Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Автор(ы):Young R.A.
Издание:EAGE Publications bv, 2004 г., 96 стр., ISBN: 90-73781-34-5
A lab manual of seismic reflection processing / Лабораторное руководство по обработке сейсмических отражений
Редактор(ы):Chen J., Dobrzhinetskaya L.F., Duffy T.S., Shen G., Wang Y.
Издание:Elsevier, 2005 г., 531 стр., ISBN: 0-444-51979-3
Advances in high-pressure technology for geophysical applications / Достижения в области технологий высокого давления для геофизических применений

High-pressure mineral physics is a field that is strongly driven by the development of new technology. Fifty years ago, when experimentally achievable pressures were limited to just 25 GPa, little was known about the mineralogy of the Earth’s lower mantle. Silicate perovskite, the likely dominant mineral of the deep Earth, was identified only when the high-pressure techniques broke the pressure barrier of 25 GPa in the 1970s. However, as the maximum achievable pressure reached beyond 1 Megabar (100 GPa) and even to the pressure of Earth’s core on minute samples, new discoveries were increasingly fostered by the development of new analytical techniques and improvements in sensitivity and precision of existing techniques.

Редактор(ы):Colombero C., Comina C., Godio A.
Издание:MDPI, 2020 г., 319 стр., ISBN: 978-3-03943-733-7
Remote sensing in applied geophysics / Дистанционное зондирование в прикладной геофизике

Chiara Colombero, Cesare Comina and Alberto Godio Special Issue “Remote Sensing in Applied Geophysics”
Edward R. Henry, Alice P. Wright, Sarah C. Sherwood, Stephen B. Carmody, Casey R. Barrier and Christopher Van de Ven Beyond Never-Never Land: Integrating LiDAR and Geophysical Surveys at the Johnston Site, Pinson Mounds State Archaeological Park, Tennessee, USA
Luca Piroddi, Sergio Vincenzo Calcina, Antonio Trogu and Gaetano Ranieri Automated Resistivity Profiling (ARP) to Explore Wide Archaeological Areas: The Prehistoric Site of Mont’e Prama, Sardinia, Italy
Rita Deiana, David Vicenzutto, Gian Piero Deidda, Jacopo Boaga and Michele Cupit `o Remote Sensing, Archaeological, and Geophysical Data to Study the Terramare Settlements: The Case Study of Fondo Paviani (Northern Italy)

Автор(ы):Li M., Zhao Y.
Издание:Elsevier, 2014 г., 448 стр., ISBN: 978-0-12-410436-5
Geophysical exploration technology. Applications in lithological and stratigraphic reservoirs / Технология геофизических исследований. Применение в литологических и стратиграфических коллекторах

In China, oil and gas resources mainly accumulated in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic continental basins, and the proven reserves of oil and gas in continental basins account for three-quarters and nearly half of China’s total reserves, respectively (Zhai, 1996). Almost 95% of the proven oil reserves in China are concentrated in continental basins (Dai, 2000). After more than half a century of exploration, a large number of structural reservoirs and some lithological and stratigraphic reservoirs were discovered in continental basins. Although the exploration efforts of many Mesozoic and Cenozoic basins has been relatively high, especially for eastern basins, there is still a great potential for the exploration of lithological and stratigraphic reservoirs. In order to promote petroleum exploration development, we must develop new technologies and methods, and strengthen the basic research theories targeting lithological and stratigraphic reservoirs, using petroleum geological characteristics of continental basins (Jia, 2003). <...>

Том 1
Редактор(ы):Coutinho R.Q., Mayne P.W.
Издание:CRC Press, 2013 г., 1887 стр., ISBN: 978-1-4665-8418-1
Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization 4 / Геотехническая и геофизическая характеристика участка 4

The use and application of in-situ testing has continued to expand in the past few decades. This paper focuses on some major in-situ tests (SPT, CPT and DMT) and presents selected insights that the geotechnical engineering profession may find helpful. Many of the recommendations contained in this paper are focused on low to moderate risk projects where empirical interpretation tends to dominate. For projects where more advanced methods are more appropriate, the recommendations provided in this paper can be used as a screening to evaluate critical regions/zones where selective additional in-situ testing and sampling may be appropriate. <...>

