The roots of sedimentology and stratigraphy extend back to the 16th century; however, these disciplines are still growing and changing. Geologists continue to "fine tune" sedimentologic and stratigraphic concepts through a variety of research avenues and by using an array of increasingly sophisticated research tools. T he result is a continuous outpouring of fresh data and new ideas. In fact, it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep abreast of the flood of new information appearing in the geological literature. A glance through recent issues of a well-known sedimentology journal reveals important new papers on sedimentation and tectonics, depositional systems, carbonates, biosedimentology, diageneis, provenance, geochemistry, sediment transport and sedimentary structures, stratigraphic architecture, chronostratigraphy, numerical modeling, paleoclimatology, sequence stratigraphy, and basin analysis-to name but a few research areas. <...>