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Volcanoes have the power to rock our world, from the spectacular and the beautiful to the violent and the deadly. Introducing Volcanology: A Guide to Hot Rocks is a detailed but accessible introduction to volcanoes and their plumbing systems. Aimed at those with an inquisitive interest in volcanoes as well as the more advanced reader, the ten chapters document different aspects of volcanology. All are illustrated with a wide array of photographs and diagrams to accompany the text, and an A–Z of volcanology is included as a glossary. Since the first edition of this book was published in 2011, a lot has happened in the world of volcanoes and in the world of DougalEARTH. I have been lucky to continue travelling globally to see many of the world’s modern and ancient volcanic rocks (the ‘HOT Rocks’ that form the basis of this guide). Since appearing as ‘Dr Volcano’ on BBC television, I have continued to work with various media projects including CBBC series Fierce Earth, a trip down the Grand Canyon in a wooden boat (BBC/Discovery) and a journey to the very edge of China (Discovery Asia), always looking out for the next Earth Science adventure <...>
In the summer of 1963, when a group of Japanese scientists arrived at the aged building of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, run by the U. S. Geological Survey, there began a program of cooperation and friendship between American and Japanese volcanologists that continues to the present. The late Professor Takeshi Minakami, a top volcano-physicist long involved in research at various volcanoes, including Asama, then the most active volcano in Japan, led the Japanese group.
Volcanic activity can have a profound effect on the Earth's atmosphere and environment across many spatial and temporal scales. From being the source of most gases in the atmosphere over geologic time scales, to producing climate change, to threatening aviation, volcanic eruptions as well as non-eruptive volcanic gas and particle emissions provide a strong link between the lithosphere and the impact of the atmosphere on human activities.
The Cenozoic volcanism in the Tyrrhenian Sea region shows a very wide range of petrological, geochemical and isotopic compositions, which cover almost entirely the field of igneous rock occurring worldwide. Volcanic activity took place contemporaneously with the opening of the Ligurian-Provenзal and Tyrrhenian Sea basins, and with the formation of the Apennine-Maghrebian chain.
IN 1993, volcanologist Dr. Stanley Williams was standing inside Galeras, an active volcano located in Colombia, South America (Figure 1.1). Steam was rising around him, and gases were escaping from nearby fumeroles. He had tested the gases and heat from the volcano earlier, and had determined that it was safe to go inside the volcano.
Volcanoes are the most violent surface expression of the Earth's internal energy. Only impacts of large extra-terrestrial bodies can match the explosive release and devastation of the largest volcanoes. Indeed for some of the most dramatic events the Earth has seen - the large terrestrial extinctions of animal life - the jury is still out as to whether they were brought about by meteoritic impact or by wide-scale effects of volcanic activity. Volcanoes have it too when it comes to sustained visual impact. Earthquakes, tsunamis and avalanches all cause massive devastation, but it is accomplished in the blink of an eye, and floods rise with a progressive and depressing inevitability. Volcanoes are simply the most spectacular of the destructive natural hazards to life on Earth. <...>
Вулканы играют важную роль в формировании верхних оболочек Земли, ее коры, атмосферы и гидросферы. Их воздействие на среду обитания по масштабам варьирует в широких пределах. Некоторые крупнейшие извержения в геологическом прошлом приводили к глобальным катастрофам. В историческое время крупные извержения неоднократно определяли судьбы больших групп людей и даже цивилизаций. Примером может служить извержение вулкана Санторин в 1470 г. до н.э. в Средиземном море, которое привело, как полагают, к исчезновению Атлантиды и Миной-ской культуры. <...>
Volcanic eruptions have been one of the most fundamental influences on the Earth’s evolution throughout its 4.54 Ga history. Volcanic eruptions formed the Earth’s crust, were the source for the atmosphere and oceans and are arguably the basis for life on Earth. Huge eruptions have almost certainly caused climate change and influenced mass extinction events.
Across the face of the central Pacific Ocean, 3,000 kilometers from the nearest continent and 800 kilometers from any other land, lies the row of islands known as the Hawaiian Archipelago. From Kure Island at the northwest, the archipelago forms a southeast-trending line of islands 2,400 kilometers long (fig. 1.1).
Отчего возникают землетрясения и извержения вулканов, чем вызываются громадные волны цунами? Может ли наука предсказать наступление этих грозных явлений природы и как от них уберечься?
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