Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Автор(ы):Coleman J.M., Prior D.B.
Издание:AAPG, 1980 г., 171 стр.
Deltaic sand bodies / Песчаные дельтовые массивы

Deltaic depositional facies result from interacting dynamic physical processes (wave energy, tidal action, climate, etc.) which modify and disperse riverborne elastics. Since ancient times, river deltas have been of fundamental importance to civilization. Owing to their early significance as agricultural lands, deltas received considerable attention from scholars such as Homer, Herodotus, Plato, and Aristotle. More recently, subsurface deltaic facies have played a paramount role in accommodating the world's energy needs; ancient deltaic sediments have provided source beds and reservoirs for a large percentage of the known petroleum reserves. The facies relationships and mechanisms responsible for development and distribution of deltaic sand bodies must be understood before they can be explored efficiently. <...>

Редактор(ы):Morad S., Worden R.H.
Издание:Blackwell, 2003 г., 507 стр., ISBN: 1-40510-587-9
Clay mineral cements in sandstones / Глинистые минеральные цементы в песчаниках

Clays are one of the most important groups of minerals that destroy permeability in sandstones, but they also react with drilling and completion fluids and induce fine-particle migrationduring hydrocarbon production. They are a very complex family of minerals that commonly are mutually intergrown and contain a wide range of solid solutions and form by a wide range of processes. They form under a wide diversity of pressure and temperature conditions, as well as rock and fluid compositional conditions.

Автор(ы):Beaubouef R.T., Jennette D.C., Mohrig D.C., Rossen C., Sullivan M.D., Zelt F.B.
Издание:American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1999 г., 47 стр.
Deep-water sandstones, Brushy Canyon Formation, West Texas / Глубоководные песчаники, формация каньона Браши, Западный Техас

Exceptional oblique-dip exposures of submarine fan complexes of the Brushy Canyon Fm. allow reconstruction of channel geometries and reservoir architecture from the slope to the basin floor. The Brushy Canyon conslsts of 1,500 ft. of basinally restricted sandstones and siltstones that onlap older carbonate slope deposits at the NW margin of the Delaware Basin.

ТематикаГеологические экскурсии, Региональная геология, Стратиграфия
Автор(ы):Shanmugam G.
Издание:Elsevier, 2012 г., 502 стр., ISBN: 978-0-444-56335-4
New perspectives on deep-water sandstones. Origin, recognition, initiation and reservoir quality / Новые взгляды на глубоководные песчаники. Происхождение, распознавание, инициация и качество коллектора

This volume is a follow-up to my earlier book “Deep-Water Processes and Facies Models: Implications for Sandstone Petroleum Reservoirs,” published under Elsevier’s “Handbook of Petroleum Exploration and Production” series (Volume 5). In that book and in my other publications,

ТематикаЛитология, Стратиграфия
Автор(ы):Raine R.J., Schieber J., Scholle P.A., Ulmer-Scholle D.S.
Издание:American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 2014 г., 543 стр., ISBN: 978-0-89181-389-7
A color guide to the petrography of sandstones, siltstones, shales and associated rocks / Цветное руководство по петрографии песчаников, алевролитов, глинистых сланцев и ассоциированных пород

This book covers the microscopic study of sandstones, mudstones and associated lithologies but excludes carbonate rocks which were covered in AAPG Memoir 77 (Scholle and Ulmer-Scholle, 2003). Sandstone petrography, and sedimentary petrography in general, is considered by many to be a science in decline. As a consequence, it is being taught at fewer universities, or at least commonly is subsumed into broader petrology or sedimentology classes, where it receives less time and less focus <...>

Автор(ы):Mader D.
Издание:Sedimo-Verlag Hannover, 1985 г., 630 стр., ISBN: 3-98001149-0-2
Contributions to the genesis of the German Buntsandstein (Lower Triassic, Middle Europe) / Beitrage zur Genese des genii anischen Buntsandsteins / Образование немецкого пестроцветного песчаника (нижний триас, Средняя Европа)

A. Allgemeiner Teil Einführung in die Forschungsrichtung der Sedimentologie und Vorstellung des Studienobjektes
Nachstehende allgemeinverständliche Einleitung für einen breiten Leserkreis gibt einen Überblick über die Stellung der Sedimentologie in der Geologie und die Arbeitsrichtungen dieses Wissenschaftszweiges, stellt den Buntsandstein als Beispielsobjekt sedimentologischer Forschung vor und definiert die Zielsetzung des Buches.