ТематикаГеофизика, Горное дело
Автор(ы):Lillie R.J.
Издание:Prentice-Hall Inc, 361 стр., ISBN: 0-13-490517-2
Whole Earth geophysics. An introductory textbook for geologista and geophysicists / Геофизика Земли. Вводное пособие для геологов и геофизических специалистов

Whole Earth Geophysics illustrates how different types of geophysical observations provide constraints on Earth’s gross structure and composition. It introduces geology students with a basic grounding in math and physics to the fundamentals of various geophysical techniques, but does not stop there. Specific observations illustrate how each technique constrains certain aspects of the plate tectonic framework that is fundamental to the study of Earth science today.
This book is designed for a Solid Earth Geophysics course at the advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate level. While the primary objective is to illustrate the utility of geophysical observations to geology students, geophysics students may benefit from the book by seeing the basics of their discipline in the context of geology. <...>

Редактор(ы):Wang G., Weng Q.
Издание:CRC Press, 2014 г., 564 стр., ISBN: 978-1-4665-5693-5
Remote sensing of Natural Resources / Дистанционное зондирование природных ресурсов

This book focuses on remote sensing systems, algorithms, and their applications for evaluation of natural resources, especially in the areas of sampling design, land use and land cover (LULC) characterization and classification, natural landscape and ecosystem assessment, forestry and agriculture mapping, biomass and carbon cycle modeling, wetland classification and dynamics monitoring, and soils and minerals mapping.

ТематикаГеофизика, Дистанционные методы
Выпуск 6
Редактор(ы):Кривцов А.И., Мухин С.С., Щеглов А.Д.
Издание:Недра, Москва, 1990 г., 131 стр.
Советская геология. Выпуск 6/1990

Габриэляну Г.А., Современные задачи геологической службы страны
Методология, экономика, организаци
Лазько Е.М., Ляхов Ю.В., Пизнюр А.В. Термобарогеохимическое моделирование рудных формаций и практика прогнозно-оценочных работ
Топливно-энергетическое сырье
Старобинец И.С., Обухова М.В. Геохимические критерии сохранности скоплений углеводородов в связи с оценкой нефтегазоносности
Рысс Ю.С., Гольдберг И.С., Васильева В.И., Ворошилов Н.А. Возможности применения геоэлектрохи-мических методов для поисков нефтегазовых месторождений 
Рудное и нерудное мнеральное сырье

Кривцов А.И. Геолого-генетические проблемы рудных месторождений

ТематикаГеофизика, Полезные ископаемые, Региональная геология
Редактор(ы):Guangding L.
Издание:CRC Press, 1996 г., 187 стр.
Proceedings of the 30th international geological congress. Volume 20. Geophysics / Материалы 30-го международного геологического конгресса. Том 20. Геофизика

Basement tectonics in continental China, based on regional geophysical interpretation. Wang Mao-Ji
Deep seismic refraction cross sections of Sakhalin (Russia) on the data of reinterpretation using 2-D inversion method V.B. Piip
Deep structure pattern, anisotropy and continental geodynamics revealed by geophysical profiles and transects in China Ten Jiwen, Xiong Shaobai, Zhang Zhongjie, Liu Hongbing, Yin Zhouxun, Sun Kezhong, Hu Jiafu, Yang Dinghui, Wan Zhichao, Zhang Bingming and Zhang Hui

Автор(ы):Джуман Б.Б.
Издание:Львов, 2023 г., 42 стр., УДК: 528.2/.3+550.3
Моделювання регіональних геофізичних полів Землі для розв'язку геодезичних задач / Моделирование региональных геофизических полей Земли для решения геодезических задач

Джуман Б.Б. Моделювання регіональних геофізичних полів Землі для розв’язку геодезичних задач. – Кваліфікаційна наукова праця на правах рукопису.
Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.24.01 – Геодезія, фотограмметрія та картографія. – Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», МОН України, Львів, 2023.

ТематикаАвтореферат, Геодезия, Геофизика
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