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Research report number RR 99-04. BGS rock classification scheme. Volume 4. Classification of artificial (man-made) ground and natural superficial deposits applications to geological maps and datasets in the UK / Отчет об исследовании № RR 99-04. Том 4

Автор(ы):McMillan A.A., Powell J.H.
Издание:British Geological Survey Research Report, 1999 г., 65 стр.
Research report number RR 99-04. BGS rock classification scheme. Volume 4. Classification of artificial (man-made) ground and natural superficial deposits applications to geological maps and datasets in the UK / Отчет об исследовании № RR 99-04. Том 4

The Digital Map Production Implementation project initiated a review of the BGS Rock Classification Scheme in order to set up hierarchical schemes and master dictionaries of terms for the geological map digital database. This report describes the proposed classification schemes for drift (see Section 4 for definitions) of Pleistocene and Recent age comprising artificial (man-made) ground and natural superficial deposits. Traditionally the mapping of drift has used methods and classification criteria that differ from those employed for sedimentary rocks. For this reason the latter are treated separately in a companion volume (Hallsworth and Knox, 1999). The schemes have been revised from earlier versions following the advice of a BGS Review Panel, other BGS staff and external reviewers.
The proposed classification schemes are designed specifically for applications to geological maps and datasets in the UK and the surrounding continental shelf and as such consider only deposits which are commonly mapped at 1:10 000 scale (onshore) or are shown on the offshore 1:250 000 scale maps. The schemes are based with modification upon the specifications for 1:10 000 and 1:50 000 onshore maps, field mapping procedures (BGS, 1995) and mapping procedures for marine deposits of the subtidal zone and adjoining continental shelf. They are designed to be used and interpreted by both geologists and non-geologists to allow thematic material comprising identified classes of superficial deposits to be extracted from geological maps and other datasets. The schemes can be developed further to cover other classes of materials, particularly from overseas tropical and subtropical land, shelf and deep-sea areas, which have not been assessed for this report. <...>

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