Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
This report (the “Report”) was prepared for Lithium Americas Corp. (the “Company” or “LAC”) to document the methods and results of a Measured, Indicated and Inferred Resource Estimate on mineral claims held by the Company. The estimate applies to lithium and potassium contained in brine within the basin of the Olaroz and Cauchari Salars, two adjacent salt lakes in the Jujuy Province of northwestern Argentina. <...>
Bacanora Minerals Ltd. (Bacanora), a Calgary based capital pool company, has agreed to acquire all the shares of Mineramex Limited, which indirectly owns the Magdalena and Tubutama Concessions, as a Qualifying Transaction as defined by the TSX Venture Exchange (the Exchange or TSX-V). MineTech International Limited (MineTech) was commissioned by Bacanora to conduct an independent review of the Magdalena and Tubutama Concessions to meet the TSX-V requirements for the purchase of these Concessions from Mineramex. The Concessions are held by two wholly-owned subsidiaries of Mineramex - Minerales Industriales Tubutama, S.A. de C.V. (MIT), which owns the Tubutama Concessions, and Minera Sonora Borax, S.A. de C.V. (MSB), which owns the Magdalena Concessions. In 2008, the Magdalena Concessions were acquired from Minera Santa Margarita S.A. de C.V. (MSM), a Mexico registered subsidiary of Rio Tinto Group.<...>
SRK Exploration Services (SRK ES) has been requested by Metals and Minerals Group (MMG), to undertake a prospectivity review of the Tethyan Metallogenic Belt with the aim of identifying regions with the potential to host ‗Tier 1‘ copper deposits (containing the equivalent of >500 Mt at 1% Cu). MMG have expressed a primary interest in identifying large porphyry copper deposits at any stage of development, but area also interested in the potential of high sulphidation epithermal, sedimentary and IOCG (iron-oxide-copper-gold), polymetallic VHMS (volcanic hosted massive sulphide) and sediment-hosted Pb-Zn prospects. This review has examined the potential for these types of deposit across 20 individual countries from Poland through to Pakistan. <...>
Массив западного участка месторождения Нурказган в центральной части рудного поля сложен кварцевыми диоритами первой фазы внедрения, гранодиоритами, гранодиорит-порфирами второй фазы и интрузивными брекчиями, завершающими образование массива /1/. Массив разбит сетью разрывных нарушений, к которым часто приурочены пострудные дайки диабазов.
Wardell Armstrong International Limited (“WAI”) was commissioned by Lundin Mining Corporation (“Lundin”) to prepare an updated Technical Report in accordance with the disclosure requirements of Canadian Securities Administrators’ National Instrument 43-101, Standard of Disclosure of Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101”) to disclose recent information about the Neves-Corvo underground mine located on the Neves-Corvo integrated Mining Concession, and the surrounding Exploration Concession (collectively “Neves-Corvo”). This information has been derived from a Feasibility Study (“FS”) undertaken by Lundin on the Zinc Expansion Project (“ZEP”) at Neves-Corvo and includes anupdated Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve estimate.