Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
New perspectives on deep-water sandstones. Origin, recognition, initiation and reservoir quality / Новые взгляды на глубоководные песчаники. Происхождение, распознавание, инициация и качество коллектора
This volume is a follow-up to my earlier book “Deep-Water Processes and Facies Models: Implications for Sandstone Petroleum Reservoirs,” published under Elsevier’s “Handbook of Petroleum Exploration and Production” series (Volume 5). In that book and in my other publications, I have discussed the obsolescence of turbidite facies models and have advocated the importance of sandy mass-transport deposits (SMTDs) and bottom-current reworked sands (BCRSs) as deep-water reservoir facies. Although my views were considered “dissident” not so long ago, these views are becoming increasingly “mainstream” today. In advancing this new perspective, the primary goal of this book is to consolidate the rock data and convince the reader of the importance of SMTD and BCRS in petroleum geology. This book is an antidote to the current complacency-ridden interpretation of deepwater sands based on turbidite and contourite facies models. <...>