Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
LISP-UK studies BLACK, K. S. & PATERSON, D. M. LISP-UK Littoral Investigation of Sediment Properties: an introduction DYER, K. R. The typology of intertidal mudflats AMOS, C. L., BRYLINSKY, M., SUTHERLAND, T. F., O'BRIEN, D., LEE, S. & CRAMP, A. The stability of a mudflat in the Humber estuary, South Yorkshire, UK CHRISTIE, M. C. & DYER, K. R. Measurements of the turbid tidal edge over the Skeffling mudflats
LAW, D. J. & BALE, A. J. In situ characterization of suspended particles using focused-beam, laser reflectance particle sizing BROWN, S. L. Sedimentation on a Humber saltmarsh WIDDOWS, J., BRINSLEY, M. & ELLIOTT, M. Use of in situ flume to quantify particle flux (biodeposition rates and sediment erosion) for an intertidal mudflat in relation to changes in current velocity and benthic macrofauna
This book is the outcome of experience, first with the Wadden Sea and later with other intertidal areas in the world visited by the author and co-authors, partly to do research, partly because of more personal interest and fascination. Intertidal areas can be important for many reasons besides scientific or economic ones, as the many activities testify that aim to keep intertidal areas in a (more or less) natural state.
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