We live in a golden age of paleontological discovery—on average, we fi nd one new dinosaur species per week. The most fascinating among them take their place in this updated edition of Dinosaurs—The Grand Tour, from Aardonyx, a lumbering beast that formed a link between two- and four-legged dinosaurs, to Zuniceratops, who boasted a deadly pair of horns.
Here, you’ll fi nd everything worth knowing about every dinosaur worth learning about—more than three hundred in all. At-a-glance sidebars put each dinosaur’s diet, size, and where they roamed at your fi ngertips. Stories of harrowing expeditions conjure the thrills of history’s most famous dinosaur hunters. Highlights from recent research reveal what’s new in paleontology today, including scientists’ evolving ideas of what dinosaurs actually looked like. (Hint: They were more colorful—and feathery!—than we thought before.) And illustrations on virtually every page bring these prehistoric creatures to life in all their glory.
Plus, renowned paleontologist Jack Horner contributes “fi eld notes” to help readers set out on their own expeditions—from seeking fossilized footprints at his recommended sites to planning a cross-country road trip using his list of top North American dinosaurs as a map. You’ll learn what it’s like to be part of the most sensational dino-discoveries ever—and maybe make some of your own!