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Dinosaur tracks and other fossil footprints of europe / Следы динозавров и другие ископаемые отпечатки Европы

Автор(ы):Lockley M., Meyer C.
Издание:Columbia University press NY, 1999 г., 341 стр., ISBN: 0-231-10710-2
Dinosaur tracks and other fossil footprints of europe / Следы динозавров и другие ископаемые отпечатки Европы

There has been a long and distinguished tradition of tracking dinosaurs and other extinct animals in Europe. This tradition dates back to the first scientific report on a set of Permian fossil footprints from Scotland in 1828, which were at first incorrectly interpreted as the spoor of tortoises. This tradition of early track discoveries, and confusion over the trackmakers, continued in the 1830s with the discovery of the controversial Triassic “hand animal” footprint named Chirotherium. Although this was the first fossil footprint ever given a formal Latin name, it was not attributed to the proper trackmaker for almost a century. Even so, some of the leading paleontologists and geologists of the day paid considerable and serious attention to fossil footprints, knowing full well that they shed new light on the history of vertebrates that could not be obtained from the sparse record of bones then available. <...>

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