Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
The Apuan Alps are commonly defined by geologists with the term “tectonic window”, an area where geological processes have brought to the surface rocks that usually lie buried deep under other rock formations. The Apuan Metamorphic Complex is today divided into two tectonic units: the Apuan Unit and the Massa Unit to which belong the mineral deposits object of this study <...>
1 Introduction to the Landscapes and Landforms of Italy Mauro Soldati and Mauro Marchetti Part I Physical Environment 2 The Great Diversity of Italian Landscapes and Landforms: Their Origin and Human Imprint Mauro Marchetti, Mauro Soldati, and Vittoria Vandelli 3 Outline of the Geology of Italy Alfonso Bosellini 4 The Climate of Italy Simona Fratianni and Fiorella Acquaotta 5 Morphological Regions of Italy Paola Fredi and Elvidio Lupia Palmieri Part II Landscapes and Landforms
The Geological-Structural Map of the Central-Southern Apennines (Italy) provides entirely revised and original cartography for a large sector of the orogenic belt that stretches along peninsular Italy. New data collected by the authors over the past 20 years, together with fi eld revisions of published data, and available subsurface data are synthesized in two geological map sheets at scale 1:250,000 giving a regional overview of the stratigraphy, geometry, and structure of the Apenninic fold-and-thrust belt.
The Mediterranean Sea has been attracting the attention of numerous geoscientists from various countries and institutions for many years. A complex succession of geodynamic processes interplayed between Africa, Eurasia and the interposed ocean basins has characterized the geological history of the Mediterranean and surrounding regions, with ocean basin openings, plate and crustal block detachments, subductions, collisions, crustal extensions and contractions, arc and back-arc basin formation. In summary, in the Mediterranean area, on a regional scale, the imprint of all those significant plate-tectonics-related events observed on the larger global scale can be recognized. <...>
The 3rd Workshop of the Working Group on Lower Cretaceous Cephalopods gave us the opportunity to meet again some old friends and particularly to compare with them the Lower Cretaceous ammonite biostratigraphy of Umbria-Marche Apennines with the successions described in other countries. The meeting was organized in the Apennines, close to the outcrops, in a small, peaceful town of the Marche region where we forgot the typical "stress" of the big cities (noise, traffic jams, pollution). This pleasant atmosphere aroused a stimulating and productive workshop.
Приводится характеристика наиболее существенных сторон геологии, минералогии, геохимии и методов оценки важнейших типов урановых месторождений, составленная ведущими учеными США, Италии и Франции. Описываются поведение урана в различных зонах земной коры, образование урановых месторождений в связи с эволюцией земной коры во времени и пространстве, формы миграции к концентрации урана при образовании промышленных месторождений, а также вторичное изменение урановых руд вблизи поверхности земли. Для геологов, минералогов и геохимиков, изучающих месторождения урана.
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