadar, FDEM, TDEM, and AEM / Электромагнитные методы в геофизике. Приложения в георадарах, FDM, TDEM и AEM

Geophysical techniques have many environmental, archaeological, forensic, geological, geotechnical, or engineering applications, as well as in the oil and gas, the mining industry, or for general academic research. Because of this, all the aspects connected with the logistics, designing, data collection, analysis, interpretation, and visualization, must be evaluated on a case-by case basis.

Автор(ы):Lowrie W.
Издание:Cambridge University Press, 2011 г., 295 стр., ISBN: 978-1-107-00584-6
A student’s guide to geophysical equations / Руководство для студентов по геофизическим уравнениям

The advent of accessible student computing packages has meant that geophysics students can now easily manipulate datasets and gain first-hand modeling experience – essential in developing an intuitive understanding of the physics of the Earth. Yet to gain a more in-depth understanding of the physical theory, and to be able to develop new models and solutions, it is necessary to be able to derive the relevant equations from first principles. This compact, handy book fills a gap left by most modern geophysics textbooks, which generally do not have space to derive all of the important formulae, showing the intermediate steps. This guide presents full derivations for the classical equations of gravitation, gravity, tides, Earth rotation, heat, geomagnetism, and foundational seismology, illustrated with simple schematic diagrams. It supports students through the successive steps and explains the logical sequence of a derivation – facilitating self-study and helping students to tackle homework exercises and prepare for exams.

Автор(ы):Давыдов А.В.
Издание:2005 г., 77 стр.
Вейвлетные преобразования сигналов

1. Основы вейвлет-преобразования сигналов

2. Свойства вейвлет-преобразования

3. Вейвлетный кратномасштабный анализ

4. Программное обеспечение вейвлетного анализа

5. Функции вейвлет-преобразований в Matlab

6. Пакетные вейвлет-перобразования

7. Вейвлетная очистка от шумов и сжатие сигналов

ТематикаГеофизика, Математические методы
Автор(ы):Kay S.M.
Издание:Pearson Prentice Hall, 1993 г., 602 стр.
Fundamentals of statistical signal processing. Estimation theory / Основы статистической обработки сигналов. Теория оценки

Parameter estimation is a subject that is standard fare in the many books available on statistics. These books range from the highly theoretical expositions written by statisticians to the more practical treatments contributed by the many users of applied statistics. This text is an attempt to strike a balance between these two extremes. The particular audience we have in mind is the community involved in the design and implementation of signal processing algorithms. As such, the primary focus is on obtaining optimal estimation algorithms that may be implemented on a digital computer. The data sets are therefore assumed to be samples of a continuous-time waveform or a sequence of data points. The choice of topics reflects what we believe to be the important approaches to obtaining an optimal estimator and analyzing its performance. As a consequence, some of the deeper theoretical issues have been omitted with references given instead. <...>

ТематикаГеофизика, Математические методы
Автор(ы):Schultz P.
Издание:Society of exploration geophysicists, 1998 г., 208 стр.
The seismic velocity model as an interpretation asset / Модель сейсмичесих скоростей как инструмент интерпретации

A velocity model can have enduring and growing interpretive value, beyond its initial creation as a means to optimize the seismic image. The 3D velocity model is often built carefully with a combination of geophysical and geological input, because of the accuracy demands placed on it by the requirements of depth imaging. As such, this model becomes an increasingly effective interpretive tool.
This course addresses the ways in which the interpreter should participate in the development of the velocity model, and underscores its interpretive value with numerous case study examples. <...>

МеткиГеофизика, Модель скоростей, Сейсморазведка
Издание:228 стр.
Геофизические методы исследований

Геофизические методы исследований — это научно-прикладной раздел геофизики, предназначенный для изучения верхних слоев Земли, поисков и разведки полезных ископаемых, инженерно-геологических, гидрогеологических, мерзлотно-гляциологических и других изысканий и основанный на изучении естественных и искусственных полей Земли. Геофизика, находясь на стыке нескольких наук (геологии, физики, химии, математики, астрономии и географии), изучает происхождение и строение различных физических полей Земли и протекающих в ней и ближнем космосе физических процессов. Ее подразделяют на физику Земли, включающую сейсмологию, земной магнетизм, глубинную геоэлектрику, геодезическую гравиметрию, геотермию; геофизику гидросферы (физику моря); геофизику атмосферы и космоса и геофизические методы исследования, называемые также региональной, разведочной и скважинной геофизикой. Предметом исследования научно-прикладных разделов геофизики является осадочный чехол, кристаллический фундамент, земная кора и верхняя мантия с общей глубиной до 100 км. <...>

Автор(ы):Claerbout J.F.
Издание:Stanford University, 1998 г., 298 стр.
Geophysical estimation by examples / Геофизические вычисления на примерах

We make discoveries about reality by examining the di erence between theory and practice. There is a well-developed theory about the di erence between theory and practice, and it is called \geophysical inverse theory". In this book we investigate the practice of the di erence between theory and practice. As the folklore tells us, there is a big di erence. There are already many books on the theory, and often as not, they end in only one or a few applications in the author's specialty. In this book on practice, we examine data and results from many diverse applications. I have adopted the discipline of suppressing theoretical curiosities until I nd data that requires it (except for a few concepts at chapter ends). <...>

Автор(ы):Claerbout J.F.
Издание:1992 г., 359 стр.
Processing versus inversion / Обработка в сравнении с инверсией

This disk contains freeware from many authors. Freeware is software you can copy and give away. But it is restricted in other ways. Please see author's copyrights and \public licenses" along with their programs.

Автор(ы):Scales J.A., Smith M.L.
Издание:Samizdat Press, 1996 г., 209 стр.
Introductory geophysical inverse theory: Part I / Введение в теорию решения обратной задачи в геофизике. Часть 1

This course is an introduction to some of the balkanized family of techniques and philosophies that reside under the umbrella of inverse theory. In this section we present the central threads that bind all of these singular items together in a harmonious whole. That's impossible of course, but what we will do is provide a point of view that, while it will break from time-to-time, is good enough to be going on with. The goal of this chapter is to introduce a real inverse problem and explore some of the issues that arise in a non-technical way. Later, we explore the resulting complications in greater depth <...>

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