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Mineral chemistry, crystallization conditions and magma mixing-mingling at Orduzu volcano (Malatya), Eastern Anatolia, Turkey / Химический состав минералов, условия кристаллизации и перемешивание магмы на вулкане Ордузу (Малатья), Восточная Анатолия, Турц

Автор(ы):Onal A.
Издание:2008 г., 22 стр.
Mineral chemistry, crystallization conditions and magma mixing-mingling at Orduzu volcano (Malatya), Eastern Anatolia, Turkey / Химический состав минералов, условия кристаллизации и перемешивание магмы на вулкане Ордузу (Малатья), Восточная Анатолия, Турц

The Middle Miocene Orduzu volcanic suite, which is a part of the widespread Neogene Yamadag˘ volcanism of Eastern Anatolia, consists of a rhyolitic lava flow, rhyolitic dykes, a trachyandesitic lava flow and basaltic trachyandesitic dykes. Existence of mafic enclaves and globules in some of the volcanic rocks, and microtextures in phenocrysts indicate that magma mingling and mixing between andesitic and basaltic melts played an important role in the evolution of the volcanic suite. Major and trace element characteristics of the volcanic rocks are similar to those formed in convergent margin settings. In particular, incompatible trace element patterns exhibit large depletions in high field strength elements (Nb and Ta) and strong enrichments in both large ion lithofile elements (Ba, Th and U) and light rare earth elements, indicating a strong subduction signature in the source of the volcanic rocks. Furthermore, petrochemical data obtained suggest that parental magmas of rhyolite lava and dykes, and trachyandesite lava and basaltic trachyandesite dykes were derived from subduction-related enriched lithospheric mantle and metasomatized mantle ( asthenosphere), respectively. A detailed mineralogical study of the volcanic suite shows that plagioclase is the principal phenocryst phase in all of the rock units from the Orduzu volcano. The plagioclase phenocrysts are accompanied by quartz in the rhyolitic lava flows and by two pyroxenes in the trachyandesitic lava flows and basaltic trachyandesitic dykes. Oxide phases in all rocks are magnetite and ilmenite. Calculated crystallization temperatures range from 6508C to 8008C for plagioclase, 7458C–10548C for biotite, 8888C–9158C for pyroxene and 7368C–8418C for magnetite–ilmenite pairs. Calculated crystallization pressures of pyroxenes vary between 1.24–5.81 kb, and oxygen fugacity range from 14.47 to 12.39. The estimates of magmatic intensive parameters indicate that the initial magma forming the Orduzu volcanic unit began to crystallize in a high-level magma chamber and then was stored in a shallow reservoir where it underwent intermediate-mafic mixing. The rhyolitic lava flow and dykes evolved in relatively shallower crustal magma chambers <...>

ТематикаВулканология, Геохимия, Минералогия, Петрография
МеткиАнатолия, Вулкан Малатья, Вулкан Ордузу, Вулканология, Турция
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