Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
Vulcan was the one of three children of the Roman gods, Jupiter and Juno. As well as a number of minor divine attributes, Vulcan was the blacksmith of the gods – the god of fire. It is no wonder that the ancient Romans gave his name to a small island, Vulcano, off the coast of Sicily where at night they saw the lights of his fires and heard the sound of his forge. Today, the term volcano evokes scenes of running molten rocks, huge towering eruption clouds, explosions, ash and destruction. The study of volcanoes, or volcanology, aims to understand the importance of the Earth’s volcanic activity: What does it tell us about the structure of our planet? What risk does it pose to our lives? What economic benefits can we obtain from its power?
This booklet aims to give you the background knowledge to enable you the share some of the wonder of volcanology with your students. <...>
Volcanoes. All you need to teach volcanoes in your classroom |
Владелец инбокса: kaptar.j | |||
Vulcan was the one of three children of the Roman gods, Jupiter and Juno. As well as a number of minor divine attributes, Vulcan was the blacksmith of the gods – the god of fire. It is no wonder that the ancient Romans gave his name to a small island, Vulcano, off the coast of Sicily where at night they saw the lights of his fires and heard the sound of his forge. Today, the term volcano evokes scenes of running molten rocks, huge towering eruption clouds, explosions, ash and destruction. The study of volcanoes, or volcanology, aims to understand the importance of the Earth’s volcanic activity: What does it tell us about the structure of our planet? What risk does it pose to our lives? What economic benefits can we obtain from its power? |
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