Developments in sedimentology. Volume 15. The chemistry of clay minerals / Исследования в седиментологии. Том 15. Химия глинистых минералов

Автор(ы):Pollard L.D., Weaver C.
Издание:Elsevier, 1973 г., 221 стр., ISBN: 0-444-41043-0
Developments in sedimentology. Volume 15. The chemistry of clay minerals / Исследования в седиментологии. Том 15. Химия глинистых минералов

Clay minerals occur in all types of sediments and sedimentary rocks and are a common constituent of hydrothermal deposits. They are the most abundant minerals in sedimentary rocks perhaps comprising as much as 40% of the minerals in these rocks. Half or more of the clay minerals in the earth's crust are illites, followed, in order of relative abundance, by montmorillonite and mixed-layer illite-montmorillonite, chlorite and mixed-layer chlorite-montmorillonite, kaolinite and septachlorite, attapulgite and sepiolite. The clay minerals are fine-grained. They are built up of tetrahedrally (Si, A l , Fe3+) and octahedrally (Al, Fe3+, Fez+, Mg) coordinated cations organized to form either sheets or chains. All are hydrous. <...>

ТематикаЛитология, Минералогия
МеткиАллофанит, Аттапульгит, Вермикулит, Галуазит, Глауконит, Глинистые минералы, Диккит, Иллит, Каолиниты, Палыгорскиты, Седиментология, Селадонит, Сепиолиты, Смектиты, Хлориты
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