Автор(ы):Scholle P.A.
Издание:American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1979 г., 201 стр.
A color illustrated guide to constituents, textures, cements and porosities of sandstones and associated rocks / Цветное иллюстрированное руководство по составу, текстурам, цементу и пористости песчаников и сопутствующих пород

This book is designed as a companion volume to AAPG Memoir 27. As with its predecessor volume, the purpose of this book is to provide identified illustrations of important grains, textures, cements, and porosity types for geologists who may not be specialists in the petrography of sandstones and associated sedimentary rocks.

Sandstone petrography is of particular interest to the explorationist for several reasons. First, it can provide valuable information on the detailed composition of sedimentary rocks. From this, one can often draw conclusions about the lithology, climate, and tectonic history of the source area, as well as predicting the response of such units to a variety of subsurface diagenetic environments. Second, one can acquire significant data on the grain size, sorting, and rounding of sedimentary grains. For lithified sediments this may be the only way to obtain such data, which may be useful in determinations of the transport mechanisms and depositional environment of the sediment. Third, information may be obtained on the postdepositional alteration history of sedimentary rocks. This may include data on compaction, cementation, leaching, fracturing, porosity types, and other factors. These are essential for a proper understanding of reservoir rocks and, commonly, petrography provides the only technique fort gathering accurate data on such diagenetic factors <...>

Редактор(ы):Scholle P.A., Spearing D.
Издание:American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1982 г., 408 стр., ISBN: 0891813071
Sandstone depositional environments / Условия образования песчаников

The study of sandstone depositional environments has an extensive existing literature. Much of this literature is oriented toward the specialist in the field rather than the generalist, and contains materials largely devoted to the hydrodynamics of sedimentation or the mechanisms of sediment movement and deposition; a minority contains well-illustrated material which is applicable to recognition of depositional environments. This volume is specifically designed for use by the non-sedimentologist, the petroleum
geologist, or the field geologist who needs to use sandstone depositional environments in facies reconstructions and environmental interpretations. <...>

Выпуск 68
Автор(ы):Потулова Н.
Редактор(ы):Тетяев М.М.
Издание:Геологический комитет, Ленинград, 1927 г., 55 стр.
Геологический Комитет. Материалы по общей и прикладной геологии. Выпуск 68. Оболовые песчаники и диктионемовый сланец Ленинградской губы

Предлагаемая работа по изучению кембрийских песчаников и диктионемоного сланца Ленинградской губернии была сделана летом 1920 года под руководством М.М. Тетяева.
Это первая попытка самостоятельной полевой работы, притом в условиях чрезвычайно трудных. Полное отсутствие каких-либо средств при выполнении ее, необходимость итти многие версты пешком, таща на спине как образцы, так и собственное пропитание, и часто не на один день, сделали то, что материал собран не с такой исчерпывающей полнотой, как мне этого хотелось. Не было возможности иллюстрировать образцами полные разрезы, а приходилось брать образцы только наиболее характерных или почему-либо интересных разностей. <...>

МеткиДиктионемовый сланец, Ленинградская область, Оболовые песчаники, Песчаники, Сланцы, Труды Геологического комитета
Выпуск 153
Автор(ы):Симанович И.М.
Редактор(ы):Пейве А.В., Шутов В.Д.
Издание:Наука, Москва, 1966 г., 143 стр., УДК: 552.16/552.45+522.51 (471.22)
Труды геологического института. Выпуск 153. Эпигенез и начальный метаморфизм Шокшинских кварцито-песчаников

За последние годы достигнуты значительные успехи в изучении эпигенеза терригенных осадочных пород. Работами А.Г. Коссовской и В.Д. Шутова (1955i, 1956, 1957; Коссовская и др., 1957; Шутов, 1960), A.В. Копелиовича (1958Ь 2, 1960, 1962) и некоторых других исследователей выявлены эпигенетическая зональность преобразованных осадочных толщ и этапность процессов эпигенеза.

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