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Sedimentary processes in the intertidal zone / Осадочные процессы в приливно-отливной зоне
LISP-UK studies
BLACK, K. S. & PATERSON, D. M. LISP-UK Littoral Investigation of Sediment Properties: an introduction
DYER, K. R. The typology of intertidal mudflats
AMOS, C. L., BRYLINSKY, M., SUTHERLAND, T. F., O'BRIEN, D., LEE, S. & CRAMP, A. The stability of a mudflat in the Humber estuary, South Yorkshire, UK
CHRISTIE, M. C. & DYER, K. R. Measurements of the turbid tidal edge over the Skeffling mudflats
LAW, D. J. & BALE, A. J. In situ characterization of suspended particles using focused-beam, laser reflectance particle sizing
BROWN, S. L. Sedimentation on a Humber saltmarsh
WIDDOWS, J., BRINSLEY, M. & ELLIOTT, M. Use of in situ flume to quantify particle flux (biodeposition rates and sediment erosion) for an intertidal mudflat in relation to changes in current velocity and benthic macrofauna
WILTSHIRE, K. n., TOLHURST, T., PATERSON, D. M., DAVIDSON, I. & GUST, G. Pigment fingerprints as markers of erosion and changes in cohesive sediment surface properties in simulated and natural erosion events
DAVEY, J. T. & PARTRIDGE, V. A. The macrofaunal communities of the Skeffling muds (Humber estuary), with special reference to bioturbation
UNDERWOOD, G. J. C. & SMITH, D. J. In situ measurements of exopolymer production by intertidal epipelic diatom-dominated biofilms in the Humber estuary
RUDDY, G., TURLEY, C. M. & JONES, T. E. R. Ecological interaction and sediment transport on an intertidal mudflat I. Evidence for a biologically mediated sediment-water interface
RUDDY, G., TURLEY, C. M. & JONES, T. E. R. Ecological interaction and sediment transport on an intertidal mudflat II. An experimental dynamic model of the sediment-water interface
WOOD, R. G., BLACK, K. S. & JAGO, C. F. Measurements and preliminary modelling of current velocity over an intertidal mudflat, Humber estuary, UK
Generic studies
RODRIGUEZ, H. N. & MEHTA, A. J. Considerations on wave-induced fluid mud streaming at open coasts
VAN DER LEE, W. T. B. The impact of fluid shear and the suspended sediment concentration on the mud floc size variation in the Dollard estuary, The Netherlands
MIKKELSEN, O. & PEJRUP, M. Comparison of flocculated and dispersed suspended sediment in the Dollard estuary
UNCLES, R. J., STEPHENS, J. A. & HARRIS, C. Seasonal variability of subtidal and intertidal sediment distributions in a muddy, macrotidal estuary: the Humber-Ouse, UK
RYAN, N. M. & COOPER, J. A. G. Spatial variability of tidal flats in response to wave exposure: examples from Strangford Lough, Co. Down, Northern Ireland
KORNMAN, B. A. & DE DECKERE, E. M. G. T. Temporal variation in sediment erodibility and suspended sediment dynamics in the Dollard estuary
CUNDY, A. B., COLLINS, P. E. F., TURNER, S. D., CROUDACE, I. W. & HORNE, D. 100 years of environmental change in a coastal wetland, Augusta Bay, southeast Sicily: evidence from geochemical and palaeoecological studies
WHITEHOUSE, R. J. S. & MITCHENER, H. J. Observations of the morphodynamic behaviour of an intertidal mudflat at different timescales
HULL, J. & NUNNY, R. Mapping intertidal sediment distributions using the RoxAnn system, Dornoch Firth, NE Scotland
RIETHMISLLER, R., HAKVOORT, J. H. M., HEINEKE, M., HEYMANN, K., KUHL, H. & WITTE, G. Relating erosion shear stress to tidal flat surface colour
SUTHERLAND, T. F., AMOS, C. L. & GRANT, J. The erosion threshold of biotic sediments: a comparison of methods
SHAIKH, M. A., MEADOWS, A. & MEADOWS, P. S. Biological control of avalanching and slope stability in the intertidal zone
MEADOWS, P. S., MEADOWS, A., WEST, F. J. C., SHAND, P. S. & SHAIKH, M. A. Mussels and mussel beds (Mytilus edulis) as stabilizers of sedimentary environments in the intertidal zone
MEADOWS, P. S., MURRAY, J. M. H., MEADOWS, A., MUIR WOOD, D. & WEST, F. J.C. Microscale biogeotechnical differences in intertidal sedimentary ecosystems
MEADOWS, A., MEADOWS, P. S. & MCLAUGHLIN, P. Spatial heterogeneity in an intertidal sedimentary environment and its macrobenthic community
BOORMAN, L. A., GARBUTT, A. & BARRATT, D. The role of vegetation in determining patterns of the accretion of salt marsh sediment