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Автор(ы):Spath L.F.
Издание:Goverment of India, Calcutta, 1928 г., 174 стр.
Revision of the jurassic cephalopod fauna of Kachh (Cutch). Part 3 / Пересмотр фауны юрских головоногих Качха (Cutch). Часть 3

Since the Jurassic deposits of Kachh have yielded only very few pre. 'Callovian Cephalopods, it is unnecessary to deal in detail with the early members of the present super-family. The Stephanoceratidae* in the restricted sense, although typically Bajocian, with genera like Polyplectites (= group of Amm. linguiferus d'Orbigny and 'Stephanoceras' daubenyi, Gemmellaro) undoubtedly persisted to the Middle and even Upper Bathonian (Siemiradzkian and Oxyceritan). No forms of this family, or of Sphaeroceratidae and of Tulitidae, descendants of Stephanoceratidae s.s., have yet been found in Kachh. <...>

Автор(ы):Spath L.F.
Издание:Goverment of India, Calcutta, 1927 г., 88 стр.
Revision of the jurassic cephalopod fauna of Kachh (Cutch) / Пересмотр фауны юрских головоногих Качха (Cutch)

When describing, two years ago, the Blake Collection of Ammonites 'from Kachh (Cutch), the writer (1924, p. 1) regretted that owing to the fact that he had not been able to re-examine "\Vaagcn's types, the affinitiefi of some of the oft-quoted Kachh species would have to remain 1mcertain· The kind offer, soon after, by Dr. E. H. Pascoc, the Director of the Geological Survey of India, to unde1take the revision of the Ammonite fauna of Kachh, was therefore eagerly accepted by the writer. l\lr. Oldham's anticiJlation of 1873 that Waagen's work would turn out to be one of the most important contributions to the Cephalopod palreontology of the Upper Jumssic formations ever issued, was completely realised, and the writer feels deeply grateful to Dr. Pascoe for entrusting him with the revision of so important a fauna.  <...>

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