Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
Several instructors have contributed to the evolution of this laboratory manual over the years. Contributors include, alphabetically, Maurice G. Cook, Emeritus Professor of Soil Science, North Carolina State University; David A. Crouse, Associate Professor of Soil Science, North Carolina State University; Larry D. King, Emeritus Professor of Soil Science, North Carolina State University; H. Joseph Kleiss, Emeritus Professor of Soil Science, North Carolina State University; Colby J. Moorberg, Assistant Professor of Soil Science, Kansas State University; Lloyd Stone, Emeritus Professor of Agronomy, Kansas State University; and James A. Thompson, Professor of Soil Science, West Virginia University. Editorial support was provided by Nora Ransom. Contributions were also made by countless graduate teaching assistants over the development of the manual. Funding was provided by the Kansas State University Open/Alternative Textbook Initiative. This is contribution no. 18-128-B of the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station <...>
The pu rpose of th is exercise is to take the student into the field to dig in soils, to appreciate the characteristics of soil differences outlined in pages 1-40 of the textbook. This exercise can consist of several short field trips, or several half-days of describing different soils according to the format given on pages 8 and 10 of the textbook.
This workbook is a “practical companion” to the second edition of Reservoir Stimulation (published by Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ in 1989), and it is my intention that the two books be used together. I feel this new volume will be particularly useful for the training of new engineers and petroleum ehgineering students, as it contains approximately 100 problems and their solutions plus a lengthy chapter giving data necessary for designing a stimulation treatment.
This book is the third in a series of three, intended primarily to provide a working manual for laboratory technicians and others engaged in the testing of soils for building and engineering purposes. It is not meant in any way to be used as a substitute for the Standards referred to therein, but to augment their requirements by the provision of step by step procedures. This third edition has been revised to take account of the current requirements of BS 1377: 1990,
Практическое руководство по стратиформным месторождениям твердых полезных ископаемых. Часть 4. Принципы и общие исследования. Том 7. Гипергенные и поверхностные рудные месторождения, текстуры и строение
Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique, Outre Mer (ORSTOM), Boudy, France Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique, Outre Mer (ORSTOM), Boudy, France
Geotechnical engineering differs from other forms of engineering by the composition of ground, which is composed of a wide range of solids with discontinuities, pores fluids and structures. These different elements composing the ground interact with one another increasing the complexity of any prediction. In traditional geotechnical analysis, limit equilibrium methods (LEM) are useful techniques for estimating the onset of failure.
In the past several decades considerable emphasis was placed on investigation of flotation properties of industrial minerals. The interest in process development for beneficiation of various industrial minerals also comes from the growing need to recover economic minerals from lower grade ores. In general terms these ores in which the minerals exist as ores are associated with, complex, silicates do not respond to the concentration methods used to treat higher-grade less complex mineral silicate ores.
Without reagents there would be no flotation, and without flotation the mining industry, as we know it today, would not exist. Reagents in mineral processing are therefore an inseparable part of the flotation process. Many books, articles and patents exist on development of reagents, reagent chemistry and reagent application.
This guide presents seven itineraries to investigate the geology of the Central Andes, which can be done in seven days of field work along main roads in northern Argentina and Chile. A total of 32 field stops are organized in a complete cross-section that cuts over 600 km of the mountain range, from the Subandean Zone and Eastern Cordillera, between latitudes 24°–23° 20' (Purmamarca–Quebrada de Humahuaca), to the Coastal Cordillera, between latitudes 22° 10'–20° 17' (Tocopilla– Iquique), passing through the domains of North Puna, Western Cordillera, Modern Volcanic Arc, Cordillera de la Sal and Cordillera Domeyko.
Increasing population density and industrialization are creating a high strain on the natural environment and resources of many countries. Therefore, precautionary measures to protect the environment and remedial action to repair the damages of the past have high priority. Resources to be protected are surface water and groundwater, soil and air. Hazards to these resources are landfills and industrial sites as well as mining facilities, including tailings, conditioning plants, and smelters, oil refineries, distribution facilities and pipelines, gas stations and other areas used by humans (e.g., military training sites).